Subject: Chapter XV part 2
            Author: Marta I (
            Date:   09-11-1999 23:46

            Court is in session again. 
            Renato is very angry at Monica. Juan seems more calm, even though 
            very determined, just as is Renato. Now the witnesses for the 
            defense. First Segundo. 
            According to Segundo, Juan was generous and considerate with the 
            crew of 'Luzbel'. Never lied to or betrayed any of them. Did he 
            watch Colibri's incident? Yes. He saw Juan hit the employees of the 
            Lancasters as they tried to board the Luzbel, le also saw Juan shoot 
            at the rum barrels. Juan hid the kid in the ship but he did not do 
            it in order to gain his services, just to save him. Colibri never 
            was allowed to work on the Luzbel, Segundo asked Juan for his help 
            as a 'grumete' (someone knows more about what a 'grumete' does in 
            this context??) but Juan said no. Colibri never worked on the ship, 
            just followed Juan around as his companion. 
            Juan breaks in.. Yes, ... I lived as a 'grumete' three years. I know 
            well what it is like to be bossed around, reprimended and punished 
            by everyone, from captain to the lowest mariner. I did not get 
            Colibri out of Jamaica so he could be my own slave. That is what he 
            was at the Lancaster's. Juan asks Segundo when it was the first time 
            he saw Colibri. He was carrying a load of wood bigger than him. An 
            employee of the Lancaster's was throwing stones and yelling at him 
            to continue on. 
            Renato tries to restate his point. Why does Juan and his crew 
            consider themselves authorized to take justice in their own hands? 
            If this is the unfortunate story of Colibri... 
            '-Words are not necessary, Mr. President! ' - Monica shouts. Again, 
            Monica stands up and speaks up for Juan. She tells everyone she can 
            show them the truth faster than words can. In this boy's skin are 
            the scars of his tragedy. She strips his shirt out and shows 
            everyone.She dares any man who will sustain the charges against Juan 
            after seeing the scars on his skin. 
            She reinstates her promise to repay the debt aand finishes her 
            statement with... 
            'He won't defend himself... but I request justice... Human Justice 
            for the Accussed!! 
            She abandons the courtroom, but not before looking at Juan's eyes. 
            Those eyes which seem to have witnessed all the pain and suffering 
            of the world, and now seem to shine with a warm glow of grattitude, 
            maybe even admiration.. 
            Then she turns around and spots Aimee. Nothing could have given her 
            soul as devastating a blow as Aimee's presence did. They have their 
            typical exchange of insults and resentment. Monica is mad that Aimee 
            has forgotten her promise to her of forgetting Juan and respecting 
            her vows. Then Monica shows Aimee the note and asks her about it. 
            Aimee responds that Monica seems to not have sacrificed as much 
            since she defends Juan so wholeheartedly. 
            Monica says she defends him because he is noble and sincere, because 
            he felt bad for her , and after all she is his wife. Monica says 
            Aimee did not anticipating Juan capable of having 'human feelings'. 
            Aimee is relieved that, according to Monica's words, Monica and Juan 
            do not seem to be 'a couple'. After a short interviention by Renato, 
            Aimee tells Monica that maybe the note she sent to him was just to 
            raise his hopes and in response to another he had sent to her, in 
            which he asked her for help in the name of the love he had not been 
            able to forget. Aimee says it is not her fault that he still loves 
            her, only her. She 'HAD' to write him back saying she loved him 
            because without her love he wanted no freedom and no life. Now Tell 
            Renato if you really want to!! 
            Pedro Noel is next at the witness stand. He is there as a witness, 
            even though his speech sounds more like the defense closing 
            arguments. He says Monica has brought up the main points already. If 
            Juan does not want to defend himself it is because he has not done 
            any wrong. As true as there are hypocrites for evil, there are also 
            hypocrits for good. Juan is the typical case of the latter. He is 
            noble and generous man with lots of humanity, a heaart that bursts 
            with pity and caring for others, too hurt and humiliated to show his 
            true feelings. He has been illtreated too long to say he still feels 
            generous and compassionate and that he still loves and believes in 
            Nothing can justify the feelings and actions of a man than knowing 
            about his pain and suffering while he was a child. Neither Segundo 
            nor his wife Monica were there. HE KNOWS Juan since Juan was a 
            child. Juan is Good. Fundamentally good, in spite of his own 
            screw-ups which PN has been the first to reprimend him for. 
            Renato is angry at the attitude of Pedro Noel. 'Has he or has he not 
            committed the felonies in question? / Yes. but.../ Is it harmful to 
            society for a man to take justice in his own hands? / It is not the 
            ideal way to keep the order, but... He is not a beast! He is a man! 
            I have to speak to the reason of men. What will society gain with 
            punishing Juan del Diablo if, following the law blindly, he is 
            convicted with an excessive and dispropportioned sentence? / Society 
            will free itself from him and it will serve as an example to those 
            who want to immitate his actions. / 
            I'll say this. Juan is like a blind force... Hurting and alienating 
            him more, society will make him its enemy, a force of evil. 
            Understanding him, releasing him from fault, giving him a chance to 
            repair his mistakes, society gains a generous and benneficial force. 
            / You are a man of law, Notario Noel. Your words are outrageous. 
            It's in the balance. on one side is society and the law, on the 
            other is Juan del Diablo. Which side are you on?? / I...I... I am on 
            Juan's side.... 
            Hearing ends. Time for jury deliberations. 

