REVELATION 16: 13-14


If we look at the above verses without knowing the keys to unlocking it, it would seem to make utter nonsense. Here we have a dragon, a beast, a false prophet and a spirit(which looks like a frog) that comes out of each of their mouths and because of their efforts people are gathered up for a great battle with God. As we already know what the Beast is from the previous chapter and we also know that the Antichrist will eventually speak for the Beast, that is his voice will come out of the Beast's mouth then the Dragon and the False prophet must be along similar lines i.e.that one person speaks for the False prophet grouping of people and another person speaks for the dragon grouping of people also.

As Satan and his demons need willing people to carry out their designs, these three frogs which are the spirits of devil must influence and/or control three specific, powerful individuals and as we already know about the Antichrist and the Beast then lets look at what the Dragon, the False Prophet, the spirit that come out of the mouth of the Dragon and the spirit that come out of the mouth of the False Prophet are and a human recipient for each of them.



THE BEAST The Council of Europe which will be ruled by the fourth horn, the union of the 10 kingdoms, controlled by the little horn, the Antichrist.


THE DRAGON As we don't see fire breathing dragons flying around our skies scaring people into war then it too must be some sort of political force or structure grouping people together. If we look at all the structures that might be represented by this dragon force in our world today by far China would have to be the best explanation for it. As this Dragon has 7 heads and 10 horns then it has other countries attached to China.


RED (7 headed/10 horned) DRAGON 


REV 12:3(NRSV)

Then another portent appeared in heaven: a great red dragon,with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental organization which was founded on June 14, 2001 by leaders of the People's Republic of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. 

Following the successful completion of the Sino-Russian military exercises, Russian officials have begun speaking of the SCO taking on a military role and of India also joining these exercises in the future. 

A Framework Agreement to enhance economic cooperation was signed by the SCO member states on 23 September 2003. At the same meeting the Premier of the PRC, Wen Jiabao proposed a long-term objective to establish a free trade area in the SCO, while other more immediate measures would be taken to improve the flow of goods in the region. 

Among other nations of the wider region, Mongolia became the first country to receive observer status at the 2004 Tashkent Summit. Pakistan, India and Iran received observer status at the 2005 SCO summit in Astana, Kazakhstan on July 5, 2005. All four nations have applied for full membership to the organization which will bring 10 nations (horns) which will be led by the 7 heads of that organisation.

China has often been called the Sleeping Dragon, the Great Wall of China has been referred to as the backbone of the dragon and even the people of China took the dragon as a kingly emblem and thought of it as a god. When this mighty and powerful dragon is aroused from its sleep who in this world today doesn't believe that it can set the world on fire?


To best understand what the false prophet is, is to look at what this false prophet actually does and that is:


REVELATION 13: 11-18

Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.

He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

This second beast(from the above verses) which is the same as the False prophet mentioned earlier makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast and not God thereby making this second beast a false prophet. Now as to determining what exactly is this false prophet all we have to do is to look at the above bible verses and the best way to do that is to look at these bible verses as individual sentences which are as follows sentence number:

1 This second beast comes out of the earth and is not formed from the sea of people as the first beast is which tends to make this second beast man made technology-(from the earth).

2 Something that looks non-threatening but speaks with power.

3 The authority that the second beast has is from the first beast and with this authority the second beast puts people under the control of the first beast. Knowing that the first beast is the union of ten kingdoms/powers that come together, in other words a political structure, what is the controlling non- threatening man made technology which hold people under the power of current political structures? The most logical explanation as to what the second beast(the false prophet) is, is this computer age that we are living in today which does put us under the control of governments.

4 Computer technology plays a key role in launching and guiding missiles of today 'causing fire to come from heaven'.

5 People are deceived by the miracles of this second beast and are we not all embracing this computer technology with the same passion that once was reserved for the worship of God, especially by the younger generations.

6 The first beast(ten kingdoms) had some sort of conflict that it survived and an image is set up for it.

7 This image is given a voice that allows it to speak and with computer technology that way it is even today there already is voice interaction between man and computer. Interesting enough the name of the software that their using is called "Dragon Speaks" and there is a push to start making computers more voice interactive by Microsocks. Those that choose not to obey this system of the first beast which is set up, are put to death.

