Subject: Book 2, Summary #2, part 2
            Author: Nancy (
            Date:   08-10-1999 18:28

            Chapter VII 

            Scene # 1 

            Monica wakes up and begins to take notice of her surroundings: she 
            is lying on fine sheets and pillows, and she is wearing a white 
            gown. Colibri asks her how she is feeling and then tells her to lie 
            back as he will go get something for her. Monica hasn't quite 
            grasped where she is but she begins to quickly recall everything 
            including her wedding and what happened afterwards. The doctor 
            approaches her bed and just as he begins to inform her of her health 
            Monica faints at the sight of Juan at the door: 

            "El hombre cuya presencia provocara el desmayo de monica se acerca 
            muy despacio, sereno y triste, y queda inmóvil, mirándola… Ahora, 
            sin las rosetas de la fiebre las mejillas de Monica son más blancas 
            que las blancas sábanas en que se envuelve… La mira y la halla 
            hermosa, extraordinariamente hermosa, a pesar de su aspecto débil, 
            enfermizo, con una belleza doliente que la hace más niña." 

            Juan asks the doctor is she is better and when the doctor agrees 
            Juan asks him to leave them alone but Monica asks the doctor to 
            stay. So Juan leaves instead. Monica inquires how long it is since 
            they have returned to Saint-Pierre but the doctor informs her that 
            they are at María Galante. 

            M: Entonces estoy sola… abandonada? 
            D: No creo que "abandono" sea la palabra exacta, Su esposo es un 
            muchacho fuerte y áspero como buen marinero, pero si he de serle 
            franco, diré que por lo menos en los cuatro días que llevan ustedes 
            frente a María Galante, no ha podido portarse mejor. Ha transformado 
            en lo posible, esta pequeña cueva… y no ha omitido ningún gasto para 
            proporcionarle a usted las mayores comodidades. Claro que lo sensato 
            hubiera sido desembarcarla… Yo hasts le insinué a su esposo la 
            posibilidad de dejarla mientras él termina su viaje, pero no accedió 
            y… me parece razonable, Después de lo que le he visto atenderla y 
            cuidarla, considero que sería para él muy duro separarse de usted… 

            Monica is baffled by the idea of Juan taking care of her. Then the 
            idea terrorizes her because she begins to question why Juan would do 
            such a thing. She grows more and more certain that Juan must have 
            consummated the wedding. The doctor introduces himself as Alejandro 
            Faber and tells Monica that she can see a friend in him and he is 
            willing to help her in anything since she reminds him of his 
            daughter who passed away years ago. Monica wants to beg and plead 
            him for help but she feels she can't without revealing the truth 
            about the circumstances that led her there. So instead she resigns 
            herself and asks that he write a letter to her mother telling her 
            that she is alive and well. 

            As the doctor is leaving he stops to speak to Juan, and tells him 
            that Monica's health is improving: 

            Me alegro mucho, doctor-Desmintiendo el tono seco y cortante, los 
            ojos oscuros de Juan se han iluminado. Ha sentido como si su pecho 
            se aflojase, como si pudiese respirar mejor, pero rechaza aquel 
            alivio que a él mismo le sorprende… 

            Then Juan asks the doctor - in a very sarcastic and bitter way--if 
            Monica has complained to him or asked him for help. When the doctor 
            denies it Juan is again relieved. The doctor then asks Juan if he 
            has done something reproachable. When Juan says that he never 
            reproachs himself for anything the doctor jokes about how he's glad 
            because he had come to think that Juan had kidnapped Monica, and 
            dismisses the whole idea as a result of such legends that you tend 
            to hear around the islands. The doctor then asks Juan if Monica is 
            from France which Juan says she is. Just as the doctor is about to 
            leave he timidly ventures to ask Juan about the name Campo Real 
            which Monica mentioned. He muses that he now knows where he had 
            heard of it and of the name D'Autremont. Then he remembers hearing 
            that a Molnar married a D'Autremont. Then he asks Juan his name to 
            which Juan responds: "A mí me llaman Juan del Diablo!" 

            The doctor is taken aback by this response and quickly exits. Juan 
            then orders Segundo to go to shore for provisions so that they can 
            set sail as soon as he returns. Among the things he tells Segundo to 
            get is woman's clothes. Segundo is struck by this but Juan only 
            hurries him forward. 

