Marcela continues the conversation on phone with Lucia and tells Lucia that despite the financial status Sebastian is going through, he did ask them to provide Lucia some money for the maintenance of the baby if she asked. Lucia asks for 1Million, maybe 2 since she has to pay the hotel bill, Marcela pretty much laughs at her and says they will send whatever they can, but it won't be much... 
Meanwhile Miguel and his new girlfriend are at the travel agency and he is putting their plane tickets, hotel reservation and rental car in his credit card... lol... he has some trouble finding a credit card that has not been blocked, but finally finds one, he gets mad at the travel agents, his girlfriend is more forgiving. they are headed for Cartagena for 2 weeks... 
The girlfriend makes another phone call... seemingly she is worse than Miguel, she is just a fake looking for a man loaded with money and she tells her friend very excited that she has found him!! 
Lucia calls the lawyer... she wants her deposit back since Seb does not have any money to sue him for and she no longer wants to go through with it... but the lawyer cannot return her deposit, he spent it doing his investigations. she is insulted when he cannot return any of her money, calling it a 'descaro'. Lucia then calls the manager of the hotel to talk about some way to deal with the bill... 
Gaviota and Carmenza have arrived at their apartment in London. Carmenza is having trouble dealing with the time change (it is about 8 hours later in London than in Colombia). 
Gaviota seemingly spoke to Avellaneda and she noticed a change in tone in him, as if something is going on in Colombia... Carmenza wonders if a tragedy happened... 
Seb is seen through the bars in his cell very sad, definitely thinking about Gaviota. 
At the hacienda, Jorge Latorre and the Bank people are arguing about the hacienda production backing up the debt, but the bank guys say since the hacienda crops were blocked by the Assoc, they have to take other assetts in the hacienda... Latorre goes beserk, demands that they do not touch the actual property... the bank guy says they are aware Seb is not the only owner of the hacienda and they will do their best not to touch the actual property equipment. Arthur commits himself to work 24/7 or do whatever it takes to try and get the hacienda out of trouble... Latorre has to run back to Bogota to try to protect Sebastian's properties in Bogota, like the apartment. Paula wonders about Sebastian's demeanor, Latorre says he is ok, the only thing that is really concerning him is the baby and the fact that they have not located Lucia to give her money for the baby yet... Paula wonders where they will get money, Latorre says he will do what he can. 
Lucia visits Ivan/Lucrecia's apt. Lucrecia is irritated at her presence, wondering what Lucia could want. Lucrecia says Lucia is 'descarada' to come ask them for help now. Lucia is surprised but wonders what she has done to Lucrecia. Lucrecia plays the offended/affected one since she is the one that introduced Lucia and Sebastian. She considered Lucia her friend. Lucia replies precisely because I thought you were my friend I am here. Lucrecia says what about Miguel? They are arguing loudly while Lucia still has little Ricardo in her arms... Lucia says what are u complaining? your marriage worked, but mine never did. Wouldn't you have tried to help your parents if they needed it? Lucrecia is not buying the show. You came to the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Lucia: Todo lo hice por mi familia... Y ahora yo estoy sola y soy una carga para mi familia... y Miguel se fue con todo lo que yo tenia... y yo necesito hablar contigo.. necesito ayuda... 
Lucrecia: Pues creo que viniste al sitio equivocado en el momento equivocado. Gracias a Seb tenemos congelados todos los bienes. Si quieres te puedo dar la plata que tengo en la billetera pero eso te da para dormir esta noche nada mas. 
Lucia: No, Lucrecia. Estas muy equivocada. Yo no vengo por limosna. Si algo me queda de dignidad... 
Lucre: Espero que puedas vivir de ella... 
Lucia: Sabes que, Lucrecia? Haces muy bien el papel de la mujer moral y de la mujer indignada con lo que esta pasando. Y dices que yo jugue contigo y que no fui honesta contigo. Y sabes lo que creo? Que fue todo lo contrario. Que entre tu y Ivan lo planearon todo. Que buscaron una mujer para Sebastian, para que EL estuviera alejado de la Gaviota, que era el peligro verdadero para Ustedes. Y me hiciste casarme con EL aunque no me amaba. Porque lo que tu querias era que no tuvieramos un hijo para que no hubiera problemas! para que Uds pudieran manejar la herencia del abuelo! Pero yo me le sali de las manos! Ahora yo soy una persona indigna y sucia!! No eres igual que yo, sino peor!! 
