Subject: Summary #3, XVII & XVIII
            Author: Robin N (
            Date:   07-13-1999 22:26


            Aimee pays Pedro Noel a visit in order to find out when Juan is 
            returning. He’s surprised by her visit because he doesn’t know her. 
            She cooks up a story that she paid Juan to buy perfumes (English at 
            that!) and wedding gifts for herself and Renato. This amazes Noel 
            even more. However, because of circumstances, Noel thinks that it’s 
            unlikely that Juan can return without fear of imprisonment. He 
            advises her to forget about Juan returning with her commission and 
            she asks him to forget about her visit. 

            Meanwhile, back at Campo Real, Sofia is pressuring Renato to go get 
            Aimee and get things underway. It’s bad for a man to give in to a 
            woman. She does worry, though about Aimee’s character. “She seems a 
            little restless.” On the other hand, she speaks highly of Monica, 
            “seems an excellent person.” Renato agrees, but worries about ehr 
            nerves. Sofia wants to know the source of this trouble and he tells 
            her about his friendship with Monica and her sudden desire to become 
            a nun ever since she learned about his intentions toward Aimee. 
            Never mind, Aimee will be like a queen here at CR. But Aimee wants 
            to live in Saint-Pierre, I promised her, Renato tells his mother. 
            She’ll be bored here. Sofia isn’t buying this. She chastises Renato 
            for trying to please Aimee too much and he concedes this point to 

            Aimee, on the beach, is desolate that Juan is unlikely to return. 
            Monica approaches and Aimee hides her tears, not wanting to be seen 
            humilliated by Juan. Monica tells her that Renato’s waiting for her 
            at the house. 

            Renato wants to bring Aimee back to CR to get married. She puts him 
            off telling him that Monica is so highstrung, so strange these 
            days... it’s not a good idea. Monica comes in and says, “I heard 
            you, I heard everything you said.” Covering, Aimee says, “Don’t 
            misunderstand me...” “It’s as clear as the light of day: you hope 
            that I’ll go back to the convent and not stand up at your wedding.” 
            Monica stays her course. Renato smooths things over. Monica tells 
            Aimee that she’s going to take a long time to decide if she’ll go 
            back to the convent--if ever--and so she’s available. She leaves and 
            Aimee is mad. “It’s not possible to trust crazy people (referring to 
            Monica!)” she says and leaves. Aimee sees Monica in the garden and 
            calls to her. She was hoping to speak to Aimee. She tells her that 
            when she believes that Aimee will love and care for Renato as he 
            deserves, she will return to the convent. Renato draws close and 
            Monica tells him that she’s just giving Aimee a little sisterly 


            Juan is on board the Luzbel and tells Colibri, the young former 
            slave, that soon he will have a new mistress. Colibri tells Juan 
            that he’s changed a lot, as if he’d drunk one of the herbal potions 
            they sell in Haiti--like the ones that make people like the dead or 
            steal the soul. He laughs and says that he’s alive and also very 
            rich. He tells of his plans to build a home on the Cabo del Diablo 
            and to repay his debt to Renato. 

            At CR, they’re admiring the trousseau linens bought for Aimee. 
            Monica tells Aimee to leave things for her to put away and go spend 
            some time with Renato. He wonders why she looks so almost-worried. 
            He wonders is he should be jealous. “How crazy you are, Renato! 
            Jealous of whom?” Aimee pretends to be happy. Renato sees Bautista 
            in the distance (now the plantation administrator) and this gets him 
            speaking of the poor conditions his workers live in... but he 
            realizes he’s boring her. She asks him about the condition of the 
            house in Saint-Pierre and he tells her that it’s going to need some 
            work so they’ll stay at CR until it’s ready. This annoys Aimee 
            greatly so when she sees Monica, she spitefully tells him that he 
            can go talk the ‘plight of the cane workers’ over with her. And so 
            he does. She offers to help and he gratefully gives it. 

