
Trauma (German) 1971
Trauma (English) 1972
I Turned To See What Voice It Was 1973

Trauma (BASF 1971)

Album Legnth: 40:26

Recorded: Early 1971 Produced by Konrad Plank

Genre: Rock

Best Song: 'Trauma'

Release Info: 1996 CD Reissue Spalax 14509


1. Journey 3.10
2. Trauma 13.12
3. Yesterday 3.44
4. Lola 4.25
5. Dead Land 3.27
6. Summer 2.49
7. Rainbowlight 2.41
8. Dance of Circles 3.05
9. Firehands 3.13
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This is the groups second release, but is in actuality a remake of their first album; however, this time they did the songs with English lyrics and a more progressive edge. 'Trauma' has two things going for it. First, the cover which is a close-up of female lips smoking a joint overtop of which the faces of the band members are projected. Second, the album contains the tremendous thirteen-minute title track which I'm sure most fans will agree to be one of the Kraut genres top jams! Sadly, the rest of the album pales in comparison as the songs are a weak mixture of psychedelic and beat influence which sounds very upbeat and only occasionally interesting. The album opens with 'Journey' which displays some decent bluesy-psychedelic guitar playing. Following this is the aforementioned title track which contains two jamming sections. The first jam section contains tripped out psych guitar playing complete with reverb which echoes overtop a spacey bass line; the section jam section is filled roaring pick slides and distortion as well as a nasty organ sound. Of the remaining tracks, only 'Lola' and 'Summer' strike me and this is mainly due to their guitar work because as songs they aren't that great. 'Lola' has a great section containing some interesting tom-tom action overtop of which flows some wild guitar work. Likewise, 'Summer' has a playful feel dominated by great guitar and organ playing. Needless to say if it were not for the title track the album be a complete waste as it is by far the weakest album in my ever-growing Kraut collection. [2/5 Doug]


Ad Ochel - Guitar, Vocals
Peter Patten - Vocals
Helmut Pohl - Drums, Flute
Ali Claudi - Guitar, Vocals
Eberhard Krietsch - Keyboards, Bass, Vocals

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