Lucre: Vayase de esta casa!! 
Lucia: Me voy. Pero te quiero decir que tu indignacion no es porque me hayas presentado a la familia Vallejo y hayas quedado mal. Es porque entre Miguel y yo acabamos con la finca. Y ya no la puedes tener. Ya no les sirve de nada. Esa es tu moral, Lucrecia. Y que yo me haya acostado con MT, a ti ni te va ni te viene. 
Lucre: No! Es que lo que me molesta es su presencia!! Y yo creo que mejor se va porque mi marido esta por llegar. Ahora si Ud viene con ese cuento para conmoverme, pues olvidese porque techo en esta casa no tiene! Y nunca la dejaria dormir bajo el mismo techo que mi marido!! porque yo no sabria de que seria capaz UD!! (in comes Ivan from work) 
I: Ud que hace aqui, Lucia? 
Lucre: Ella ya se iba. 
I: Espero que le haya cambiado el apellido a ese nino. De nada le sirve que siga llevando el apellido V. Y mucho menos que siga figurando como el hijo de Seb. porque ya no hay nada que EL pueda hacer. 
Lucia: No se preocupe ya. A mi no me interesa el apellido V. Y si, ya me voy. Me voy porque su mujer teme! ... que nosotros podamos tener algo. Por lo visto Ud no le ha contado que lo nuestro se acabo... (of course, she is lying, but she just wants to hit Lucre where it hurts her) 
Lucre: Que??... 
Luc: Si, Lucrecia! Ivan iba a mi casa a visitarme cuando Seb estaba de viaje, y no precisamente cuando Ustedes estaban separados!... 
I: Mire, Lucia. es mejor que se vaya y por favor no me obligue a sacarla, si??! (getting irritated) 
Luc: Al principio llego a mi casa como un amigo. A darme consejos porque mi relacion con Seb estaba muy mal. Y luego me sedujo. Y no una vez. Dos veces, Lucrecia. 
Lucre: Larguese... 
I: Larguese!! 
Luc: Adios, Lucrecia... 
(no matter what Ivan can shout in his defense, Lucrecia brings out all his old skeletons from the closet, all the secretaries... etc etc... these two don't know how to be together other than arguing) 
\line Gaviota and Carmenza's landlord shows up at their apt to introduce himself as the head porter (Mr. Bruce Thomas). Carmenza does not speak a letter of english so she summons Gaviota to help her... Gav serves as translator...  Gav asks him to check over Carmenza every now and then because she will be out all day working. Mr. Thomas says no problem I'll take care of her. 
Carmenza likes Mr Thomas from the first moment and Gav notices it and jokes her about it. 
At hacienda, Paula is depressed on phone with Marcela when Arthur's old girlfriend Matilde shows up and Paula is confused. Matilde says she always comes in through the coffee fields. Matilde knows Paula by name and that Arthur told her a lot about her. and that they are together again. Matilde wants to speak to Arthur. Paula consults with a maid at the house and the maid does tell her Matilde used to be Arthur's girlfriend and that since her dad died she has turned kind of looney. Paula decides to have her call out for Arthur, that she needs him at the house now. 
At CE, Ivan is yelling on the phone at someone while the lawyer is in the office. the American banks have frozen all his assetts and money. Ivan wants to know how long it will be before the funds are unlocked, the lawyer says this will take a lot longer than they  originally thought. 
Latorre keeps warning Seb that waiting before he retrieves his guilty declaration is very dangerous, it is giving Ivan and his lawyer a lot of time to build a case against him. Seb asks if they have found Lucia to give her money and Latorre has no choice but to tell Seb that the banks have blocked all funds from hacienda accounts and there are bank reps at the hacienda. 
Arthur arrives at the house, is very surprised to find Matilde. Matilde wants him to go with her, Arthur says he is not going anywhere with her... she demands that he leave with her... Paula comes in and says he is not going anywhere... Matilde threatens Arthur to go directly to the police if he does not leave with her. Paula wants to know what this is about, Arthur is getting mad at Matilde. He has no choice but to leave with Matilde but cannot explain why to Paula. Paula demands that he explain why he is leaving with Matilde and Arthur has no choice but to tell her the story (of the death of Matilde's uncle, etc)... if he does not go with her she will go to the police and say they both killed her uncle... how could he explain he was not part of it? it would be his word against hers... also now he is worried about Paula now that Matilde knows they are back together... 
