Subject: Book 2: Chapter 11
            Author: Robin N (
            Date:   08-20-1999 18:42

            Chapter 11 

            Colibri returns to tell Monica what’s happened and she’s can’t 
            believe her ears. He recounts how Juan went with the papers to 
            arrange the cargo and buy something and when they went to the door 
            they took him in and shut the door in Colibri’s face. He’s sure 
            though that they hit Juan in the head and then he said nothing more. 
            He escaped himself, though not without injury. Monica begins to take 
            action. She asks him to find Segundo and the others, who’ve gone to 
            a tavern. Soldiers are coming to board the Luzbel and take 
            possession of it. Monica steps forward and demands an explanation 
            (Shades of the embargo of their house in the tv adaptation). The 
            soldier looks her over admiringly and asks if she’s the woman of 
            Juan del Diablo. “I’m his wife and mistress of this boat and I know 
            you’ve detained him and arrested him without any cause, and now…” 
            she responds. She wants to know on whose authority this is 
            happening, but the soldier is only following orders. He wants to 
            take Colibri into custody but Monica turns on him and tells him to 
            keep his hands off the boy. Then who shows up but Renato! 

            At first, Monica thinks, here’s someone to help, but she hardens to 
            him almost instantly. “Rechazando los brazos de Renato, se yergue 
            desafiadora y decidida: “Que es esto? Que significa este horror, 
            este atropello?” She instinctively suspects him and he tries to calm 
            her down, telling her it’s nothing. “What do you mean nothing’s 
            happening? This assault on the boat… they’ve detained Juan! It must 
            be a horrible mistake! Who has done this?” “Yo,” confiesa Renato con 
            serendidad. Monica is both surprised and indignant. She tells him 
            (and not for either the first or last time) “You must be crazy!” He 
            wants her to come with him and he’ll try to explain things. 

            In a cell on the ship the Galion, Juan comes to and Segundo tells 
            him that they “fished them all,” or rounded them all up. His next 
            question is, “Where is Monica?” Segundo tells him that nothing has 
            happened to her. He wants to know how. Segundo tells him that there 
            was someone who made them treat her with care, a Don Renato 
            d’Autremont y Valois… who told them he was her brother in law. Juan 
            struggles to his feet, in spite of being tied up. He’s furious. 
            “Renato? Malhaya! Ha sido Renato quien…?” He knows that this is 
            Renato’s doing. Colibri is pushed into the cell too. Juan asks him 
            where Monica is and he tells him that she’s still on the Luzbel with 
            Renato, that she ran to him and hugged him when she first saw him 
            and he said, “Al fin, mi pobre Monica.” Juan’s green eyed monster 
            surges, “No! No puede ser!” Segundo tries to reassure him that this 
            is good, that nothing will happen to her. 

            Meanwhile, Monica is trying futilely to make sense of Renato and 
            what’s happened. 

            “Quieres acabar de explicarme, Renato, por que has hecho esto? Que 
            significa? Donde esta Juan?” 

            “Monica querida, un momento. Te lo explicare todo, pero calmate…” 

            “No puedo mas! Llevas horas sin acabar de hablarme claro. Cien veces 
            te he pedido que me expliques. Dijiste que eras tu quien habia hecho 
            esto. Por que? Quiero saber por que lo has hecho! Quiero saber por 
            que me has traido aqui! Y sobre todo, quiero saber donde esta Juan! 
            Quieres acabar de explicarmelo?” 

            Monica asks him if he’s trying to drive her crazy because he won’t 
            explain himself. He begins by telling her that he is trying to 
            rectify the consequences of his sins of incomprehension, 
            selfishness, anger, and cruelty. He never thought he could be cruel, 
            let alone with ‘my poor Monica.’ This tells her nothing and she’s 
            increasingly impatient. He tells her that she’ll pretend not to 
            understand him, that she will lie and heroically continue faking 
            that things are okay, but he knows what a farce her relationship 
            with Juan was. She tells him that he is totally mistaken, but he 
            continues. He tells her that he knows her to have been an innocent 
            victim and he committed a crime forcing her into Juan’s arms and he 
            is going to free her from that ‘canalla.’ Monica leaps to Juan’s 

            “Juan no es un canalla! Ni tu ni nadie dira de el una cosa semejante 
            delante de mi! Donde esta y que le han hecho?” 

