When a Man and a Woman Are in Love

His  life  lies  within  hers

and  her  life  lies  within  his.

Each  lives  as  an  individual;

yet  they  also  live  for  indenpendent  goals,

but  they also  work  together  

to  achieve  their  dreams.

they  will  give  to  one  another

what  they  need  to  survive

and  help  fulfill  each  other's  wants.

They  will  turn  one  another's  

disappointment  into  satisfaction.

They  will  turn  one  another's

frustration  into  contentment.

They  will  learn  to  lern  on  each  other,

but  not  so  much  as  to  be

a  burden  on  the  other.

They  will  be  there  to  comfort  each  other 

in  time  of  sorrow.

They  will be  there  to  celebrate  together  

in  time  of  happiness.

When  a  man  and  a  woman  are  in  love,

his  life  lies  within  hers

and  her  life  lies  within  his.

Tother  they  will  love  one  another

for  the  rest  of  therir  lives