8 A mark is put on those citizens of the beast, probably much like the bar codes on the goods we buy today, and without it no buying or selling is allowed which means probable death to those who refuse the mark. 9,10,11 The number of the beast is 666 and an interesting point to note today is the devil's number 666 is already on nearly all of our goods(bar code guard bars-the 3 longest lines each represents a 6) but if a person accepts that seal in whatever form it takes(microchipped/bar-coded?) on their right hand or their forehead then were told in the Bible that that person will share the same fate as the devil. With all the increasing distractions(drugs etc.) of the world today, God is being tuned out more and more by people so what if the devils seal is also the ultimate God block(the 666 on your forehead being the outside evidence of tampering with your brain for that ultimate computer controlling addictive high/enhancement?


If we look at where this false spirituality of our current computer age is heading we can see that been number with this 666, so that we can buy and sell in the future, isn't as far fetched as it was once thought to be. Our goods already have been marked and a number of animals have been and are being numbered by the process of microchips inserted under the skin.


There are systems in place which track people with implants wherever they go(digital angel to name one), mobile phones display a form of this as they display their location on screen and also can be pinpointed to their exact location. The plot thickens as there are smart machines such as coke machines that can detect whether a mobile phone is within the vicinity and send sms messages to your mobile asking if you wish to purchase a drink? Imagine what would happen if they were set up to detect people without this 666(implant?), their would not be a safe place anywhere for those without this device except maybe in the wilderness but Satellites can zoom onto objects the size of a coke can and cameras have face recognition software that allows them to distinguish different faces so in reality there will really be no safe place in this world. Welcome to the digital software world!


Darpa has been set up to collect all the electronic information on eveybody in the world including mobile phone communication, credit card transactions, emails etc.

Every bit of electronic information that is stored about you will be collected and examined if need be but this is only one such organisation. So if you refuse what the government wants of you i.e. future implanting of this 666, then you can be sure that they will track you down because they know where you go, who you communicate with and the things that you do.

Notice also the masonic symbol of the all see eye!


Computers already have controls in place over our lives and our privacy as people are listed with a whole lot of different numbers for different items on computers e.g. taxation numbers, credit card numbers, healthcare numbers, etc. Isn't the next most logical step to start numbering a person with just a single number for everything that person needs to exist in society and then to number that person on his body with this 666 so that that person can never lose his identity or lie about it?

Smart cards are just one step closer to being permanently marked or else shut out of society as not only do they carry your personal details on them but also the amount of electronic money you have to spend removing the need for hard currency in exchange for this electronic currency, therefore in the future without this number then there will be no other way to buy or sell.

The mark of the beast is more than just what can be seen on the outside that gives a person the ability to buy and sell as it seems to also change a person.

The beginning of the 666 people!

Professor Kevin Warwick, the world's leading expert in Cybernetics is upgrading his human body in 3 stages, having already completed 2 of those stages.

Humanity can change itself but hopefully it will be an individual choice. Those who want to stay human can and those who want to evolve into something much  more powerful with greater capabilities can. There is no way I want to stay a mere human. 

Warwick predicts our transformation into cyborgs will take place in stages. Those who reject what Warwick has dubbed "the virtual opposable thumb" will eventually become part of an inferior "sub-species," he says.

The possibility exists to enhance human capabilities. To harness the ever increasing abilities of machine intelligence, to enable extra sensory input and to communicate in a much richer way, using thought alone, so maybe in 10 or 15 years we could see an evolution by upgrading humans with technology," he says.  Japan and the USA are also doing research in these areas.

In the shorter term, Warwick says, we'll see a rise in the implant technology's medical applications, in order to restore damaged body functions.




Warwick had the first experimental chip implant, back in August 1998, the implant merely sent a signal to the computer in the department here in Reading, which identified me. So the computer was programmed to open doors, switch on lights etc. depending where he was. 

On the 14th of March 2002 a one hundred electrode array was surgically implanted into the median nerve fibres of the left arm of Professor Kevin Warwick. The operation was carried out at Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, by a medical team headed by the neurosurgeons Amjad Shad and Peter teddy. The procedure, which took a little over two hours, involved inserting a guiding tube into a two inch incision made above the wrist, inserting the microelectrode array into this tube and firing it into the median nerve fibres below the elbow joint. A research team then linked his nervous system to a computer via the implant, and that's where the fun began.

His wife, Irena, opted for a less-invasive arm implant, and the two sent basic signals between each other's nervous systems.  