Lucia calls Marcela back to accept whatever money they can supply her... 
Cecilia seemingly is not eating probably because of her being depressed at her familys situation. 
Arthur discusses possibilities of what to do now about Matilde with Paula... he has to continue to administer the hacienda but they have to keep Matilde away... what to do... end of ep 146 
Paula and Arthur continue talking about what they can do now... Paula suggests they leave the hacienda. they are not safe now at least while Matilde is around. Arthur is reluctant to leave the hacienda, but Paula says let's solve the Seb situation first and then they can deal with her... she needs him with her now... so they will leave and go to Bogota to Cecilia's. 
Gaviota and the coffee rep in Europe talk about the support or lack of it from the other coffee producing countries and the harm that the rep from the US and the other consumer countries can do to the 'pact'. 
Matilde goes beserk after she realizes Arthur and Paula have fled the hacienda. 
Carlos Fontalvo calls Avellaneda, still cannot locate Marcia his daughter. 
Paula and Arthur arrive at Cecilia's to a conforting Marcela. Harold is taking very good care of Cecilia. Cecilia reluctantly accepts his charms... Marcela is worried that Cec won't eat, and does not expect her to get better until Seb is out of his trouble... so let's hope he will come out of this and very soon... 
Gav and Salinas talk on phone, and he surprises her with the news that he will come to London next week to help her out with the conference and the meetings with the other delegates. Salinas does clarify that he won't mix feelings with work issues. So don't worry about me. Gav says don't worry, despite whatever happened in Bogota, I will appreciate your help and your support here. 
Every now and then we still get shots of Seb pacing around his cell, worried, sad... 
Fran comes into Ivan's office announcing to him they have no money, even for paying employees, have to close the company. Ivan argues loudly that he won't do that... argues go back and forth, Fran allegates that it will ruin them with the coffee society and with the american and local banks. Ivan stays firm, they have to leave now to go to the courthouse. 
Marcia calls her dad. He tells her that Seb and not Ivan is the one in jail, and that Ivan is looking for her like crazy to find those diskettes... her dad needs the diskettes, wants her to send them to him, but seems like she will bring them personally to Bogota. 
Latorre tells Seb that Ivan is presenting his balances at the courthouse... but there are no hopes because they have had a lot of time to explain any questionable incomes. Latorre insists that they retrieve his guilty call now and Seb keeps firm that they need to keep waiting until something falls through and someone comes forward. 
Manuel walks into Bernardo's office extremely nervous with another summons from the court to appear the next day. He is panicked that he will be in deep trouble. Another summons arrives for Bernardo for the next day too. Manuel wants to call Ivan to talk about what to do tomorrow. Ivan at the office tells Fran he only had to clarify some revenues to the court. Ivan says he is free of suspicion now. Fran is still worried about Bernardo and his friend. Ivan says we will see what we can do for him. 
Jorge tells Seb the hacienda is barely producing enough for its own maintenance.Arthur is at Cec's house because of the Matilde situation...Seb asks Jorge where the money they are giving Lucia is coming from... (I think it is coming from Harold since they are showing him immediately after that shot). Marcela, Paula and Arthur are very worried. Arthur asks Harold for some money to help out with the expenses and to have a little detail for Paula... Harold reassures Arthur that he is a gentleman and nothing like MT. 
At London, there is a meeting with the coffee growers and Gaviota tries her best to get the support of all the growers... but the brazilian guy is pulling away, which is a big blow since Brazil is the biggest grower in America, they can't take a 30% cut. 
Ivan and the lawyer talk about the summons for Bernardo and Manuel. Lawyer warns Ivan that Manuel basically will go from the declaration to jail since they did not find anything or anyone else suspicious at the customs/naviera. Ivan wants the lawyer to keep quiet when Bernardo and Manuel arrive to discuss about tomorrow's declaration. Lawyer argues that once Manuel finds himself lost, he will turn against Bernardo. Ivan reassures the lawyer that Manuel will not turn on Bernardo. Lawyer also tells Ivan that Bernardo will strangle Ivan when Manuel ends up locked up. Ivan says we will deal with him later, just want this all over with. 
