
New Age Of Earth 1977
Blackouts 1978
Belle Alliance 1979
Correlations 1979

New Age Of Earth (Virgin 1977)

Album Legnth: 47:53

Genre: Electronic

Best Song: 'Ocean Of Tenderness'

Release Info: CD Reissue CAROL 1667-2


1. Sunrain 7.32
2. Ocean Of Tenderness 12.42
3. Deep Distance 5.49
4. Nightdust 21.50
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Average Rating based on 15 votes: 3.6


Originally this album was released in late 1976 as an Ash Ra Tempel album in France, but was released internationally the following year under the Ashra title, therefore, I am including it under the latter. This album is seen by many as a milestone in Electronic/Ambient music. Like the preceding Ash Ra Tempel album, Manuel Gottsching is the only performer on this CD, or so I have been led to believe. The four tracks are fully composed, arranged and performed by Gottsching. The style of the music is a bit of a mixture of meditative ambient and electronic music and what would later become known as dance/techno. The first track 'Sunrain' has a very prototypical techno/dance beat to the sound and is totally synth-driven. The music on the album is very well executed and the production values are incredible for the time (the sound is really clean and layered!). This album is a great album to listen to while laying on a couch in a dark room lit by lava-lamp light. The music on this album has a sort of healing quality to it and when in the right mood can flow through your mind. [5/5 Doug]


Manuel Gotsching - Guitar, Synthesizer, Electronics

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