Hulk Movie Merchandise

Here's a bit of a showcase, of just some of the hundreds of Hulk movie merchandise items that have begun to rear their sometimes tasty-lookin' green heads around the US.

A very big Thank You to Joe Burke for submitting snaps of his Hulk collection, shown below...

Hulk Limited Edition Cereal with Marshmallow bits, by Post.

Hulk Cotton Candy.

Hershey's GREEN(!) colour Chocolate Syrup.

Bubble Yum Giant Green Gumballs.

Box of Hulk Sour Gummies.

Jolly Rancher brand Hulk-Shaped Gummies.

Hulk Playing Cards.

The Incredible Hulk 50 piece Jigsaw Puzzle.

Slim Jim "Hulk-Sized" Spicy Smoked Snack Stick.

Slim Jim Spicy Smoked Snacks
in a can of 24.

Hulk jelly candy suckers.

Hulk green apple-flavoured Twizzlers.

Thanks again, Joe! You can see some of Joe Burke's great Hulk artwork in the Gamma Gallery

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