  A number of experiments have been carried out using the signals detected by the array, most notably Professor Warwick was able to control an electric wheelchair and an intelligent artificial hand, developed by Dr Peter Kyberd, using this neural interface. In addition to being able to measure the nerve signals transmitted down Professor Wariwck’s left arm, the implant was also able to create artificial sensation by stimluating individual electrodes within the array. This was demonstrated with the aid of Kevin’s wife Irena and a second, less complex implant connecting to her nervous system. 


From a laboratory at Columbia University in New York, Warwick moved a mechanical hand in England by thinking about it and moving his own fingers. As if it were his own hand pressing down, he also felt the surface tension experienced by the mechanical hand thousands of miles away.

"That effectively meant my body was 5,000 miles long," he says.

His favorite aspect of the experiments was the ultrasonic sense he acquired. Blindfolded and hooked up to a device that transmitted ultrasonic pulses onto his nervous system, Warwick could tell how far or near objects were to him.


In the future we will be looking to link up more closely with the brain. I really want to look at the possibility of people communicating between each other from one nervous system to another. This could mean (electronic) thoughts to one person's brain to another, possibly across the Internet. This is very exciting and would completely change the way we communicate both between humans and humans and technology. 

Emotion of one kind or another can be recorded, when played down onto the nervous system the signals could recreate feelings. With signals such as pain this is particularly relevant. We want merely to investigate what is possible. Whilst there exist potential negatives there also potential positives, such as removing the effects of pain - this could revolutionise medicine. 

Emotions such as anger, shock and excitement can be investigated because distinct signals are apparent. For more obtuse emotions such as "Love" we will not be tackling directly. 

As for the new cyborg age, there are both perks and pitfalls. Cyber-medicine, the treatment of illnesses by electronic means may become a new field. Doctors of the future might prescribe a download from a CD as the remedy for illness or depression. And if the effects of drugs can be achieved electronically, the potential for abuse of "cyber-narcotics," as Warwick terms them, is high.

For Warwick, the next phase of his experiment involves placing a cybernetic implant in the brain but he estimates that it will take about 10 years before he is ready to place an implant in his own brain.

Concluding Remarks:
The book "A Divine Revelation of Hell" by Mary K. Baxter published in December 1993, had a stark revelation in it about the future. A woman that was feeling very angry all the time, went to a doctor who after being treated had no more anger, she became emotionless after she encountered that beast technology. 20 years later, that technology to start or stop emotions is now within the scientist fingertips, the linking of computers and human brains is becoming a reality. 

Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receivee a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 

In the above bible verse these beast people have a mark in their foreheads or in their hand, have become so alien to God that they are rejected by God. When the technology finally arrives in full and people can switch off and on emotions among other things simply by being directly connected to a computer through there brains, the question arises who are they or what are they? 

They have sold their souls to the software of the False Prophet and become one with the beast.




As the three unclean spirits come out of mouths of the Dragon(China), the Beast(Euro) countries and the False Prophet(Computer age) then I assume that they are the actual voice of each of them. As these spirits of devils need to use ungodly people to represent themselves in our earthly lives as their willing puppets to accomplish this gathering up of the people to war then I feel that these voices belong to three particular leaders. One leader from the Dragon(China), one leader from the Beast(Euroland who maybe Prince-Charles) and one leader from the False prophet(Computer age). As leaders are usually out in the spotlight and not hidden away, and looking at the perspective that we are truly in the end times, then these are the leaders that I feel will help to gather the world together for the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Out of the mouth of the Dragon.

Revelation 13:1-2

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

From the above verse it seems that China will come under the umbrella of the Euro countries as 'the dragon gave the beast his power' and since President Hu Jintao is current leader of the Dragon/China who is really shaking his country with all the reforms that are in progress which include forging stronger ties with the European Union(just an example is China has just been admitted to the world trade organization thanks to the Euro countries) then I feel that he is a strong candidate for the spirit that comes out of the mouth of the dragon.(Newspaper article)

Out of the mouth of the False Prophet.


The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.”
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”


If we look at the verse above we see that the devil offered Jesus the world if he would worship the devil but Jesus refused so what if the devil made such offers to other people throughout time? Bill Gaites has come up from out of nowhere to become the world's richest man in charge of one of the world's most powerful corporations( Microsock) with investments and assets throughout the financial world.

