
Crawling To Lhasa 1972

Crawling To Lhasa (Private 1972)

Album Legnth: 40:39

Recorded: 1972 Willy Neubauer Studio - Dusseldorf

Genre: Acid Folk/Eastern

Best Song: 'Raga No. 11'

Release Info: 2001 CD Reissue GOD CD053


1. Nearby Shiras 9.16
2. Jaceline 6.15
3. Raga No. 11 5.34
4. September Fullmoon 9.35
5. Arapaho's Circle Dance 2.28
6. Tante Olga 7.31
7. Vamos 6.48*
8. Déjà Vu 5.38*

*=Bonus Track
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'Crawling To Lhasa' should appeal to lovers of acid-folk, Eastern psychedelia, and general weirdness. Recorded in the same studio as Dom's 'Edge of Time', the album was released privately in 1972 and has seen many bootleg releases since. Kalacakra ("wheel of time" in Tibetan) mixed together folk, blues, mantras, and psych influences in an eclectic manner, creating a weird album which is sure to delight many. The album kicks off with 'Naerby Shiras', a mantric mixture Eastern and folk influences, the track contains demented screeching vocals telling of how Die Schwarze Pest (the black plague) destroyed the Persian town of Naerby Shiras. Beginning with conga percussion, 'Jaceline' exhibits more Eastern and folk influence and is highlighted by an atmospheric vibraphone. The instrumental 'Raga No. 11' is hands down the standout track due to its trancelike abilities and excellent musicianship. Following this is the folky instrumental 'September Fullmoon'. An instrumental folk jam dominated by acoustic guitar and flute, this track could easily be mistaken for Broselmaschine, for whom Kalacakra once opened in 1972. 'Arapaho's Circle Dance', combines psychedelic guitar, harmonica, and a pulsing rhythm section to create a unique atmosphere. Finally, the album closes with the highly erratic blues track, 'Tante Olga' which outdoes Syd Barrett's 'Maise' as the most acid-drenched adaptation of a standard blues riff. The Garden Of Delights CD reissue contains two bonus tracks; new electronic recordings which might be of interest to some. [4/5 Doug]


Claus Rauschenbach - Guitar, Conga, Percussion, Vocals
Heinz Martin - Guitar, Flute, Piano, Synthesizer, Cello, Violin

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