            Juan then goes to see if Monica is awake. Monica doesn't speak 
            because she is stunned and frightened at the thought of belonging to 
            Juan. Juan begins by telling her that most likely she hasn't wasted 
            any time in informing Dr. Faber of her situation and asking for 
            help. When she denies understanding what he is talking about Juan 
            continues on ranting about how she must have enlisted the doctor's 
            help because after all he is of the same class as she. Juan proceeds 
            to say that he would have loved to have a copy of their marriage 
            certificate to show the doctor; he would have enjoyed seeing the 
            look of surprise on the doctor's face. Juan then tells Monica that 
            he tried to tell her earlier when he asked to speak with her and she 
            asked that the doctor stay instead, but that now he has had to take 
            his precautions and they will continue on their voyage. Juan is 
            surprised to see Monica doesn't protest and he asks her if she 
            cares. Monica asks him if it would change his plans if she cared. 
            Juan approaches the bed and Monica shudders. He tells her not to 
            fear him and she says that she isn't frightened because the worst 
            thing he could do to her now is kill her and its something she has 
            long begged for him to do. 

            "--Me has tomado, como tu doctor Faber, por un pirata, por un 
            asesino profesional? Pero qué te pasa? Por qué estás llorando?… No 
            llores… te hace daño… No tienes por qué llorar ni por que asustarte. 
            No va a pasarte nada, absolutamente nada. No basta que yo te lo 
            digo? Si necesitas otro médico más adelante, lo tendrás… 
            --El Doctor Faber era mi amigo…ahora no tengo a nadie… 
            --Amigos no te faltan en el Luzbel. En cuanto a mí… 
            --No me toque usted, Juan! 
            --Naturalmente que no la toco. No se preocupe, no tengo ningún 
            interés en tocarla…Quédese en paz… 
            Hondamente sentido por la actitud de Mónica, Juan ha abandonado la 
            cabina, subiendo a cubierta…" 

            Juan then bumps into Segundo who informs him that he saw Dr. Faber 
            with the chief of police talking and pointing to el Luzbel. Juan 
            tell Segundo that they will set sail within the hour. When Segundo 
            says something about escaping Juan says that they are not running 
            away but simply setting sail because its time for them to go. 

            Scene # 2 

            Doña Catalina has just arrived in Campo Real. When Catalina exits 
            her carriage she bumps into Noel and she informs him that she has 
            just been inquiring after Juan's ship which is nowhere to be found. 
            Catalina is eager to see Renato to tell him the truth about 
            everything that happened. She is very sorry about not having spoken 
            up sooner. Sofia comes in and she leads both of them to the 
            office/library. Catalina insists on seeing Renato. She says she 
            should have spoken up sooner and that it's now necessary that they 
            save Monica. Sofia agrees that Catalina should have spoken up 
            sooner, that all of them lied and played with Renato's love and 
            honor. Sofia tells Catalina that she will not allow Catalina to 
            destroy her efforts and her son any further. She says that Monica 
            made her choice and knew what she was getting into. Catalina denies 
            this and claims that both her and Monica thought Juan would let her 
            go back to the convent but when Catalina went to look for her 
            thereshw wasn't there and Juan's ship was nowhere to be found. Sofia 
            blames Catalina for allowing Juan to be near her daughters. Sofia 
            then says that she prefers to think that it wasn't Aimee's fault but 
            Juan's. When Noel tries to protest, saying that Juan loved Aimee and 
            that he was transfigured by that love, Sofia shuts him up. Sofia 
            says that she will not allow another mistake and that she must now 
            protect Aimee also because she is a D'Autremont .Then she proposes 
            that they do what they can for Monica but without Renato's knowledge 
            or intervention. She sends Catalina back to Saint-Pierre to await 
            her arrival and then they will both go to see the governor. 
            Scene # 3 

            Two days at sea have passed. Segundo is telling Juan that they will 
            soon be out of provisions. Juan tells him to head north and that 
            they will set anchor further ahead but not in the next day or two, 
            he doesn't want to let anyone know where they are. 

            Scene # 4 

            Monica wakes up to see Colibri next to her and she overcome with 
            tenderness. Colibri asks her if she's well, if she wants anything to 
            eat, if he should make her some tea. When Monica agrees to tea, she 
            asks him if he knows where they are going. Colibri tells her that 
            they are on open sea and no one knows where they are going except 
            Juan. When Monica inquires if he knows, Juan comes in and tells her 
            that he has spent 14 years navigating those waters. Juan then tells 
            Colibri to bring another cup of tea and rushes him out of the room. 