Back at London, they have to end up the meeting after 6 hrs and little progress. The guy from Brazil warns Gav and the other colombian rep that possibly the problem is the americans are making deals with the little growers to separate the growers and end the 'global agreement'. 
Marcia arrives at her dad's. She announces that Seb won't be in jail for long. She did not come back on vacation. (end of ep 147) 
Salinas arrives in London. 
Carlos Fontalvo calls Avellaneda with the good news that Marcia is in town. However, Marcia lies to her dad and says she left the diskettes.. but when he leaves her apt, she pulls them out of her purse smiling, seems she will be playing some games with them. 
Carmenza, in London, is cooking all kinds of stuff for Mr. Thomas. and she is somehow communicating with him. this is pretty funny how she tries to get herself understood and all she can talk about is colombian food... but he has had enough food... 
she gives him some aguardiente to help down the 'chicharrones'. MrT: 'this is strong stuff! my head is going round and round!...' 
Gaviota arrives at the apt with Salinas, Salinas is happy to be eating homemade stuff after so long... 
Carmenza asks Gav in private what Salinas is doing there... yeah right! she won't bite the story of he's there for work and work alone... he is there for her...  
At Ivan's office, Bernardo and Manuel are very worried. Ivan fakes not knowing better and tells Manuel he is paranoic. Bernardo admits he is also. Lawyer keeps lying saying they just want to clarify some points. Bernardo is not so easy to convince. 
Lucrecia calls Ivan, seems she is spying on him all day since Lucia told her what she told her. IVan yells at her if he is not home in half an hour then she can yell. Bernardo stays behind and talks to Ivan in private, is worried that this lawyer is not good. Let's get another lawyer! Ivan says just take it easy. 
On his way out Ivan gets a call from Marcia. (guess he will be late arriving home again lol) Marcia summons Ivan to her apt. 
Marcia summons Ivan for the next day at 7pm. Ivan wants to do it earlier, but Marcia catches the clue and mocks him that he has a curfew with his wife. Oh by the way, she is recording all her calls with Ivan. Bernardo, who was standing by Ivan during the call, is very worried about the diskettes. 
Salinas who stayed for dinner at Gav's apt, sits down with Carm and Gav for drinks, he explains the whole subject of the coffee 'pact/agreement' to Carmenza who was tired of Gaviota coming home to tell her about it but she did not understand any of it. 
the maintenance of the 'pact' is beneficial for the producers since it stabilizes the price of coffee and the value of their crops, and breaking the 'pact' is beneficial to consumers like the US, who want the price of coffee to come down and to be able to negotiate with individual countries for price levels. 
Ivan builds a huge argument when he gets home, i believe intentionally, to try and convince her to lift the curfew of 7pm so he can go to Marcia's tomorrow night without a big argument with Lucrecia about it. He is successful in making her feel guilty and lift it. 
Gaviota basically has to beg the secretary of the american rep in London. She gets angry after hanging up and the colombian rep is surprised and tells her things are handled differently in London. The rep casually tells her that CE has stopped all export of coffee and the Vallejos are avoiding public appearances and contacts, but does not know why. Gaviota asks Salinas, he does not know, but suggests to ask Avellaneda. If anything is happening at CE, surely Avel knows what it is. She is puzzled/concerned. 
(ahem!!! ... in a commercial, in what seems to be a talk show Margarita Rosa announces that out of all the partners she has worked with the one that kisses best is 'sebastian', a.k.a. Guy Ecker). 
At the courthouse, as expected, Manuel arrives with his own lawyer. Bernardo is also there but they won't let him come in now. 
Ivan is at the office, his lawyer comes to let him know that his suit against Sebastian has already been placed... but don't expect to get anything of value out of it. IVan says what he is looking with it is to clear up his image with the american banks... 
Lawyer warns him that the family won't like it. 
Latorre comes to Cecilia's. asks where Cecilia is and Marcela tells him she is in bed. (nope) Latorre tells Marcela that Ivan has sued Sebastian for a whole lot of nonesenses. (Cecilia is listening behind the wall). 
Marc: Pero porque? 
JL:  ' primero mantener su imagen de inocencia. Porque si fuera realmente inocente, hubiera demandado a Seb porque si no su facilidad hubiera sido sospechosa. Y segundo, apropiarse de la hacienda. EL sabe que la banca americana tarde o temprano va a pedir indemnizacion a CE. Y como va a pagar, Marcela? Como va a responder? Con la hacienda!! 