            Renato tells her she doesn’t need to play the role of the concerned 
            wife any longer. She tells him that she’s not playing any part, she 
            has no complaints against Juan! Renato doesn’t believe her for a 

            “Si pudiera creer que dices la verdad, creo que le daria las gracias 
            a Dios por haberme escuchado. No sabes como he rogado desde el fondo 
            de mi alma, que horas de angustia he vivido desde que supe la 
            verdad! Si Monica, Aimee me dijo al fin todo la verdad..” 

            Renato tells her that he’s suffered (you see, this is all about 
            him), imagining the worst and it was all his fault. He was crazy to 
            have thought that pure little Monica could have been capable of 
            being someone’s lover. It made him a wild beast… He’s going to take 
            her from the arms of that savage. Monica can’t get in a word 
            edgewise, he won’t stop to listen to her. He goes on to say that he 
            knows everything and he will get on his knees and make things right 
            and that he wants nothing more than the beautiful love that she had 
            to give him. She’s nearly speechless with horror at this. He smiles 
            at her and says, 

            “Gracias, Monica. Gracias y perdon. Son las dos unicas palabras que 
            frente a ti debo pronunciar.” 

            Monica chokes out, “Aimee, Aimee told you…” and Renato confirms 
            this. Monica tells him, “Aimee is incapable of telling the truth, 
            she’s a hypocrite, a trickster, a deceiver. She is the most vile and 
            most cowardly!” Renato agrees, but he thinks she’s told him the 
            truth. It takes all her strength, but Monica remains silent, 
            thinking furiously how to resolve this. She wants to know what Aimee 
            told him. 

            “No repetire cosas que sabes, cosas que yo habia olvadado… He sido 
            torpe y ciego, pero quiero que sepas que durante las horas de este 
            viaje, con la mirada fija en las estrellas, no pense sino en ti, con 
            el alma desgarrada por el dolor del mal que te habia hecho… Que me 
            perdone tu pudor de mujer honesta, de mujer dignisima, de mujer 
            inmaculada.. Tu hermana me lo conto todo: sus celos, su miedo,la 
            forma infantil pero infame, inconsciente pero baja, con que urdio 
            alrededor tuyo los supuestos amores de Juan del Diablo. como 
            ilusiono a esa pobre bestia…” 

            “No hables asi de Juan!” se enardece Monica ante el procas insulto. 
            “No sabes lo que dices! Callate!” 

            Renato goes on about how it’s his fault that this man is now her 
            husband, but he needs to have the marriage broken. Monica is begging 
            him to be quiet, but he doesn’t hear her. He tells her that he can 
            free her from him. 

            “No tienes que librarme! No tienes que meterte en mi vida! No tienes 
            que hacer nada! Devuelveme a Juan, Renato, devuelveme a Juan!” 

            He’s so stupid or crazy, that Renato thinks she’s telling him this 
            because she doesn’t trust him, not because she cares for Juan. He 
            asks her if she is trying to tell him that she feels for him like a 
            normal spouse. She tells him that she’s not trying to tell him 
            anything but to leave them in peace! Renato thinks she can’t think 
            clearly, she’s too wounded by all this to know the right thing. 
            She’s too noble, etc. He understands that her love for him has been 
            tainted by hate a little bit. She asks once again where Juan is and 
            he points out the boat where Juan is imprisoned. He tells her that 
            he’s been arrested and he has denounced Juan. She sees that the boat 
            is leaving and is anguished. Renato tells her that they’ll leave 
            tomorrow for home. She can’t believe that the boat Juan’s on will 
            leave without giving her a chance to see him, or say goodbye. She 
            wants to know where the crew is and Colibri, and he tells her that 
            they’ve all been detained. Renato says no big deal, that boy knows 
            worse things if he’s a cabin boy. Monica is incensed. 

            “Juan es bondadoso con ese nino, generoso, y humano con cuantos 
            dependen de el,” defiende Monica vivamente. “En el Luzbel no he 
            presenciado una sola crueldad, mientras que en tus tierras de Campo 
            Real… Mejor es que me calle, Renato, pero, en realidad, tu no sabes 
            nada, no puedes comprender nada.. Quien es Juan, como es Juan.” 

            “Admirable, verdad?” apunta Renato con fina ironia. 

            “Si. Aunque no puedas creerlo, aunque no quieras comprenderlo, has 
            dicho la palabra justa: admirable.” 

            “No te conocia como actriz, Monica. Encuentro muy sutil y muy 
            femenina tu forma de venganza. Tu apologia de las virtudes de ese 
            canalla, de ese salvaje..” 

            “Juan no es un canalla, ni un salvaje!” se encrespa Monica 
            francamente airada. “Juan es el mejor hombre que ha conocido!” 

