Subject: Book 3 Chapter 11 Part 2
            Author: María Elvira (
            Date:   11-24-1999 16:26

            Corazón del Diablo 
            Book 3 –Juan del Diablo Chapter XI –2nd part 

            --Por qué no te has ido, Mónica? 
            Juan asks from the hard, narrow, uncomfortable bed, where he is 
            lying…He is looking at her, Mónica feels her legs trembling…Juan is 
            pale, looking gaunt, cold, the dressings covering his chest and 
            shoulder are soaked in blood, but his voice is firm and calm as he 
            tells her how critical their situation is and that she should have 
            left. Surprised at his remarks, she asked if Colibrí told him about 
            their conversation… 

            Juan tells her that Colibrí is always on her side, another victim of 
            her charms …”La mayor parte de la gente que te conoce, se dejarían 
            matar por tí… 
            Juan had heard Colibrí calling her…and with great effort went to the 
            window and watched Mónica going to Renato. He tells her that he did 
            not expect to see her back…Mónica asked Juan if he would have 
            preferred to have her… 

            --Me molestaría la idea de que te fueras con él, pero por una vez el 
            caballero D’Autremont se portó como un caballero, negándose a 
            abandonarte en este lugar…Si hubiera entendido lo que él me gritaba, 
            cuando me acerqué al poste…te hubiera dejado ir… 

            Mónica had come closer, sitting at the edge of the narrow bed, 
            forcing him to lay down, putting his head on the pillow, looking at 
            him very closely, with an ardent, inquiring look, trying to find the 
            feelings he is hiding… 
            --¿De veras ni entendistes lo que él quería? 
            --Tal vez sí, pero en aquel momento me cegó la ira…Hubiera preferido 
            matarlo y matarte antes de consentir… 
            --¿Hasta ese extremo, Juan? –asks Mónica feeling somewhat flattered. 

            --¡Sí! Qué tontería, ¿verdad? Al fin y al cabo soy tan estupidamente 
            soberbio como si fuera un D’Autremont legítimo. 
            Mónica leans over him, taking one of his strong, firm, tanned 
            hands…She feels overwhelmed with compassion and tenderness, but she 
            is trying very hard not to let it show, holding back, afraid to 
            surrender herself to him, meanwhile, afraid that his eyes will show 
            his emotions, Juan entorna su párpados sobre sus negros ojos 
            --Would you really want me to go? Asks Mónica, trembling, waiting 
            for his answer. She can feel how his pulse had accelerated under her 
            fingers, but the ever distrusting and resentful person that lives 
            inside him, makes him answer with another question: 
            --¿Y por qué no habías de irte? What reason, what motive do you have 
            to stay here? 
            Mónica answers with a smile – I like to pay my debts…I don’t forget, 
            I do remember a bed like this one…I remember being sick, lying down, 
            despaired, hoping to die, and the man that I thought was my worst 
            enemy, sitting by my side, fighting for my life…Now the situation is 
            reversed, and even though the situation is different, it is 
            similar…You are injured and trapped, like I was sick and despairing. 
            And Juan, like you then, I will not abandon you, I will no let you 

