Subject: The Epilogue
            Author: Robin N (
            Date:   01-23-2000 20:17


            The new house at Campo real was built on the exact opposite side of 
            the valley from the first. It was very close to the ruins, on a hill 
            where from time to time, the sea breezes would come. It was a fresh 
            and light house, clean and happy, and small when compared to the old 
            palace whose marble ruins were vovered in tangled vines. It was 
            spacious because love and peace triumphed here… Love and peace in 
            the heart of the woman that waits on the balcony draped in 
            honeysuckle; the light in her blue eyes followed along the narrow 
            roads that marked the boundaries of their acreage… She waits 
            sweetly, without anxiety, without worrying… she waits, her fresh 
            lips burning for the kiss she can’t wait longer for, the delicate 
            hands crossed, readying for the caress. That woman smiles, that 
            woman loves, and its her love like the rays of the sun that 
            fertilize the land and illuminates the soals… Y the horse that she 
            feels drawing closer, the pounding of the hard hooves, lifts her 
            heart like the ringing of silver bells. 

            A man crosses the wide, fertile lands… He rides the most vigorous of 
            chargers found in american soil, the strong hand holds the rains, 
            restraining the horses gallop so that he can better enjoy the view. 
            He looks from one side to the other. This no longer is the Campo 
            Real, land of master and servant… This land, fertile and joyous, 
            where free men win their bread with their sweat. The humble workers 
            don’t lower their heads to him. They raise their hands to him in a 
            salute of affection and respect and he smiles as he passes… He 
            smiles, and his restless look rises up past the roads up to the 
            white house, up to the balcony covered in honeysuckle, where the 
            woman waits that he loves… 

            “Am I very late, Monica? 

            “For my impatience, you are always late. But in reality, not much. 
            I’m greedy of all the hours, of all of the minutes of your life… I 
            know that it’s not possible… I’m not trying to have a caged eagle… 
            Valle Chico and Campo Real are small enough for you. How could I 
            close you in the four walls of my house?” 

            “Close my in a circle even more restricting, my Monica; in the 
            circle of your arms… I wish this chain on my neck as I wish to see 
            you look at my eyes, your mouth on my mouth… Without your presence, 
            I haven’t the air, the sun, my own life… For you I feel the courage 
            in life to fight, triumph… work… For your inspiration, these lands 
            once again are fertile and the men who work them are fortunate. 
            Today I was in the port to contract for the services of one hundred 
            workers more.” 

            “Is that possible? Have those that left returned, those that left 

            “No… almost none have returned, but it doesn’t matter. New men have 
            come from harder lands… Men of all races: blacks and brown, yellow 
            and white… new metal for the melting pot that is our country. If you 
            would have seen the joy it gave me to see how the houses are going 
            up in Fort de France… Soon we will have a cleean and joyous capital, 
            perhaps even more beautiful than Saint-Pierre…” 

            “Saint-Pierre… You are so pensive… Is there something else that you 
            wanted to tell me?” 

            “Yes… Today Renato left. He left us saying that he would leave 
            immediately, but that wasn’t so. He waited in an innon the 

            “Renato… That God will grant him happiness!” 

            A man crossed silently past the luxurious cabin on the departing 
            ship. He’s tall, refined, and wears the clothes of a gentleman. His 
            hair is blond and straight, and in his blue eyes there is an intense 
            look of nostalgia. His hand, his long fingers seek in his pockets to 
            find something, some discolored papers, whose writing is almost 
            obscured by water. Papers in which you can still see the seal of the 
            Governor and the signature of the Pope… With a slow and smooth 
            gesture, he lit the paper with a match, holding it over the water. 
            He watched it burn for a moment and then let it fall into the 
            churning waters. 

            The boat crossed in front of the ruins of Saint-Pierre… It had drawn 
            aside the rocky promontory of the lighthouse and turned toward the 
            high seas, ready to sail. His foot on the edge of the railing, 
            Renato watched those lands that he was leaving. He raised his head, 
            his eyes seeking the cone of the volcano that now was serene, dead 
            or slumbering, it served as a symbol, or a threat. He thought of 
            Monica, and of Juan… His eyes clouded for a moment; but through 
            strength of will, he turned his back and entered the illuminated 
            salon, leaving behind him the lands that slowly disappeared. 

            Martinique… flowering land, land convulsed and churned in a cauldron 
            of fire… A volcano of loves and hates, of passions without 
            restraint, of punishments and cruelties… The land where four 
            passionate hearts collided: Monica, Aimee, Renato, Juan… Martinique… 
            island placed where the brilliant Caribbean sea seems most restless, 
            a golden clasp on the emerald collar of the Antilles… Exuberant and 
            rough, generous and wild, resting place of adventurers, a pirates’ 
            refuge, favored daughter of the most ardent sun on the planet, 
            cradle of the great volcano like a burning heart and contained 
            beating within its core… Land ferocious and mysterious, abrupt and 
            enigmatic… Brave island, with the name of a woman: Martinique!” 

            The End

