Xie Yong Ming

Praying Mantis Shifu

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

His name is also romanized as:
Alexander Tse / Tse Wing Ming.
Student of shifu Zhao Zhu Xi (Tai Ji Tang Lang Quan) in Hong Kong.
Shifu Tse Wing Ming wrote several books on Tai Ji Tang Lang including:
1. Duo Ming Shan (Killing Fan)
2. Beng Bu (Crush Step)
3. Lan Jie (Intercepting).

Shifu Xie Yong Ming also studied Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan under shifu Yuan Wen Jie and published many articles about praying mantis boxing in Hong Kong magazines.
Shifu Xie Yong Ming lives and teaches tang lang quan in Hong Kong.

Page Updated: 1st July 2007.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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