Subject: Here's Marta's summary of chapter 13
            Author: DebM (
            Date:   11-28-1999 18:48

            Padre Vivier testifies about the events that had just happened at 
            Campo Real. 
            He told Sofia, Andres, and others about how thousands of men and 
            revolted and killed a few loyal employees and lit fire to anything 
            could at Campo Real. They had taken over the hacienda. No police 
            came to help. Padre Vivier, Dona Catalina and a few others were 
            hiding in 
            the chapel/church until they got a chance to escape. Sofia wants to 
            cops and go back and kick them out. Renato says that would only add 
            death to the situation. Renato does not want to go to Campo Real 
            just yet. 
            There's something more important that he has to take care of first, 
            important than anything. Someone who, at whatever price, he must 
            Sofia cannot believe that there could be anything more important 
            Campo Real. It's out land!! It's our home!! She calls Renato a 
            coward, a 
            muppet that women play with. Unworthy of his name and legacy. Renato 
            is enraged. 
            Padre Vivier also tries to convince Renato to attend to the 
            situation at 
            Campo Real, but to no avail. Renato gives him the devilish stare and 

            Padre Vivier backs off. Renato leaves. 

            Juan and Monica notice that the promontory (the pile of rocks that 
            used to 
            cause the rapids that prevented them frome escaping through water) 
            has been 
            blown away by the people that are keeping them isolated. With this 
            they have 
            virtually separated Cabo del Diablo from the rest of the island, 
            making it 
            a smalll island in itself. Juan tells Monica that they were not 
            counting in 
            giving them an escape route. Now there is a way out, Juan tells 
            Monica. Her 
            original idea is now possible. There's the way by water, and he will 
            use it to 
            save her. 
            Monica looks at him with gratitude and a new appreciation, thenn she 
            snaps out 
            of it... 
            She does not want to be saved and leave him behind... 
            J: You'll do what I say!! Don't you get it? There's no time to 
            loose. There's 
            only one boat strong enough to make that trip successfully when the 
            water is 
            calm, at night. 
            He wants to drop her off near her old house and then come back for 
            the others. 
            There's room for one more. Colibri will stay with her. Whatever 
            happens after 
            that doesn't matter. She'll be safe. 
            M: It doesn't matter? 
            J: I'll feel better, more free to do what It takes. 
            M: Am I such a burden for you? 
            J: Burden? Didn't I thank you for staying here with me? 
            Juan shuts up. Monica wants to know what he's thinking. What kind of 
            woman does 
            he think she is? No. She will stay. We'll all go. These men have 
            tools, they can 
            modify their boats under your direction to join them all and make 
            them stronger 
            to withstand the trip. 
            Juan still wants to get her to safety first. She can land anywhere, 
            the rest 
            would have to go much farther. 
            M: What about the Luzbel? Can't we use it for refuge? 
            J: Maybe. But it's too big a load for her... It has been confiscated 
            again, but 
            there's no watch on it. They felt safe just docking it on the other 
            side of Cabo 
            del Diablo. 
            They'll never think of looking for us there. Your idea is excellent, 
            Monica, but 
            much more dangerous than mine. 
            M: You had told me you were willing to do anything for these people. 

            You wanted to take on the blame all for yourself. They must matter a 
            lot to you 
            when you are willing to do so much for them. 
            J: Yes, Monica, very much. But there is something that matters to me 
            a hundred 
            times more... 
            J: Monica, do you think that Renato has abandoned you? That he has 
            done all this 
            for vengeance against you? 
            M: Maybe, but I don't think so. I really believe that if he could 
            have done 
            something to prevent all this, he would have. 
            J: Because he loves you? Do you think that his love for you is 
            stronger than his 
            hatred for me? 
            M: In him, love is stronger than hate. He was not made to hate. Hate 
            resentment are temporary feelings in him. He was educated for the 
            easy, courteous life. But, why do you ask? What do you expect or 
            fear from him? 
            J: We'lll go with your plan, Monica. It's riskier for you than mine 
            and I should 
            not accept it, but your biggest danger is myself, and I cannot free 
            you from it. I 
            could never leave your fate in anyone else's rowing arms. Let's go 
            tell the others, 
            you will tell them yourself and give them hope. 

            Renato learns from Yanina that his mother is doing better. Also that 
            had burned Kuma's cabin with her inside. That he laughed everytime 
            she looked out a window in desperation and they threw stones at her. 
            When Bautista finally let her go, 
            fatally burned, they threatened her not to call for help or 
            vengeance. That is what 
            started the revolt. 
            They revolted against him, and burned the main house (at CR). 
            Bautista told 
            Sofia about this and that he was just following his (Renato's) 
            orders. Renato gets enraged that anyone could believe that he 
            ordered such a thing. 
            Yanina says Kuma really did have powers over love and death. The 
            three men who 
            killed her are all dead. The volcano thundering calls Renato's 
            attention. It's been 
            rumbling for several days now, says Yanina. Ashes are raining from 
            the sky and it feels really hot. 
            Renato dozes off and dreams of Aimee telling him that he will fall 
            very low and 
            then join her in hell. Renato wakes up shouting that Aimee's image 
            is a ghost. 
            Renato receives the document from the Obispado certifying the 
            annulment of 
            Monica's marriage to Juan, and shouts happily that Monica is free 
            from Juan del Diablo. He's deliriously happy thinking of that word. 
            FREE!!! FREE!!! He has forgotten everything else.. 
            the effect of the alcohol, the remorse about Aimee, the shadows.... 
            Yanina is very sad just staring at the reaction that document has in 
            forbidden love. 
            She tells him that it must have been resolved so quickly because of 
            D'Autremont) influences. 
            He tells her he needed to break that tie so she could escape from 
            the situation 
            at Cabo Del Diablo. 
            The governor went to Fort De France because he did not want to take 
            action or 
            have to compromise himself, or have to go against me or the law. 
            Yanina reminds him of his mother's condition. He says that she is 
            right. He will go to Campo Real but only after speaking to the 
            governor about both things (Campo Real and Cabo del Diablo). Tell 
            her that, it will calm her. Renato will thank the messenger and 
            priest for the quick response on the annulment process. Yanina is 
            sad, but remains loyal. 

