Homemade Super Soakers

reviews tech homemades things

What are Homemades?

Most of you are probably thinking, "Homemade super soakers? You mean you have to make them yourself? This guy is crazy." But I'm not going to tell you why people build homemades now; read my other article for that. Now, on to the good part.

Generally, homemades are made from PVC pipe (you know, that white pipe plumbers use?). And really, there isn't much else to use. Yes, you can use copper piping, ABS, CPVC, and such but PVC is what is usually used. Now, even though your super soaker you bought three summers ago might look like it doesn't have pipes in it (I'm starting from the VERY basics here), it is actually a whole bunch of pipes in a plastic shell. Homemades look ugly, but they are actually a better alternative to stock soakers (again, read this to see why).

Homemades are just a system of pipes. We don't have all those bells and whistles that soaker companies have, so we problem solve. Don't have triggers? What works like a trigger, comes in 3/4" size, and is made of PVC? A ball valve.

It doesn't pull like a trigger, but it serves the same function. What about pumps? We don't have those either. Simple answer, put a rubber O-ring around a wooden dowel and stick it in the place of a pump. Nozzles? A screw on PVC end cap. Once you understand the concept it becomes a peice of cake.
Curious what they look like? Here's a great web site:
Super Soaker Central APH (don't forget to come back!)
Now read some more of my Homemade articles!