What Makes Him So
Here are some
of the reasons our members came up with!
Why do I like Kurei? well, I think he is so sexy! ^^
and since he's so evil, that doubles it for me ^^ I could sit in front of
the tv and watch Kurei all day. I even made my own button ^^ to link the
He is cute!
Well, he's my first evil idol so that's the bottom line
cause CURLY said so!
he just rulz, with the fire angel and Jisho at his
side, he's so KEWL!!
He isn't really a bad guy at heart … He has suffered
enough I don't think anybody could keep as cool as he was … Hes just so cool
and no matter what he does and I think he just took a wrong turn somewhere,thats
all …
He's really cool. Kurenai is one of the most original
and nice 'moves' in anime ~!!!
i think he is cute
i kinda feel sorry for how ppl have treated him, hey i
have a weakspot for the badguys
Because his character evolves, you can never tell
whether he's purely evil in one episode or compassionate the next.
Exceptional leader...for Uruha.
Can I say it in Chinese? I will send a long article if
there any need!!! But I think no words can express my love~~~~~ I love Kurei~~~~
so~~~~I love!!!!
he's juz plain cool...especially that burn on his face
He is just like a rose(no offense! Just describing).He
can be warm and cold at the same time.I like his attitude.
I love the darkness that envelopes his soul, and I
sympathize his sad childhood and loss of his true love. He is truely an evil and
militous villian for good reasons. Oh ya, and his outfit rocks!
Kurei's so cool! he seems kinda evil at first but
actually he is not! He is also so handsome plus mysterious!!!!
he is so evil, yet passionte about it. =)
He is so cool. I love his flame and i think that he
isn't very cruel when he is not fighting
Why? Because he's evil! Not really evil...one of those
'evil because of my lousy childhood and horrible father' types, ala Soujiro.
Sou-chan's not EVIL! His 'family' beat him up a lot and he never felt love, just
like Kurei! ^_^
because he's better than recca. he's much more lovable
than recca. and besides, i don't like the idea of making him the villain just
because of the bad things that happened in his life. that's injustice! kurei
needs a break too. he also deserves to have a better life than what is
happening. i just can't accept the idea that kurei is suffering...no! maybe it
wasn't recca's fault why it's happening to him...but still he has no right to
judge kurei like that! kurei is better than recca than any aspect....
I like Kurei when he was not yet with URUHA because he
looks so kind and gentle especially to Scarlet (I dont know if the spelling is
Because he is very cool and handsome!!
HE'S THE GREATEST. he have self confident. and he is
very cute.
I like Kurei because of his intellegence and charm. And
his ability to kill and harm people.
Because for me, he ii the coolest guy in the FoR and
y'know, he has an air of mystery...
Everybody hates Kurei-sama because he's... "evil." He's not *completely* evil, though he
says he is. And at the end of episode 42 I cursed about Mori Kouran (eggh) for a long long time and my friends had to handle my Kurei rants! The
reasons I love him is because he's so beautiful/handsome, very elegant, and his style is very very well chosen ~_^ In some of those scenes you just
wanna go up and hug the poor guy, too! Evil stupid *()@#$ Mori Kouran... (I got philisophical, so what! ^_-)
I like him because there are so much that I wonder about him. I often think
that he is really much better than Rekka but I can't understand how Rekka was able to penetrate into him. For me he's one of the most innocent people in this
He's a hot, sexy, intriguing flame castor
I like Kurei cos of his past with Kureinai, and that the fact that he's not reallie a baddie.
I luv Kurei because he's one of those misunderstood bad guys. Deep down,
he's a wonderfully sweet person. That's why he rocks, for me at least.
He's a much better character than Recca, and his Flame is cooler
looking. He's bishounen ^_^. And he reminds me of Enishi from Rurouni Kenshin
when he was a kid.
Because he's a much better character than Recca, and
his Flame is cooler looking. He's bishounen ^_^. And he reminds me of Enishi
from Rurouni Kenshin when he was a kid.
