Subject: Summary # 3, Chapters XV & XVI
            Author: Robin N (
            Date:   07-13-1999 18:40

            Renato comes to call on Aimee, but she’s nowhere to be found. Monica 
            steps into her role as “enabler” and tells him that Aimee’s not 
            feeling well. Renato, the gentleman, offers to send for a doctor, 
            but Monica and her mother tell him that it’s nothing to be so 
            worried about; if she’s not better soon they’ll call the convent 
            doctor. After he leaves, Catalina is worried, “Did you see her? Did 
            you find her?” Monica can only say that she will find her. 

            Monica’s climbing the rocks near the beach when she comes across 
            Juan. “How is it going, Santa Monica? Have you lost something here?” 
            he asks her mockingly. She tells him that it’s not his business and 
            to stop calling her Santa Monica. As she pulls away, she slips on 
            the rocks and Juan catches her and saves her. He tells her that he 
            is not mocking her by calling her Santa Monica, it’s just that that 
            is how she appears to him. He tells her of some nuns he knew in 
            Trinidad that he had occasion to help. When people are afraid they 
            stop feeling vain, or superior, they shout to anyone to help them... 
            even the devil (Hint, hint, Monica.) 

            Aimee locates Juan. She tells him that she’s been searching all over 
            for him because there were soldiers on his boat. “Why? What’s 
            happened? They told me you were arrested?” She wants to know more 
            about his business but he’s not in a confidential mood. She tells 
            him that she saw him talking to Monica and knows that she’s looking 
            for her. Juan knows something is going on and asks her to swear that 
            Aimee’s only acting up because her sister is annoying her. “You now 
            believe in oaths? You didn’t when we first met.” Juan breaks off the 
            conversation because he’s setting sail immediately. Aimee begs him 
            to wait until morning. He questions her again. She confesses that 
            there was a visitor to his house. Juan knows: 2 men on horseback. 
            Aimee pleads again for him to wait 10 minutes. “Be on time or you’ll 
            be sorry,” says Juan. 

            It takes Airmee an hour to get away. She tries to blame it on 
            Monica, but Juan’s not buying that story. She tells him that an old 
            friend--more Monica’s--Renato, was visiting. Juan tells her that 
            he’s one of the richest men on the island. Her eyes light up at this 
            one. Aimee wonders how Juan knows Renato, “do you have business with 
            him?” He laughs at this. He tells her that he saved Monica from a 
            fall on the rocks. Aimee wonders, “Why didn’t you let her fall?” 
            “She would have been killed,”replies Juan. “And so?” snaps Aimee. 
            Juan turns the subject to Aimee being his alone. “Are you asking me 
            to marry you?” she asks. Juan hadn’t planned on marriage, but he 
            warms to the idea. They’ll talk more when he returns. 

            Monica meets with Father Vivier to plead to return to the convent 
            but he won’t allow it. He asks her to return to secular life. If in 
            a year she wishes, she can join. 

            Renato has come back to take Aimee, Cata and Monica to Campo Real 
            and is surprised to see Monica looking so well in her non-nun 
            clothes--a high necked, black gown, with her hair in 2 braids worn 
            wrapped around the crown. Aimee doesn’t like the complement. 


            Back at Campo Real, Sofia sizes up Aimee and introduces Yanina as 
            her adopted daughter. Later in private, Monica is tortured by 
            proximity to Renato and by Aimee’s perfidious behavior. Aimee makes 
            it perfectly clear that she’s going to marry Renato--he is the 
            richest man on the island. “And only because...?” Monica is shocked 
            and Aimee tells her, “For that, and everything else besides, Santa 
            Monica!” This really offends Monica and Aimee delights in it. When 
            Renato comes up, Monica retreats. They’re watching some of the 
            slaves dancing. Yanina has been watching Aimee and Monica and probes 
            her for information. She has a pretty good idea of what’s going on. 

            Aimee is stalling for 6 months engagement, Renato wants to get 
            married right away. Monica implies that maybe Aimee isn’t sure of 
            her feelings so of course, Aimee agrees to move up the date. 
            Catalina sees this rich prize slipping away so she wonders what 
            Monica could be thinking to ask such a thing, but Sofia smooths 
            things over. Monica runs out. 

            In the chapel Monica prays, “It wasn’t for hate... it was for love.. 
            But my love is at fault as well. My love is worse than hate!” Renato 
            gives her a fright coming upon her and she moves to flee. He stops 
            her and like a mope, wants to know how he can help her, because he 
            will be her brother. He wants to know why she thinks Aimee shouldn’t 
            marry him... does he have some defect? He becomes convinced that 
            he’s the one who’s the problem. She tells him no, and runs away. 
            Aimee joins him and he tells her he’s worried about Monica. Aimee 
            thinks it would be best if she goes back to Saint-Pierre (and being 
            a nun) tomorrow! And, self-less girl that she is... she’ll go with 
            her (to wait for Juan). Yanina arrives to summon Renato to Sofia’s 

            Aimee confronts Monica and tells her that she missed a perfect 
            occasion to win Renato. Aimee taunts her with the possibility that 
            she could prefer freedom to riches. Understandably, Monica is upset. 
            They quarrel. She reminds Aimee that she would “want to see her 
            happy, but for her to make him (Renato) happy too.” Catalina comes 
            in and tells them to stop fighting. Aimee plays her little game of 
            the satisfied fiancee and joins Renato leaving Cata to question 

            Balance continues in separate post

