My old School - St Joseph

Me in Standard 1 in 1988 at St Joseph's Primary School (now known as St Joseph's Cathedral School, which was on the site of the former Convent school, now known as Catholic Pastoral Centre next to Kavanagh College.

This photo taken of me with my old class mates in the former Dominican sisters' garden in that year in 1988 at my old school, St Joseph's behind the Cathedral, which is now on the site of Kavanagh College in Dunedin.

My another class photo.

The photo was taken of the Catholic Pastoral Centre at the former site of St Joseph's Primary School in the old Novitiate Building, which has been refurnished adjacent to the Cathedral Chapel and the present ground of what is now called Kavanagh College.

My whole school photo was taken of outside old St Joseph's 'Rosary Hall', two years before the demolition.

Me with a group of children who have received their 1st communion with Father Colin Campbell, former Cathedral Administrator and their teacher Sister Paddy in St Joseph's Cathedral on the 20th of November 1988.

This photo taken of the angel's statue in my garden originally came from my old school St Joseph's, which was demolished in 1990 in Rattray St, on the site of Kavanagh College's Mercy Block behind the Cathedral.

My old School Photo was taken at St Joseph's Cathedral School during my final year in 1991.
Teachers and pupils moved into a new school in July 1990. That same school was
officially opened on 23rd of September the following year.

1985-1991 St Joseph's Cathedral School, Dunedin
1992-1998 Kavanagh College, Dunedin


Job-related Skills

-Using a computer
-Using word processing
-Using basic database
-Using basic spreadsheet
-Taking photographs

Transferable and Self Management Skills

-managing time
-organising and planning to meet deadlinees
-working towards a goal
-decision making

Personal Qualities

-Cultural sensitive
-Good sense of humour
-Easy going


Non-acedemic goal in Practical English

Leisure Interests

Chess, cricket, tennis, four squares, supplement articles, gardening, travelling, drawing, making friends, watching TV with subtitles, walking and computing etc.