I guess my reasons would b 2 typical; he's had a sad
past & yet he manages 2 b able 2 protect people he cares about. Not 2
mention those cool masks he wears, he's Raiha's best buddy (well sorta, it's a
special relationship @_@), & seems 2 b getting a grasp on what he wants in
life. He's NOT crazy, just misunderstood. ^_^
I like Kurei because the animation is the bomb!
cute, he's strong, he's rich, he's bishonen, he looks like Hagiri Kaname, he's
insane, he's a flame caster, he smiles, he was traumatized as a child and not
just plain loony like his freakish step-father, he's cute, what can i say?
I like the way he fights and his attitude.
He's kawaii ('specially with out the mask) he is a kick
ass evil man!! >:) What's not to like?
Besides the fact that he can actually look cool in
those clothes & a silver mask, he can kick Recca's butt. 'Nuff said.
I like Kurei because he wears a cool
outfit, mask and even his bracelets are cool. And what I like best is his flame's
color and power!
Cos i lurveee ALL vallians n Kurei is
damn KEWL!! Need I say more:P
He's the only relatively non-flat
character in Flame of Recca, besides Koganei. Looks especially cool in 3-eye
mask and billowing cloak.
I like Kurei because of his life.. It is
so sad..
He's so mean,actually i like villains.
They're way cooolllll!
So COOL!!!
It should be called Flame of Kurei.
I think he's very smart, strong,
and lovely. He's a good flame master as Rekka~kun.
a hot sexy handsome intriguing flamecaster.
He is so hot, burning hot. My second fav charactor in Flame of Recca.
I like Kurei because I believe, on the inside, he isn't really evil, he just had a very bad twist of fate in his life, and was never really given a chance to be himself. (plus he's bishounen ;)
Because he is one of the Uruha Cool (which are namely Kurei, Neon, Raiha,
and Joker) and also according to Neon he is one hot handsome sexy intriguing flame mastah!!!
Kurei wears purple lipstick and I like the color purple :P
I am the All evil
supporter...well actually I found Kurei very handsome and
He's my fave villain. ^_^
And, well, he has such a painful existence, which totally justifies
his evilness.
In my opinion,he is very
tender and perfect. I think he is very need be cared by
someone.Although he seems cruel, he just hides his emotion.So I love
him very much.
Because i find him cooler
than Recca ( Not that Recca is that bad.....)
Because he's my honey's
brother! Just kidding! I like him because he's bad but then he isn't!
And he was so cute before he went insane and before he got the scar!
He and Neon are meant to be together, and the story with Kurenai is
so SAD!
He's soooooo hot, he's
cool! No, really...
He is cool and he has a kind
heart too, only the heart is temporarily chilled by the brutality of
life but one day, his gentleness will be revealed!
Hm, I don't really know. I
tend to like villans a lot. I guess it's also because he's had such a
sad past, not to mention the fact that he has a such a cool flame. (I
meant that figuratively, in case you didn't know. ^_~)
He's the head of uruha,
therefore my master and he had a really sad story...
I like Kurei coz he is so
cool. that he grew alone. He cares about his brother even if he is
Kurei's enemy and he cares about his mother Reina .
He's the coolest and cutest
villain I've ever seen.
He's got a multi-faceted
personality-- more so than a lot of the "good guys" do-- which makes
him more interesting because he's more like a real person. Even if he
can summon Flame... ^_^
He's cool! He's
'Cause his so
Cus he's the only person with
enough coolness to fight with the rank of number one in the manga.
And what i like most bout him is his 'so what if i kill you, you're
just trash to me' type of attitude. But his loyalty to those that
also stay loyal to him is admirable.
