
Lord Krishna Von Goloka 1973

Lord Krishna Von Goloka (Kosmische 1973)

Album Legnth: 42.44

Recorded: 1972 Dierks Studio, Stommeln

Genre: Space Rock/Acid Folk

Best Song: 'Die Weisse Alm'

Release Info: 1996 CD Reissue SPALAX CD 14883


1. Der Reigen 16.34
2. Die Weisse Alm 5.49
3. Die Hoch Zeit 19.25
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Take a cup of space rock, add some acid folk, a pinch of electronic effects and you have 'Lord Krishna von Goloka' from Sergius Golowin and the Kosmische Kurierer gang (quite possibly their best album). Unfortunately, the album is in German, but it shouldn't take a genius to figure out what is going on; Timothy Leary maybe, but a genius, no. 'Der Reigen' opens the album and brings forth images of a cosmic journey through time back to the medieval period of self-enlightened gypsy wanderers. 'Die Weisse Alm' owes its existence to the Witthuser and Westrupp acid-folk sound. The track has an effective meditative quality in part driven by Golowin's slow, hypnotic annunciation of the lyrics which appear to float over top the majestic musical atmosphere. A bit looser than the previous two tracks, 'Die Hoch-Zeit' (The High Time!) appears to be a bit more spur of the moment. The mood of this track often changes suddenly, moving from space rock to acid folk to electronic ambience and everywhere in between, the track plays like a trip, hence the title. As somebody I met at a record convention put it: "Head-ie times my friend. Head-ie times indeed." [5/5 Doug]


Bernd Witthuser - Guitar
Walter Westrupp - Guitar
Sergius Golowin - Vocals
Jerry Berkers - Guitar
Jurgen Dollase - Keyboards
Klaus Schulze - Drums, Mellotron, Electronics, Organ, Guitar, Percussion

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