I still remember the day that Travis and I found out that we were going to have a baby. He went around telling everyone that he was going to be a daddy. Through out my pregnancy he was so wonderful, he would play music and read to the baby every night before we went to bed, even had a game that he played with Reanna before she was born called "tickle the tummy". I think he was even more excited about the baby than I was some times. He was so involved with my pregnancy he was there for every doctor's visit. When we  found out that Reanna was infact a little girl he was grinning  for 2 days strait. If you have read Reanna's story you know that she was delivered 10 weeks early by C-section. I will never forget the look on Travis's face when he first saw Reanna there was so much Love and Pride on his face and in his voice there are no words to explain it. It was almost as if you could see her tiny little finger extend across the room and Travis Happily wraped his self around it. He had tears in his eyes when he heard her cry. It was at that moment I knew she was "daddy's little girl". I love my daughter with all that I have but I never truely understood a fathers love untill that moment. I was a daddy's little girl and I grew up hearing you will never know how much your parents love you until you have your own....and boy was that true, but there's just something so special about  a daddy and his little girl. It breaks my heart to know that  there are so many thing Travis and Reanna will Never be able to do, Things that I was able to do with my dad.
   I did this page in honor of my husband and his "little girl" I just wish they could have known each other, I do know that when they do meet again it will be a joyous occasion.
   Dear Daddy
A gift for you on father's day,
what on earth could it be?
I know the gift you really want,
Is to once again, have me.
Or perhapsthe gift of understanding,
To understand a senseless loss.
I'm sorry, my dearest daddy,
but for those gifts you must talk to the boss.
The gift that I can give today,
are memories both sad and sweet.
From the touch of your hand on mommy's tummy, to my tiny feet.
Remember the joy you felt inside,
when you found out you'd be my daddy?
The great big smile upon your face,
You were over the moon, you were so happy.
Remember when you felt me move,
the wonder and love you'd feel?
Remember it today daddy,
it just might help you heal.
Remember the little cuddles we had,
and the moments that we shared?
Remember my little hands, and the color of my hair.
I love you dearest daddy, you know that this is true.
Just keep your memories of me alive,
and I will always live in you.
     ~~ Author Unknown