Mar: Pero es que eso YO no se lo voy a permitir!! Mejor dicho, yo me voy a CE!! A ese tipo le gusta que le peguen y eso es lo que yo voy a hacer!! 
Cecilia has heard enough, comes out, scaring both Marcela and Latorre.  
Cec: Usted no va a ninguna parte, Marcela. Quien va a CE soy yo.  
Marc; Abuela, Tu no estas en condiciones. 
Cec: Como que no estoy en condiciones? Este es un asunto entre Ivan y yo. Ivan esta en la oficina? (JL Says he thinks so) 
She wants to go to Ivan's office asap, needs to talk to him personally right now. 
At the courthouse, the D.A. tells Manuel about all the evidence and witnesses that are against him. At all this evidence, he will have to respond for it. Manuel asks if that means he is going to jail. D.A. says the length of time depends on whether he is willing to facilitate to the court who else participated in the felony. However, Manuel does not admit/declare that Seb asked him to falsify the documents. He had no contact with Seb.  
(end of ep 148) 
Manuel's new declaration/questioning continues on... 
D.A. asks him if Reynaldo Perez asked him to sign, Manuel says yes, RP asked him. Manuel knew RP worked at CE but RP never mentioned the name of Seb to him. D.A. asks Manuel if Ber ever asked him to sign the documents. D.A. reiterates to him that they need to know if he acted voluntarily or he was ordered to do so. and if someone ordered him to do so, like Bernardo V, his time in jail would be reduced. But Manuel does not incriminate Bernardo or any Vallejo. Manuel lies and says they offered him money to falsify the documents. Manuel is crying but repeats over and over again that noone ordered him, he acted on his own. 
Manuel exits the courtroom in cuffs and turns to Bernardo saying he was sorry to betray him and Bernardo goes beserk when he realizes they are taking Manuel away to jail. 
In his declaration Bernardo denies knowing of the falsified export documents that his cousing was processing.  Ber is in disbelief when the D.A. tells him Manuel declared himself guilty of the falsification of the documents. 
As the lawyer is giving Ivan the good news that the D.A. is finished and is accusing Seb, Manuel and RP, IVan is sighing happy that all that is left is the hearing, Ivan sees Cecilia come in the door.. 
I: Abuela! Abuela, por Dios pero tu que haces aqui? Deberias estar en la casa... abuela, de verdad no estas en condiciones de ...  
C: Usted es absolutamente despreciable, Ivan!! Lo que le esta haciendo a su primo... a que digo a su primo? ... a su hermano 
y a toda la familia... no tiene perdon de Dios! ... lo desconozco... lo desconozco, Ivan! Y ahora estoy absolutamente segura de que Ud si utilizo a Seb para hacer esas exportaciones ficticias. Y lo mas repugante ... es que no solamente no se quedo contento con haberlo ensuciado... sino que ahora lo demanda!!  
I: abuela, necesitaba hacerlo!! Pero tranquilizate! No va a tener ninguna repercucion!! Te lo prometo!! 
C: Por DIOS, Ivan!! 
I: Era simplemente para resguardar mi imagen! Y la de la empresa, abuela! 
C: Eso no tiene ninguna justificacion, Ivan por DIOS!! Eso no se le hace a nadie! Y menos entre hermanos!! Esa no fue el moral que le inculcamos en la casa! (Ivan just stares at her emotionless) Y quiero decirle algo... no vuelva a poner un pie en mi casa. No es digno de entrar en ella. (as she leaves she turns around one more time) No quiero volver a verlo nunca. 
At London, Gav asks the rep to ask Avellaneda what the situation of CE and the Vallejos, Ave says yes, there are problems but he can't give details until the issue is all over. And no, Seb has not resumed the management of CE, is not around at all. Rep relays the message to Gaviota, who seems troubled by it. Even though when she speaks to Salinas again she says does not care. 
Ivan is having a bad day, is on phone arguing with Lucrecia about having a meeting with lawyers at 7pm tonight, and in comes Bernardo totally out of control about Manuel being in jail. Angela arrives and is happy that Bernardo and Ivan are still free of suspicion. Ivan promises Bernardo they will try to get Manuel out of jail any way possible and even will give him monetary compensation... 