            Monica asks Juan if everything is ready. 
            J:There's a new moon tonight, which provides the risk of some 
            light but also keeps the waters calmer. It's very important to be 
            cautious. They 
            expect us to give up anytime in desperation, and our silence can 
            raise suspicions that something is going on and that would be... 
            Better not to even think about it, Santa Monica.. The Fort of Saint 
            Pierre has cannons pointing out to sea. But don't want to worry you. 
            I called you Santa Monica to wake you up and anger you. 
            But you don't get mad.. maybe you're starting to believe that you do 
            have some 
            sanctity in you. 
            Monica won't protest or respond at all. They hear the volcano rumble 
            again. Juan 
            points to Monica that the volcano is lit, spitting rivers of lava 
            all through the valleys on the other side... it would be funny.. 
            maybe even great... because that would make the troops flea toward 
            that side, 
            leaving their posts. 
            Maybe the troops will be distracted by the catastrophe out there and 
            will go to 
            check it out. 
            M: Don't say that... 
            J: That's life, Monica. A catastrophe for others could mean 
            salvation for us, 
            most happiness is won at the expense of tears and blood. 
            M: True happiness should not hurt anyone. Why should we achieve 
            something at the 
            expense of tormenting others? 
            J: We live in a tormenting world, Monica. Noone can avoid some 
            M: Why do you always speak so bitterly? 
            J: Because I have reached the bottom in many ways. But I also have 
            learned about 
            other ways... 
            and I don't feel ashamed when I say some of it I have learned at 
            your side. 
            It's almost worth it to suffer. As long as we do it with dignity and 
            keep our 
            heads up high as human beings over this rough and bitter world. It's 
            my only consolation for having taken all these men to a probable 
            death... Maybe they will die revolting.. but in revolting they have 
            reclaimed the right to live... 
            (another volcan rumble interrupts Juan) 
            Juan says that maybe God should cause an earthquake and level 
            everything and 
            everyone off. 
            M: You are full of hate, Juan. 
            J: Not really. I used to be... I used to be like just a happy sailor 
            laughing at 
            the world and drinking at every port. Now something has changed in 
            me.. maybe because of you, Santa Monica. Now my hatee is like a 
            disgust against evil and injustice. A rage against those who abuse 
            whoever is within their power, those 
            who get their way by whipping in the farms or the jails. And along 
            with the 
            rage, a need to remedy the wrong, to change things, a wild wish to 
            enforce justice... with my fists if necessary... Yes, Monica, 
            there's something bubbling in my blood... Used to be hate, 
            resentment. Now, it's more noble, a need to fight for a better 
            world, a hope that tomorrow... 
            M: What about tomorrow? 
            J: Nonsense... 
            M: Even if it is nonesense, tell me, Juan.. so I can peak into your 
            soul, to 
            know what you hide in there, what you wish for... 
            J: Would you laugh if I said that I would like to have a child? Not 
            one.. more.. 
            many children, and that by the time they arrived, they found a 
            better world, somehow improved by my own hands and efforts... 
            M: You are the best man in the world, Juan del Diablo!! 
            Monica caresses Juan's hands and his scar, then his hair as if, for 
            a moment, 
            she did not see the strong man but the sad pitiful child, wounded, 
            victim of a dark vengeance. She is crying again, like that morning 
            on the Luzbel. 
            This is a decisive moment, in which emotion takes over both bodies 
            and souls, 
            the awaited hour, in which pride masks fall off. But Juan is still 
            fighting the moment of revelation to the end... 
            J: The moon is out and the waters are calming down.. It's time to 
            go, to put it 
            all on the line. 
            M: Yes, let's put it all on the line. But before we walk into what 
            could be the 
            Colibri comes running to them to tell them that everyone is at the 
            beach, but 
            some don't want to go, they (led by Segundo) are thinking that the 
            Luzbel cannot carry them all and they would rather face the troops. 
            Juan says let's go. Monica wonders if they will resist to following 
            him. Juan 
            says that those who are worthy of following him, will. They get to 
            the beach and Juan starts to shout orders to board the boats. 
            Everyone starts moving as if his determined voice crumbled any doubt 
            in their minds. Only one boat full wants to stay. Segundo explains 
            to Juan that they prefer to stay. That his family needs him and he 
            wants to take his chances with the soldiers rather than go with 
            them. Juan says he is afraid, they will lock them up and treat them 
            worse than animals. Segundo says that you can get out of jail, but 
            not from the bottom of the sea. Juan insists angrily. Segundo turns 
            to Monica. He tries to convince her to stay with them, that she will 
            be safe with them. Monica replies that she prefers to face the risk 
            of death alongside Juan del Diablo. 
            The three boats, joined by wooden beams and surrounded by floating 
            barrels, are 
            put on the water. Juan picks Monica up and puts her in the first 
            boat, with Colibri. Juan feels a sharp pain in his shoulder wound, 
            but jumps into the boat and starts to row. 
            Cabo del Diablo is left behind. Monica is very close to Juan. A 
            cloud covers the 
            moon for a while and the waters get wilder. More fire atop Mount 
            Pelee brightens the night and more lava creeks down the mountain. 

