Homemade Super Soakers

reviews tech homemades things

How the Constant Air Pressure System Works

The constant air pressure system, or CAP system, is a system that allows a water tank to be pressurized by a separate air tank, connected to the water tank by a regulator, creating a system that keeps water tank at the same pressure until the air tank becomes exhausted. This eliminates most drop-off and allows the air sitting on top of the water tank to be pressurized more. No stock soakers currently implement this technology, but it is possible to create a homemade version.

Less drop-off
Higher pressures easier to achieve

Must be homemade
May cost more (must use a regulator)

How it works:

1. Water is poured into water chamber
2. Air chamber is filled by means of bike pump or homemade pump
3. When valve is opened, the water is forced out the nozzle, while the air tank feeds the water tank to keep it at the same pressure throughout.

Note: Pressures not to scale