            Monica is once again overcome by angst and fear but she lloks at 
            Juan closely: 

            "…mirandolo despacio, cúanto ha cambiado… ya no viste sus ropas de 
            caballero; se diría un marinero más, la gruesa camiseta de anchas 
            rayas, el blanco pantalón descuidado, la gorra de visera oscura 
            echada hacia atrás mostrando la frente despejada y un mechón de 
            rebeldes cabellos… Ahora, con las mejillas rasuradas, sin la llama 
            del alcohol en los ojos oscuros, parece más joven, su voz no suena a 
            cólera ni hay un femento tan amargo en sus palabras." 

            He tells her he is glad she is better because that will save them 
            from having to stop for another doctor. Monica says she doesn't 
            understand why he worries so much; it would have sufficed if he had 
            just let her die. Juan jokes about it being the first time that she 
            has spoken in his presence. Why do you torment me, asks Monica and 
            Juan claims that he is not trying to torment her, unless his 
            presence is a torment. Monica then asks him where they are going and 
            he tells her that they are not going anywhere, that this is there 
            home. He asks her what she expected: 

            "Cómo pensaste que podría ser tu vida casada con un marinero? 
            Querías que te dejara en el puerto? No, ya tuve una experiencia y me 
            costó muy cara: quien deja una mujer en el puerto corre el peligro 
            de no encontrarla, o de encontrarla junto a otro." 

            Monica protests and asks him if he isn't yet satisfied. She wants to 
            know how long he plans to continue with the lie of the marriage. 
            Juan replies that as far as he knows they are really married. Monica 
            tries to get up from the bed and flee but her knees buckle 
            underneath her. Juan catches and prevents her from falling. He 
            easily lifts her frail body and lays he down in bed again. And then 
            he tells Monica what he meant to tell her before: 

            "Iba a dejarte en María Galante, iba a entregarte al doctor Faber 
            para que te devolviese a tu casa, a los tuyos…Eso fue lo que quise 
            decirte, por eso le pedí al doctoe que nos dejase hablar a solas, 
            pero no quisiste escucharme, Preferiste hablar con él, conchavarte 
            para que me delatara; preferiste calumniarme, traicionarme, burlarte 
            otra vez de mis sentimientos, de mis estúpidos sentimientos…" 

            Monica tells him that she never asked doctor Faber to do anything, 
            only to write to her mother to reassure her that Monica was alive 
            and well. Juan pins her down on the bed, but his gesture is 
            restrained, almost sweet and Monica's fear and angst is dissuaded 
            and all she wants now is for him to believe her. Monica tells him 
            that she speaks the truth, and that she has never lied before, 
            except for the circumstance he already knows about. And then Juan 
            says that he should believe her and that is that is the case then 
            she has paid once again for someone else's indiscretion. Monica then 
            watches him leave: 

            "Se ha alejado con el paso silencioso y elástico de sus pies 
            descalzos, y Monica le mira a través de sus lágrimas, roto de nuevo 
            el dique de su llanto, pero roto también el nudo horrible de su 
            terror, sintiendo que respira, considerando, por primera vez, que el 
            hombre que se aleja no es una fiera, no es un bárbaro, no es un 
            salvaje. Que acaso lata un corazón humano bajo el duro pecho de Juan 
            del Diablo" (Sigh.) 

            Monica then gets up and is trying to walk while holding herself up 
            on the wall. Suddenly there is a jerk in the ship's movement and 
            Monica loses her balance. Colibri comes to her rescue and she asks 
            him what happened. Colibri informs her that Juan has taken the helm 
            of the ship and has changed direction towards shore. He tells her 
            that Juan is happy and has given Segundo all of his remaining 
            tobacco and informed everyone that they are going to the island of 
            Saba for provisions. 

            "…Es bonito ver la tierra después de tanto mirar el mar, verdad mi 
            --Yo ni siquiera había visto el mar… 
            Por la redonda ventana, Monica queda mirando el mar y aspira con 
            ansia aquel aire impregnado de salitre y de yodo, sintiendo que 
            corre más de prisa por sus venas la sangre, que vuelve la vida, esa 
            vida que ha sido para ella tand ura, tan cruel, tan amarga, pero a 
            la que se aferra su juventud con una extraña fuerza, tras haberse 
            sentido agonizar, y profetiza: 
            --Creo que me gustará ver la isla de Saba." 
