Subject: Book 3 Chapter 11 Part 1
            Author: María Elvira (
            Date:   11-24-1999 16:21

            Corazón Salvaje 
            Book3 – Juan del Diablo Chapter XI -1st part 

            Scene 1 

            Sofía is detained by the guards on the way to Cabo del Diablo. Noel 
            sees her and comes to her. She asks him if he knows anything about 
            what had happened to Renato. 
            --Está perfectamente…No ha habido forma de moverlo de allí. Se apoya 
            en el permiso verbal que le dio el gobernador y allí está, clavado 
            en la frontera, aguardando la oportunidad de hablar con Mónica. 

            Noel tells her that Juan has been shot, and that Segundo and Mónica 
            have been able to mend his wound.; that some of the soldiers have 
            been shot and some have left. She is surprised and angry that the 
            soldiers are retreating, and realizing that Noel is in favor of the 
            poor people, tells him: 
            --Usted, naturalmente está de su parte…De cualquier modo, le 
            agradezco muchísimo que me haya traído noticias de mi hijo. Noel 
            advises her to go home to rest, that Renato is not in any danger 
            since Juan is gravelly injured because of Renato…He asks Sofía to 
            try to talk to the governor, to try to stop the unjust situation. 
            She is irate that he would ask her to intercede for that 
            “bandido”…Noel realizes that she is not sorry about the situation 
            and tells her… 
            --No cambia usted, doña Sofía…Tiene used que sufrir mucho más y lo 
            sufrirá…sin que nadie se apiade de usted, porque usted no es capaz 
            de sentir compasión! Noel turns his back without hearing the insults 
            from the upset Sofía, who asks Esteban to take her back to her 

            Scene 2 

            In the poorly lit cabin, it is hard to see the silhouette of the 
            dark man lying still…he seems immersed in an anguished sleep, and 
            beside him is Mónica, tense, contemplating him with a distressed 
            look. A slight noise makes her jump, it is Colibrí, who comes to 
            tell her that Renato wanted to let her know that he is not leaving 
            until she goes with him. She is afraid that Juan has been able to 
            hear this, she does not want him to be upset. 
            She goes to the door, from where she can see Renato standing in his 
            immaculate white linen suit, the legitimate son of that wild and 
            passionate island. 

            Renato sees her and comes near the hill…obviously he had given money 
            to the guards, since they are looking the other way… 
            --Mónica, ahora sí, vámonos…vine a buscarte 
            --Y yo no bajé si no a decirte que te fueras de aquí, Renato! 
            --Y tu promesa? Y nuestro trato? 
            --Ya no existe! Lo has roto tú volviendo aquí! Vete y olvida… 
            --Olvidar lo que es la razón de mi vida? Abandonarte sabiéndote en 
            peligro? No te dejaré y menos ahora que pretendes volverte atrás de 
            la palabra que me distes… 
            --Y si la sostengo te irás? (asks Mónica in anguish) 
            Renato tells her that nobody is going to get away alive, the 
            governor has resources to suffocate this outburst of Juan and his 
            people…there is going to be a lot of blood… 
            Mónica tells him that she is not going to leave Juan, even if her 
            life is in danger, she is in the right place, she has not gone back 
            on her word to Renato, but she demands of him that he leave and go 
            back to Saint-Pierre…She will see him at the convent, as promised 
            before, once she is able to leave this place, alone and free…to 
            leave her alone, Renato does not want to let her go; she demands it 
            or she will scream for help… 

            Renato is surprised at her determination and agrees to leave…he 
            tells her that if she comes with him, he will intercede with the 
            governor, they could go right now and ask for his pardon. 
            --Juan no me lo perdonaría jamás! Me aborrecería por pedir piedad en 
            su nombre…El no querría la vida a ese precio…y pedida por tí…vete 
            Mónica turns back towards the cabin…a shadow crosses behind the 
            window in the cabin…Renato leaves the land of Juan del Diablo. 

