
Highdelberg 1975
Psychedelic Guitar 1994
Wave Cut 1995

Highdelberg (Happy Bird Records 1975)

Album Legnth: 40:44

Genre: Rock

Best Song: 'Kosmische Phyrze'

Release Info: 1997 CD Release ATM 3822-AH


1. Der Platzhirsch 4.24
2. Odenwald-Polka 4.49
3. Wapitis Ruckkehr 3.50
4. Kosmische Phyrze 8.00
5. Super Normal Rider 5.01
6. A National Affair 4.14
7. No Matter, No 769 4.02
8. Saure Drops Und Susser Wein 6.24
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I’m sure many folks bought Ax’s 1975 solo-debut ‘Highdelberg’ expecting the greatest freak out acid guitar album of all time, however, the album doesn’t feature any of his patented Guru Guru acid guitar sound. Much like Peter Bursch und Die Broselmaschine’s self-titled 1976 LP, ‘Highdelberg’ stems from recording sessions where the music was done by friends stopping by to jam. With the likes of Mani Neumeier, Cluster, and 3/4ths of Kraan by his side, Genrich made his first recordings since leaving Guru Guru in 1973. The end result leaves a lot to be desired. The standout track, 'Kosmische Phyrze' is a dreamy instrumental containing guitar-based rock and electronic sound effects supplied by Cluster resulting in a very original sound. 'Saure Drops Und Suser Wein' contains a goofy rock sound which can be compared to Guru Guru's self-titled 1973 LP. Sadly, the rest of the album suffers from lack of direction as the songs meander from style to style: Rock, Folk, Blues, Parody and even Country. Though the tracks are not in sequential order, 'Highdelberg' was reissued along with other Genrich recordings on ATM Records' 1997 'Best of Ax Genrich' CD release. [1/5 Doug]


Ax Genrich - Guitar, Vocals
Mani Neumeier - Drums, Percussion
Helmut Hattler - Bass
Jan Fride - Drums, Percussion
Peter Wollbrant - Guitar
Joachim Roedelius - Electronics
Dieter Moebius - Electronics

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