Ber: Te voy a decir una cosa... Tu indemnizacion y tus abonos me importan un car___! Quiero a Manuel fuera!... QUiero a Manuel fuera y lo quiero al lado mio. No voy a perder por tu culpa lo unico que he querido en mi vida, oiste! Y te advierto una vez! QUIERO A MANUEL FUERA DE LA CARCEL!!! (leaves mad) 
Ang: (in a rare human moment about anyone else other than her and Ivan) Que puedes hacer por ese muchacho? 
I: nada!...  
(Ivan tells Angela about the Marcia and the diskettes situation and Angela yells at him that he needs to deal with that, she can't even think of what Lucrecia will do if she finds out) 
Ivan visits Marcia. Of course he won't admit that the reason he wanted to see her was about the diskettes, even if she insists in asking... Ivan says he could never forget her... they go to bed while Lucrecia paces around her house irritated... 
Gaviota arrives at her apt with most of the reps from grower countries and finds Carm and Mr. Thomas wasted, she is laughing at what she thinks is a joke, he was trying to tell her about a time he was a pilot and had a major accident that almost cost him his life... all the reps sit down and have a good time... and end up singing in portuguese and other languages... 
(end of ep 149) 
Carmenza keeps teasing Gaviota that Salinas' presence is not only about work, he still feels strongly for Gaviota. 
Gaviota goes to try to speak to the american rep, but he brushes her off so she is waiting at his office for his return. 
Bernardo goes to see Manuel. Manuel wants Ber to warn Ivan that he is keeping quiet as long as Ivan gets him out of there. 
Ber: Yo solo quiero que sepas algo. Tu eres mas importante que mi hermano, que la naviera y que mi propia familia. Y no voy a sacrificar nuestras vidas por ninguno de ellos. Yo se que muy pronto vamos a estar juntos otra vez. 
Ivan asks lawyer what's up now. Lawyer says first session of hearing is tomorrow... and that it could be long if Sebastian goes into re-opening reviews of his own income and Ivan's. Lawyer also asks Ivan if he has recovered the diskettes... Ivan says it is in progress... Ivan calls Marcia, they agree to see each other again tonight 7pm, even if Ivan wants to advance it to earlier. 
Again, she recorded the call, which has very compromising words from Ivan toward her. 
Gaviota keeps on trying to talk to the american... he keeps brushing her off... he kicks her off, but she waltzes into his office behind him... she knows what he wants is to end the agreement... finally he gives her 5 mins... his position is that they are not happy that since east europe's countries are not included in the agreement, they get coffee much cheaper than the american markets, who have to pay more than twice the price. Americans are willing to continue with the agreement, but their request remains the same (I guess this is the 30 % cut in price that the brazilian guy said before)... sorry Ms. Olivares, u're time's up. 
Gav: Bueno, se me acabo el tiempo... pero yo antes de irme si le quiero decir una cosita Mr. Rosenbaum. Para Uds el cafe no es mas que un producto cualquiera! Es una rume de sacos ahi! Es un volumen que luego se convierte en una taza de cafe que se toman en el desayuno o en las oficinas, o como sea! Es un negocio cualquiera! Pero para nosotros, el cafe es LA VIDA! 
No solamente es el producto que representa el 50% de las exportaciones de nuestro pais, y que ademas factura 1,500 millones de dolares al ano! No solamente el producto que representa la tercera parte de la produccion industrial de nuestro pais a traves de las trilladoras! Es nuestra cultura! Es un modo de vida! Si Ud viera, hay mas de 300,000 familias! O sea, como 2.5mill de personas que viven y dependen directamente del cafe! Nosotros no lo vemos como una utilidad fria! En mi pais los campesinos se mantienen todo el ano pensando en la cosecha! Hasta Octubre, cuando tienen que recoger! Entonces, esto es una tradicion que viene ya de muchos anos, generacion tras generacion! Entonces la gente ama ese cafe, porque eso repercute en las escuelas, repercute en bienes para el pais, en carreteras, etc! Entonces, donde se llegue a patir ese pacto, Ud sabe que no va a llenar el abismo simplemente a los gobiernos y a los paises, sino concretamente a seres humanos! A familias, a mujeres hombres y ninos!! Entonces Ud no me puede ahi conmover diciendome que que lastima que les sale un poquito mas caro el cafe a Ustedes! Porque es que a Uds dejar de consumirlo no les pasa nada! Para nosotros, dejar de producirlo, ah, caramba pues eso si es llenarle la olla a todos los paises suramericanos que ven pintados en el mapa! 
