
Movies 1979
On The Way To The Peak Of Normal 1981
The East Is Red 1984
Rome Remains Rome 1987
Radio Waves Surfer 1991
Moving Pictures 1993
Good Morning Story 1999
La Luna 2000
Time And Tide 2001
Linear City 2002
The New Millenium 2003

La Luna (Tone Casualties 2000)

Album Legnth: 47:17

Recorded: May 17, 1996 Holger's Lab Cologne Germany

Genre: Electronic

Release Info: 2000 CD Release Tone Casualties TCCD 9945


1. La Luna 47.17
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Average Rating based on 7 votes: 3.4


I will begin with a possible Iggy Pop lyric if he were to remake 'Funtime': "I was down in the lab hanging around with Holger and U-She". First, let me say that I like the 'warning' on the back of the CD case which reads "Featuring unconventional sound adventures and daring endeavors in new music." As if some fan of modern music (ie. Korn, Britney Spears, or N'SYNC) is gonna pick this one up by mistake... LOL!!! Recorded in 1995, 'La Luna' is a forty-seven minute ambient piece which navigates the listener through dark, droning, repetitive passageways along with brooding and occasionally quirky electronic corridors. The first half of the journey is dominated by a repetitive electronic drum pattern and a reverberating electronic pattern which at times brings a dreamy almost floating quality to the track. The track also contains a hypnotic pulse which is oddly reminiscent of a human heart beat. There is even a part in the middle in which U-She can be heard reciting a mantra for the moon. Although I have not tried doing so, I imagine that this CD would be best listened to with headphones. This track provides a great ambience for those times when you just want to lay on the couch, close your eyes, and drift away. Whether it appeals to you as a listener will depend on your tastes, but electronics gurus should find it pleasureful listening. [3/5 Doug]


Holger Czukay - Electronics
U-She - Vocals

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