Music: "Honolulu Baby"

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head shot of kristi

Click HERE to see another picture of Kristi.

This is my friend Kristi, she's four years old, and weighs 7 lbs. 8 oz.
(BTW, Mom made me mad when she found out how much Kristi weighs, she
told me I need to go on a diet and lose a pound or so. I weigh 9 lbs,
but I think I carry my weight well, I don't care what Mom says.)
Kristi and her Mom, Chantelle, live in Hawaii. We met them on the
Internet when they sent us an email telling us they liked my web page.
Kristi is a loving dog, she's also a great protector for her family,
she barks at anyone who dares enter without her permission.
Some of her favorite things are going for car rides around town or
to the beach. Kristi loves her teddy bears, she has about 15 stuffed
animals that she loves to play fetch with. (I know how to play fetch too!)
Kristi enjoys being carried like a little baby all bundled up. Chantelle
says Kristi is so much fun and a joy to have -- that doesn't surprise me
'cause we Silkies are the best, just ask us!

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