Mr D: Le agradezco su informacion, pero recuerde, yo solo cumplo ordenes que vienen de mi gobierno! 
Gav: Yo se que Ud cumple ordenes, pero es que a veces es muy bueno que el verdugo siempre esta de capitan! Buenas noches! 
Latorre visits Seb, tells him what their strategy will be... Seb is kind of absent, distracted. Jorge tells Seb about his hopes with Marcia, and the diskettes. He already asked the judge to call her to declare during the hearing. 
(There are TV people outside where Gav and the Brazil rep are standing ... A newscaster catches Gaviota, Seb and Latorre are watching it on TV...) 
Seb: Mira... (they approach Gav for a TV interview, Gav seems as positive as she can be even though she just came out of talking to the american rep) La viste, Jorge? Viste... nuestra delegada? ... Te fijas que ... que yo no me equivoque! Mira a quien hubieramos frustrado si la hubieramos hecho quedarse aqui. Ella no estaria en estos momentos dando declaraciones en la OIC! 
Estaria encerrada en una carcel de mujeres, frustrada, sin futuro, pagando por algo que no hizo! Yo no me equivoque, Jorge! Ella esta triunfando! Esta logrando lo que queria! 
JL : Lo se... Lo se, Seb. Yo no quiero desanimarte, pero tengo que ser muy franco contigo. Lo mas probable es que el juez la llame a declarar. Mira, no debe pasar por alto que su firma esta en esos documentos! 
S: Pero Jorge! Eso no puede ser! Tenemos que evitarlo de alguna forma! 
JL: Eso esta en manos del juez, no de nosotros. Y ademas, su testimonio podria ayudarnos en este caso. 
S: No, no y no, Jorge! Entiendelo, por favor! Mira, Jorge, no te esta hablando Seb el romantico! Tu acabas de ver!! Seria fatal para ella sin hablar de las implicaciones que le traeria a la asociacion y al cafe!! Jorge, ella es indispensable en Londres! Tenemos que buscar otra solucion, Jorge! Tenemos que buscarla!! 
JL: Esperemos a ver que dice el juez en la audiencia! Y espero ser lo suficientemente convincente como para que no la traigan. Y ojala que los diskettes que va a traer la Sra. Marcia sean contundentes!. 
(Bernardo keeps putting pressure on Ivan and the lawyer to get Manuel out of jail, gives Ivan until next day same time to get Manuel out of there) 
Cecilia meets with Jorge Latorre, Paula, Marcela, Arthur and Harold at the house and she seems very affected by all this, Cecilia asks Jorge if he is absolutely sure Ivan is the guilty one who used Seb... this will cause a lot of trouble in the family... she asks Jorge if there is any other option than to turn it on Ivan, but he cannot think of another one... Paula knows how anguished Cecilia is but Ivan asked for it... Cec is so sad... Marcela also tries to console her... but Cec is depressed, she wants to go to the hearing tomorrow...  Cec begins to have major pains in her leg... Marcela asks her to move the hand, she nods that she can't. they all go in panic and Harold yells to call the doctor asap!! Cecilia begins to collapse toward the right side which has gone numb on her suddenly. 
(end of ep 150) 
Avellaneda, Salinas and Boveda (the Europ colombian rep) arrive at Gaviota's house. They won't say for dinner, just talk a few mins. 
Jorge goes to talk to Marcia at her apt. Jorge tells Marcia he understands she is willing to provide major evidence to help Sebastian. Marcia tells Jorge she is not going to show up at court. Jorge is surprised, his understanding was that she was all for helping out Seb. She claims that without the diskettes she won't show up only to get chewed up by Ivan... She promises that if the diskettes arrive this afternoon, she will show up at the hearing. Jorge is very confused... 
At the end of their meeting, Gav stays behind with Avellaneda, she asks what is going on with CE, he spills that Ivan did something very critical, but he can't talk until the issue is closed... and asks her to think of nothing else than what she is trying to accomplish here... when he returns to Colombia, he expects the issue to be terminated and he will personally give her the details. 
Gav tells Carmenza after Ave leaves: Mira, tengo como un cosquilleo... de esos que Ud sabe que me dan a mi... que algo esta pasando!... 
