& Aspirations
When we
received Kristen's and Sean's wedding invitation, I
felt honored, as well as excited and elated for them, Kelen, their parents, and Kristen's Aunt
Cecelia, who is one of my dearest friends.
Aunty Cecelia
because I know how dear Kristen and her mother, Patricia, is to Cecelia.
And Great-Aunty Cecelia is head over heels in love with Kelen.
Kristen is
Cecelia's niece and Patricia, her sister.
Because of
Cecelia, everyone in her family is dear to me, especially Kristen.
When she was in high school, we once all worked together.
this much anticipated experience meant a lot to Mary Lou, who also works
with us, my dear husband (DH) and me (AU).
Excited and
elated, because we, DH and I, know what a bonanza of happiness being married can be.
As was
everyone else's, especially their Aunt Cecelia's, our fervent hope for Kristen and Sean is
this: they will enjoy marriage to the fullest.
By our
presence, we witnessed, supported and rejoiced in their public
commitment to one another.


. Family
and friends were invited to witness and celebrate a sacred agreement
between Kristen and Sean with the following invitation:

and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
invite you to share in the joy
of the marriage uniting their daughter
Kristen Nicole
Sean Jason
on Saturday, the eighth of June
two thousand two
at five-thirty in the afternoon
Aboard the yacht "The Empress"
3404 Via Oporto
Newport Beach, California
and Dinner following
Married when the year is new,
he'll be loving, kind & true,
When February birds do mate, You wed nor dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know.
Marry in April when you can, Joy for Maiden & for Man.
Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day.
Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go.
Those who in July do wed, must labour for their daily bred.
Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see
Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.
When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.
June weddings became
because it is the month of Juno,
the Roman Queen of Heaven and Goddess
of femininity and marriage.
in the month of June,
life will be one honeymoon.

the Meaning Back into Time-honored Wedding
Traditions and Rituals
I've been to many weddings,
and the traditions and rituals are so commonplace that I've never questioned
Most couples adhere to the
traditions by going through the motions of the rituals, clueless as to
their origins and meanings.
Putting this website
together, I began wondering where they came from or
why these traditions and rituals began in the first place. With the help
of an efficient search
engine (google.com), I was able to research them, learning so much about
them that I will not merely take them for granted.
I learned that many are
rituals of connection and intimacy and community that help provide
meaningful foundations upon which to build successful, lasting
marriages. A number of them are
touchingly meaningful and worthy of reflection.
On the left column, I'll
include snippets about wedding traditions and rituals that caught my
Perhaps like me, learning
about them will give you a whole new appreciation of them. They endure
because they do serve purposes, however subliminal or unawares.

about.com: The History of Marriage