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         BIOGRAPHY - Marion Iris TERRY Schaibly
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     Here is baby Marion with sister Rhea, taken in 1915 in Eaton Rapids. 
     Marion was a late-in-life baby; her only sister, Rhea, was 18 and off  to college  at Albion when my Mother was born on her parents' farm on Ferris  Road  near Arelius in December of 1913.

      Like the children of that time, she walked to and from the little one-room country school, down Aurelius Road.    As a young woman just out of  Yipsilanti Teachers' College, she taught at a one-room school house  nearby.  


Marion_Terry__c-1929.jpg (54665 bytes)In 1930 - 31, word was around the county there was lots of good music and pretty girls at Aurelius.    My mother certainly was a pretty young woman,  and so it was, at  Aurelius Town Hall where the community dances were held on Saturday nights,   Marion met my father.   
    Their favorite song to dance to was "Darktown Strutters' Ball".  My father, Frederick Arbour, was from Lansing.  The couple married on his 20th birthday, October 3, 1933.

I was born two years later at Saint Lawrence Hospital in Lansing, where they were living.  (I never got to see them dance)


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My Dad, Fred, who died in 1982,  was a life-time employee of  Oldsmobile Motor Co.

      This  is the only  picture I have of us together.....

Fred and Lynette 1936

Lynette  1939 (below)

Image_18-2.jpg (3063 bytes)   My parents divorced in 1939.  
But life went on for all of us; both  re-married. Fred remained in Michigan. In 1948, Mother, her second husband, Leslie Erlanger Young, and I moved to St. Petersburg, Florida where I attended Lealman Jr. High and St. Petersburg High School.  They were divorced and in 1951 Marion married Paul W.Schaibly  of  Cleveland, Ohio. 


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Marion was an avid genealogist.  Her work on the descendants of the Samuel Terry line involved many years of  happy, active study on the line, as in the photo above taken on a trip to research ancestor Zeno Terry of Sangerfield, New York.  She had a great sense of pride in understanding the part of American history that her ancestors participated in.  Her research on the Terry family has been published in two noted genealogical writers' works, and other periodicals.

Mother  made her home in North Carolina and later,  lived  in Florida at Dowling Park  Christian  Retirement   Center.  She made her home with me in North Carolina her last years.

na00116_.wmf (10390 bytes)Although Marion Iris Terry Schaibly died  January 30, 1999 in Blowing Rock, NC.  She is very much a part of my daily life and work.   Mother was laid to rest beside her father, Horace Walter TERRY, and  little brother Albert,  at  Rose Hill Cemetery in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.

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