            Renato just doesn’t hear any of this. He thinks she’s a little 
            mentally disturbed by all she’s gone thru, she KNOWS he’s deranged. 
            He asks her if she loves Juan. She replies, “Amarle? No lo se, pero 
            es igual. El no me quiere a mi, no me querra jamas.” This surprises 
            Renato, who now can’t understand even more why she’s defending Juan. 
            She asks him why is it important how she and Juan feels. She has no 
            complaints against Juan and he’s her husband and she swore loyalty 
            to him at the altar. 

            “Cuando me arrojaste a el, hubiera preferido la muerte cien veces a 
            aquel sentirme arrebatada por los brazos de Juan,” recuerda Monica 
            apasionada. “El peor de los suplicos, la mas terrible de las agonias 
            eran para mi mas deseables que aquel hombre que me arrastraba, a 
            traves de los caminos y a traves de los mares, como puede arrastrar 
            su conquista, un vandalo. Entre las cuatro paredes de la cabina del 
            Luzbel, llore y suplique, desgarrandome el cuerpo y el alma, 
            pidiendole a Dios que me enviara la muerte repentina. Si entonces 
            hubieras corrido detras de mi, si un verdadero sentimiento de 
            justicia y de piedad humana te hubiese hecho seguirnos, deternos, 
            habria besado las huellas de tus pasos. Pero todo tiene en este 
            mundo, su oportunidad…” 

            “Que quieres decir?” se lamenta Renato. 

            What she’s trying to tell him is that he’s too late. Things have 
            changed. She’s not the same person she once was. She has only one 
            wish, to be together with Juan, to fly to his side, to defend him 
            against his accusers, and to fight at his side for his life and his 
            liberty. If Renato wants to help her, let her go immediately to him. 
            This just makes Renato mad. 

            “Gracias, por recordarme una vez mas que fui inoportuno y torpe… A 
            tus pies, Monica!” 

            Back in the cell on the Galion… The waves are increasing in size and 
            the journey is not going well. It appears that they’ve been blown 
            off course. They are in danger of capsizing and in the cell they 
            could drown! They clamor to be let out so that they won’t drown 
            should that happen. Two soldiers open the door and ask Juan, “so, 
            you don’t want to drown like a rat?” He tells them he’s not afraid 
            of anything, leave him if they want. They do, however cut his bonds. 
            The boat shakes violently. Two men are washed overboard and the 
            captain is wounded. There is no one to take charge of the boat, but 
            Juan steps into the fray and begins barking orders instinctively. He 
            takes the wheel and steers them away from the rocks. He calls to 
            Segundo and Anguila and his other men to fill the positions. 
            Together they keep the boat afloat and weather the storm. 

            Back on Renato’s boat… Monica is almost a captive too by the 
            weather. She asks Renato about Juan’s boat, but he comments that he 
            supposes that Juan’s not afraid of any weather. Monica tells him 
            that Juan’s not afraid of anything, nor anybody! Well, don’t worry 
            about him, it’s not the first time he’s been in jail. He goes on to 
            tell her though, of how he wanted to seek out Juan and comply with 
            his father’s last request, but his mother warned him to be careful 
            of him, that he would do him wrong. Renato tells her that Juan has 
            always hated him. She tells him he’s unjust, and blind and defends 
            Juan further. “Es bueno, es noble, es generoso…” Renato responds 
            furiously. You think he’s so good, did you know he’s wanted in 
            Jamaica for kidnapping a child? Colibri? She tells him that she 
            knows Juan rescued him from terrible abuse and if that’s the worst 
            crime they can accuse him of… “Acaso dijiste mas verdad de la que 
            piensas, Renato. Juan me enseño a mirar el mundo con otros ojos.” 

            And in return, he’s closed yours, the eyes that loved me. Why do 
            your cheeks burn only when you think of him, why? Renato is bitter. 
            She tells him not to look at her like that. He tells her, “I know 
            what you think, that I’m the husband of your sister…” If that’s all 
            she was thinking, that would be enough. They turn to talk of the 
            cyclone and he says that he will cable to see if the other boat came 
            in okay. She begs him though, one last time if he will withdraw his 
            accusations. He tells her it’s not in his hands, but don’t worry, if 
            Juan’s as you say he is, he’ll be set free. She’s lucky that he’s 
            not the one sitting in judgment. “Ahora voy a complacerter, Monica, 
            voy a tratar de ultimar nuestro viaje.” 