Because Kurei is so beautiful
and strong!! I love his dress and his holy flame~~~~~ ^^ He's life
experience was so sorrowful...><
In short, I like men who's
big (maybe not in Kurei's sense), bad, maniacal and
He literally 'drips' with
attitude and coolness! and what's best is that we know that
underneath that amazing demeanour he has a good heart and tragic
past! sigh **swoon** :)
Kurei totally rocks
a. he has the most amazing
power. wow sacred flame, and Kurenai.
b. despite the fact that he
has a....bastardo like Kouran who raised him, he still manages to
retain his sense of honor.
c. he formed one heck of a
group, the Uruha Jyujinshuu, with people like Raiha,Neon, Joker as
it's members. Is that not reason enough?
d. His personality. Darned if
this guy's coldness isn't a really big fascination! He is a very
complex character, full of contradictions. He is willing to commit
evil, but he does it on his own terms. He believes in fighting with
honor yet would not hesitate to harm Yanagi. He is
very...well...loyal and I suppose... caring? to the members of his
group, yet when it comes to people fialing him or making mistakes or
leaving the group, he would not think twice of killing them. A
perfect example is Kaoru Koganei. It makes you want to find out which
is the true him....only for you to realize that this IS the true him.
A misguided boy, born from only lust and cruelty, raised in agony,
weaned in pain. Tragedy is very much a part of Kurei.
e. His past. Tragic, and
bittersweet. Raised to by a mother whose love intermingled with envy
and bitterness, made him into an unloving and cold little boy. As a
child he wanted only one thing. His mother's happiness. Uncared for
by his father, abused by the people around him, his mind grew twisted
and corrupted. He thought that getting rid of his half-brother, the
one who believed was the cause of all his miseries, he knew now of
the wrongness of his actions. All he knew was that if Recca was gone,
his mother would be happy again. As if this wasn't terrible enough,
Recca was taken in by a kind and caring man when he and Kurei were
brought to the future, while Kurei.... well looks to me he's just
unlucky in the universal lottery. He may have gotten a rich man to
rear him, but his evilness twisted Kurei's already dark mind, and
stained his soul with blood. But somehow, through all the torture,
through all the pain, Kurei kept his honor, and his
f. His love. Kurei and
Kurenai. More tragic than Romeo and Juliet, or that titanic thing.
(please! both sickens me and not because the guys in the
aforementioned movie were played by the same actor. it has nothing to
do with that. I really just loathe the play of romeo and juliet) For
one instant in his life, did he feel that he was loved,
unconditionally, completely, a pure kind of love, not tainted by
bitterness or driven by lust for power. He received this most
precious gift from Kurenai. Most of us take for granted, the kind of
love we receive form our parents. Kurei has never before experienced
it, not even with the mother who raised him. Along with the food she
gave him, she fed him her bitterness to poison the mind. Kurenai,
loved him, loved him without reservations. She was everything he
desired but never had. She was all that was pure. All that was sweet.
All that was kind. And even that was taken from him.
g. His pain. It seemed that
his life was eternally marked with pain. Marred with scars of the
soul, ones that would never heal, not ever.
h. He is certainly far more
interesting than Hanabishi. The only one who I love more is Mikagami.
No contest, but Kurei.... well he's the 2nd most interesting
character. Recca may be totally awesome, (ninja, adores his hime, too
good to be true my man!) he is simply that. A guy with ninja skills
and flame dragons. He wants to protect his hime, and will do anything
to do so. That's it. No hidden layers to him, nothing that makes him
a difficult character to understand. He's basically your typical
anime hero.
i. I've always found the
villains more interesting than the heroes. Because for all their
evil, and cruelty, there's always a layer of humanity underneath. It
doesn't excuse their actions but you at least feel sorry for them.
Although Kurei would likely toast me for saying I feel sorry for
j. Let's face it, the guy is
a total hottie. Even that scar...I find it disturbingly sexy. Whoa.
*ducks flames from Kurenai* A totally gorgeous guy, if you get past,
the mask, long nails, purple lipstick, and earrings. *grins* when i
first saw him I went like....whoa is he a guy or a girl? I often
confused him with Kage Houshi (in the first ep, in the first
This is why I adore the guy.
Any questions? No? Good.
to the Kurei Fanclub