
Kristen & Sean's Marriage |

In Hawaiian culture, we
believe that guests are invited to a wedding for a sacred purpose; not just to
witness, but to participate fully with their mana`o -- thoughts -- and
A Message for Kristen and
Pearls of Wisdom:
The Art of Marriage
"May a flock of blessings light upon thy backs."
~ Shakespeare
invoke thy gentlest blessings, O God,
on all true lovers.
We thank
you for the revealing power of love,
which divines in the one beloved
the mystic beauty,
and glory of humanity.
We thank
you for the transfiguring power of love,
which ripens and ennobles our
calling forth the hidden stores
of tenderness and strength
overcomes selfishness
by the passion of self-surrender.
May the love of Kristen and Sean be strong,
that no
misunderstanding loosen the bond
and no passing of the years
have the
power to dim the light
that now glows in them.
they early gain wisdom
to discern the true values of life,
and may no
take from them the wholesome peace
and inward
satisfaction which only love can give.
them vision to look beyond this moment
to the generations yet to come,
and to know that the home they create
will be part of the sacred body
of humanity
in which you dwell,
that they may have reverence
others and for themselves,
and drink the cup of joy with awe.
As you
join in marriage,
may life always be a shared adventure,
marked by a sense of personal freedom,
as well as mutual responsibility.
May you
find in each other companionship as well as love; understanding as
well as compassion;
challenge as well as agreement.
May the
home you establish be an island where the pressures of the world can
be sorted out
and brought into focus;
where tensions can be released and understood;
where personal needs do not tower over concern for others and where
the warmth of humor and love
puts crisis into perspective.
above all,
may you find an ever richer joy
in loving and learning together.
"May these
rich blessings be your due...
A wealth of friendships, old and new,
quiet nights and busy days,
time for prayer and time for praise,
some service rendered, some solace given,
and gentle peace with God and heaven."
a house of love be always yours,
May you heed each others’ wishes
May pleasures come in twos and fours
And quarrels end in kisses.
one another,
but make not a bond of that love.
Let it rather be like a moving sea
between the shores of your souls.
stand together, and yet not too near together.
For even the pillars of the temple must stand apart;
and the oak tree and the cypress
will not grow in each other's shadow.
that love gives nothing but from itself.
Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed,
for love is sufficient unto love.
think not that you can direct the course of love.
For love, if it finds you worthy, will direct your
~ Kahlil Gibran
Apache Blessing
Now you will feel no rain
for each of you will be
shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold
for each of you will be warmth for
the other.
Now there is no loneliness for you,
now you are two persons
but there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place
to enter into the days of your
and may your days be good and long together.
Celtic Wedding Blessing
Fantasy Wedding Blessing
Scottish Wedding Blessing

Go now in peace in
love, and may these things touch your hearts, and be with you
through the days of your life together.
