Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan Booklet

Published in 1987 - In Spanish

Authors: Fernando Blanco Dopazo and other shifus from Spain. 48 pages including:
Introduction to Tang Lang Quan
Chi Shing Tang Lang History
Why Mantis Seven Stars ?
Fundamental Characteristics
Summary of the Style:
- Physical Exercises
- Body Conditioning
- Fighting Theories
- School Training
- Thowing
- Trapping
- Forms training
- Fighting
- Weapons' Training
- Dim Mak
- History and Tradition

Seven Star Mantis Boxing - Technical Notes by shifu Ferran
Mantis beats the Monkey " Lee Kwan Shan History" by shifu Jordi Vila

Price: 10 US$ plus shipping.
If you are interested in purchasing this booklet please contact: Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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