            Mónica had been talking with a smile, disguising the warm feeling 
            that invades her heart, partially giving in, with almost no strength 
            left, to that feeling that overflows her heart, her soul; while Juan 
            is savoring every word like a “codiciada y amarga golosina”…Juan del 
            Diablo, unhappy about his life and destiny, the ever distrusting and 
            resentful against the whole world, does not know how to stretch out 
            his hands and take his happiness…And while he has his eyes 
            half-closed, Mónica strokes his forehead very lightly…If only he 
            would open his eyes, and show her all the love that is in his heart 
            …but the man that did not quiver in the middle of the storms, is 
            trembling now, in front of these blue eyes, afraid to find them cold 
            and mocking...he speaks without looking at her, like a stubborn 
            --I think that you are exaggerating things…it is not the same…I was 
            not in danger for taking care of you a little bit. 
            --I was contagious...and you knew it…anyone on your situation would 
            have dumped me in the first port… 
            --With your Dr. Faber, right? That was what you wanted, no? –says 
            Juan reproachfully 
            --Maybe you wanted to get rid of me, too? –Mónica is asking 
            trembling, anxiously waiting for his answer, but Juan is looking for 
            a way out without confessing… 
            --I am not talking about me…I was only thinking of the danger for 
            --Juan, you never speak for yourself? 
            --Sometimes, but not with you…stumbles Juan. Don’t you think that 
            these are too many questions for a sick man? 
            --Maybe…But you do not look like you are feeling so sick…I was wrong 
            before, I thought that you were unconscious and you were listening 
            to everything…I thought you did not have any strength and you went 
            to the window…I thought that you needed my care, and probably you 
            detest my being here… 
            --No, I don’t, says Juan… 
            --Entonces, ¿qué te pasa? Dilo…! 
            --Sencillamente, que me abrumas, Mónica. Siempre tomas el camino más 
            duro y cuando uno piensa que tuvistes alguna razón personal para 
            hacerlo, resulta que solo lo hacías conforme a tu conciencia…No 
            wonder you want to hide in a convent, you are too perfect for this 
            ordinary and mundane life… 
            --Why are you talking this way? Your praises sound sarcastic, Juan 
            del Diablo! 
            --Juan del Diablo! You said my name in a way that hurts! 
            --If I had said Juan de Dios, you would have said the same…I can’t 
            ever win with you…You always protest, one way or the other… 
            --Why do you have to call me “de Dios o del Diablo? Just call me 
            Juan, it’s easier. 
            -I think you are right…No eres de Dios ni del Diablo…Eres de tí 
            mismo…tan duro, cerrado y egoísta como esas rocas que no se 
            conmueven con las olas golpeándolas por mil años…Well, what can we 
            do? Maybe it is better this way.. 
            --Where are you going, Mónica? 
            --To ask Segundo to take care of you…What do you want? 
            --Don’t go like that!…Come closer, there is something I want to tell 
            you, but I don’t have that much strength… 
            --I suppose that you are pretending to be weak…in spite of her 
            words, she goes to him, touching his forehead, taking his pulse; 
            anxiously looking at the blood that is soaking his bandages and 
            --We have to change those bandages, you are bleeding again; of 
            course, you don’t sit still… you did not have to go walking around 
            to the window… You are worst than a child, a hundred times worst 
            than a child… 
            --It is OK, don’t you worry...I want you to stay here, don’t say 
            anything to what I am going to tell you… 
            --Don’t talk!…I really think you are weak…turning, she goes to the 
            door and calls -Colibrí! Go and get Segundo, ask him to bring 
            boiling water and dressings…Go, run…She closes the door and comes 
            back to the bed. 
            --Drink some of this wine, is the only thing we have…She puts his 
            dark head on her knees, trying to make him drink the wine slowly, as 
            some of the color returns to his face…She softly caresses his 
            forehead, brushing back his wet hair, wiping away his sweat with her 
            own handkerchief, while a wonderful unknown feeling makes her almost 
            --Mónica, yo tengo algo que decirte, pero no me respondas…Mónica, 
            estás llorando? 
            --Llorando yo? –intenta negar Mónica, disimulando su dulce 
            emoción…Porqué había de llorar? 
            --No sé…A veces no sé nada..Peco de torpe o me paso de listo. 
            Mónica tells him to rest, to close his eyes. She jokes, asking if he 
            wants to tell her about a sunken treasure. 
            Juan insists, he wants to tell her that sometimes he acts like a 
            --Oyeme solamente, te agradezco de modo infinito que no te hayas 
            ido… No digas nada…quiero imaginarme yo mismo lo que querría que me 
            Mónica sin poder dominar su emoción, le pregunta que es lo que 
            quiere que le conteste. 

            At that moment Segundo arrives with the bandages and the water, and, 
            looking at Mónica’s eyes full of tears and Juan’s pale, worn-out 
            face, and the bloody shirt, exclaims in alarm: 
            --The wound is open again…we have to change his bandages…and like an 
            expert, he starts changing them. Mónica goes to the window, 
            breathing the fresh air… 

            --Segundo, donde está Mónica, pregunta Juan con voz débil. 
            She is by the window, looking at the sea, responds Segundo. –Do you 
            want me to call her? 
            --No, let her be…Segundo, if you love a woman more than your life, 
            and you think that she loves someone else, would you force her to 
            stay with you? Would you keep her with you to share your fate as 
            long as you could keep her with you, to have her, to touch her, 
            maybe to dream that some day she might love you… 
            Segundo does not understand clearly, but tells him: -Why would you 
            want a woman that doesn’t love you? I don’t know if this is an 
            answer, but… 
            Dismayed, Juan closes his eyes, overwhelmed with fatigue…Yes, it is 
            an answer…Segundo finishes with the bandages and tells Mónica that 
            Juan has a fever and needs rest. Mónica tells him to go and that she 
            will take care of him. 

            Mónica waits until Juan’s breathing tells her that he has fallen 
            sleep. Slowly she walks towards him, now she can surround him with 
            her love; she imagines him, being a child in this desolate cabin, 
            without love, without smiles, maybe even sick…How much she would 
            like to cover with kisses his forehead, his face, his lips, to sooth 
            him like a child…She wants to be with him, breathing the same 
            air…she kneels down next to him, on the hard floor, whispering: 
            --Juan…Si tú me amarás… 

            Mónica gets up from the hard floor where she had fallen sleep and 
            goes to the window. A small shadow moves around the rocks. It is 
            Colibrí, keeping watch. He is looking at the dark sky, full of 
            reddish clouds. She is looking towards the roads, realizing that 
            Renato’s carriage is gone. Colibrí tells her that the fishermen are 
            planning to go out to the sea and to put a cask with gun-powder near 
            the soldiers on the other side, in order to blow them up. Mónica 
            tells him that Juan will never allow that to happen, that they will 
            kill a lot of people. Colibrí replies that they are very upset 
            because the soldiers had shot Juan and few others. He notices 
            Mónica’s eyes full of tears, and thinks it is because Juan is really 
            sick. She responds that no, she is sad because she sees all this 
            hate between brothers…Mónica, trembling, looks back towards the 
            cabin, searching for Juan, and between the shadows, she believes 
            seeing a vague form taking over Juan, making her to step back, 
            separating her from her husband whom she loves, while tears run down 
            her face, in silent, bitter resignation… 


