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This site reveals key plot elements of The Matrix Trilogy. In another words, if you have not seen the movies yet, proceed at your own risk.


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Wake Up And Realize The Truth
Explore The Matrix With Dew
(1st movie only)

Names, Numbers, & Religious Ties | Symbols & Objects | Themes & Concepts | Colors | Wizard Of Oz/Alice In Wonderland Connections | Plato's Allegory Of The Cave--A Template For "The Matrix" | Descartes's Meditations 1 & 2 and The Matrix | Spiritual/Philosophical Works & The Matrix | Trinity: A "Know Thyself" Role Model

RE: Plagiarism

In the fall of 2000 I pulled this site's articles after a college professor notified me that one of his student had committed plagiarism using them. (You can read the whole story here.)

After receiving an overwhelming number of emails, mostly from college teachers asking to see my articles (especially the one concerning Plato's Allegory Of The Cave), I decided to put them back up. After all, the way I see it is this: If you are a student and you decide you would rather copy my work rather than doing your own, you are just asking to get caught since so many teachers visit here--as well as other students. (FYI: I was contacted by another professor in the spring of 2003 about a student of his who was also punished for copying my work as well.)

RE: Complaints About Typos

As I have stated in my FAQ section, I have decided to leave certain typos and misspellings in my articles. (In fact, I have even added a few!) Why? Because it helps punish the students who just cut and paste my work for assignments.

Although it may seem hard to believe, I have actually received emails from students who have confessed to copying the work on this site, going on to state how angry they are that I didn't make the task even easier for them by fixing the typos, putting in footnotes, etc. Or worst yet, they tell me how it is MY fault that they didn't even know that there were typos in my articles (which resulted in lower grades) since they didn't "have the time" to read them because they're "too long."

While I don't mind fixing typos for the people who use my site for the right reasons, it bothers me that I'm also doing it for the cheaters who have the nerve to email me with their complaints. Plus, I really hate the thought of doing something that I know will aid future cheaters.

As a possible alternative to keeping in the errors, I have thought about just repeating words here and there in my articles or maybe inserting random phrases throughout my articles that students would have to remove such as "please don't cheat" or "this work isn't mine." If I did so, I'd put these phrases or words in black font so that they would only appear upon printing. Of course, this would take a lot of time (which I don't have much of) so I don't know if I will do so.

IMPORTANT: For those of who are writing Matrix papers for school and wish to use my site as a source feel free to do so--no further permission is required. However, please remember that all the articles on this site are copyrighted. This means that you MUST list Dew's Matrix Fan Page (http://www.oocities.org/hollywood/theater/9175) as a source and site all references or quotes according to your teacher's requirements. Keep in mind that while I tried my best to ensure the accuracy of this site's contents, I do not and can not take responsibility for any errors or omissions. In another words, you should not rely on this site's information without first checking its accuracy.

And while it is not an academic requirement, I strongly encourage you to email me and tell me if you have used, or plan to use, my articles as a source in a paper. I ask for your feedback because it is the only way that I know that my site is useful and helps me gauge what kinds of new articles are needed.


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A Work In Process


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