Microsock's operating systems are run in most of the home computers of our world today and Microsocks software is found everywhere to do with this computer age of ours which makes me think that Microsock will have a lot to do with setting up systems that require this numbering/marking of people so that their able to operate in their environment under the control of the Beast/Euro countries run by the Antichrist.

If we have a look at the most recent operating systems and business software packages, more and more we find that in order to use them we have to get in contact with Microsocks to get a number key so that we can use the software we purchase. Imagine what would happen to a business that was refused this key if every other business operated using this software. For these reasons I feel that Bill Gaites is a strong candidate for the spirit that comes out of the mouth of the false prophet(computer age). He who controls the technology controls those who use it!

Broadcast 9th April 2000
BBC World Service


On Tuesday the whole flaky Internet investment structure was creaking: the stock market where it has all happened over the past couple of years, the hi-tech Nasdaq exchange, did an imitation of that classic cartoon character Road Runner.

It ran over the edge of the cliff, and kept on running, magically suspended in mid-air for a few moments, before scrambling back to safety...

But it was an even worse week for the middle aged bespectacled self-proclaimed prophet of the Information Age - Bill Gates. For Mr Gates this truly was a Black Monday

Vision Of the False Prophet ( http://www.near- death.com/brinkley.html )

On September 17, 1975, Dannion Brinkley was talking on the phone during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts of electricity into his head and down his body. His heart stopped, and he died, but in the process, he had a near-death experience. When Brinkley revived in the morgue after twenty-eight minutes of death, he had an incredible story to tell. Brinkley was told of events that would shake the world before the year 2000 - including the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Persian Gulf War, and a coming economic crisis. Of the 117 revelations that he recalls, 95 have already come to pass. The following are excepts reprinted by permission from Dannion Brinkley's book Saved by the Light which describes his near-death experience and his revelations of the future.

(extract from his book)

BOX TWELVE: Technology and virus The twelfth box addressed an important event in the distant future, the decade of the nineties when many of the great changes would take place. In this box I watched as a biological engineer from the Middle East found a way to alter DNA and create a biological virus that would be used in the manufacture of computer chips. Before the turn of the century, this man was among the richest in the world, so rich that he had a stranglehold on the world economy. Still the world welcomed him, since the computer chips he had designed somehow put the world on an even keel. Gradually he succumbed to his own power. He began to think of himself as a deity and insisted on greater control of the world. With that extra control, he began to rule the world. His method of rule was unique. Everyone in the world was mandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted underneath his or her skin. This chip contained all of an individual's personal information. People who refused to have chips implanted in their bodies roamed as outcasts. They could not be employed and were denied government services.

(**Remember this man had this vision before we even knew who this world's richest man was, that will bring about this biological chip. He may of got his origins mixed up with where the chip is made but he can only be talking about one man and below is the warning of what would happen if we didn't change. If anything society as a whole has become more Godless which makes this warning relevant)

THE FINAL VISIONS At the very end came a thirteenth vision. I don't know where it came from. I didn't see a Being of Light bring it forward in a box, nor did I see one take it away. This vision was in many ways the most important of all because it summed up everything I had seen in the twelve boxes. Through telepathy I could hear a Being say, "If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last thirty years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war."


People are tied into their society by the machinery of their society and in our modern day terms it means that without our identity number on computers we would find it very hard to exist in our societies today. It seems that in the future those people that are willing, will have this 666 mark on the outside of their bodies indicating that their nervous system (Whether through the brain or arm or both) are able to hook up to the computer hardware of the day to confirm who they are, control emotions and other thinks directly through this link. They no longer are a self contained individual and have become one with this computer technology run by the False Prophet. 666 can be expressed in Jewish numerals of that time as represented in the box below but what is interesting is how those numerals look very much like socket holes in our modern time.

Without this connection people will have no identity with the computer world and therefore no part in their societies brought about by the False Prophet, the societies which are tied into their governments, which in turn will be tied into a union with this rising Beast which in turn will eventually be ruled by a man who is better known as the 'Antichrist'!

With the backing of these Euro countries and China those that refuse to be numbered in taking part in this government of the Beast, along with those of God's own people that he can lay his hands on, will be destroyed by this antichrist who will eventually have global power. When the antichrist finally has the world under his control he will come against Jerusalem where God himself will step in and do battle against this force but before this happens the Beast will destroy the power of the United States of America.