Ivan keeps yelling at Lucrecia on phone that he has another meeting tonight at 7... Angela comes in his office... He tells her he will ask her for the diskettes tonight, but he thinks he has her crazy about him again... but asks her for help with Lucrecia who is completely paranoic. 
Most of the family is at the clinic, all with long faces... Harold attacks the doctor... asks for news... it was cerebro-vascular problems, known as trombosis (mainly, a stroke). 
When Francisco and Bernardo arrive, Marcela tells them and she can't help but be sarcastic asking Bernardo if he really cares about her. 
Ivan visits Marcia again, carrying flowers.  
Angela and Lucrecia arrive at the clinic. Marcela throws another sarcastic remark at them after greeting them... Lucrecia is surprised to see Bernardo there, since Ivan said he had a meeting with the lawyers about Manuel, and thought it would be important for Bernardo to be there... Bernardo does not know of any meeting... Angela pulls Lucrecia away, and reprimends her for being so angry when the abuela is like this... 
Ivan asks Marcia for the diskettes, Marcia plays dumb, asks what he would give her in exchange for the diskettes... you? 
Ivan offers for them to go away for the weekend...  
M: el tiempo que yo quiera? 
I: El tiempo que tu quieras. 
M: Aun a costa de tu matrimonio? 
I: Mira, Marcia... muy posiblemente, ya me esta costando mi matrimonio. 
M: ... trato hecho... 
Paula and Arthur stay at the hospital. Marcela and Harold return to the house. they will be at the courthouse to support Seb tomorrow morning. 
Ivan asks where the diskettes are. Marcia lies again and says they are in NY. Marcia had hid his car keys, but he was not going to stay the night, even if that means he had to go home without the car. SO she returns the keys to him. 
Ivan arrives home and is mad when Lucrecia waits a few minutes to tell him that Cecilia. 
Seb is watching Gav on TV again and gets unsettled when he sees Salinas around Gaviota. But he does not have much time to think about it, it is time for the beginning of his hearing. 
Doctor tells Paula and Arthur Cecilia is losing her speech and her alertness... tells them she was mumbling some concerns about a trial and a hearing...  
Marcela and Jorge arrive at the hearing. 
They bring Seb in. he is upset she came. Jorge tells him Marcia won't come until she has the diskettes, but not to worry, he can present the rest of the evidence and let's hope she will show up before its too late. 
Marcela gives him some news article about Gaviota, he says he knows she is there with Salinas. 
The hearing begins. Bernardo is there to support Manuel. 
They begin to show in parallel the progress of the conference in Europe and the hearing. Sebastian changes his declaration when the judge asks him to confirm his plea of guilty. he says he was utilized by his cousin Ivan and Reynaldo Perez. 
He is drilled by the judge (a woman) and the D.A. to make sure he goes against what he said in the beginning. When asked why he lied at first, he says it was to protect Carolina Olivares, who is also innocent and was also used by Ivan and RP. 
The judge suspends the audience but is planning to summon Ivan and Carolina. Both Sebastian and Jorge Latorre make their statements basically begging the judge to not call Carolina now. She is performing a critical diplomatic job for the Colombian coffee in Europe at the OIC conference. The judge will study the issue regarding Carolina Olivares. Jorge is satisfied with that. 
Sebastian urges Jorge to convince Marcia to come in the next day with or without the diskettes, and drills Bernardo some before being cuffed and taken away. 
Jorge tells Bernardo in front of Manuel that he is being very optimist or is lying intentionally to Manuel about his chances of coming out free from this. 
Marcela drills Bernardo about this and about Cecilia in the hospital from suffering from the situation that Ivan and him have created in the family.  
Mar: Es que no vale ni la pena hablar con EL. Pues Si no le da remordimiento mandar su primo a la carcel, muchisimo menos a ese pobre diablo, o si? Como dice Seb. EL vino a cerciorarse de que la culpa cayera sobre su primo y sobre su asistente! Para luego ir a decirle a Ivan que todo salio perfectamente! o no?. Mejor vamos! Ah! Una ultima cosa. Te voy a pedir un favor, Bernardo. Que ni Ud ni su hermano se acerquen por la clinica, sabe? Porque es bastante desagradable verlos en plan de buitres a ver si la abuela se muere o no! Ya bastante hicieron con mandarla a la clinica! Y no se preocupen porque si se muere yo voy a ser la primera en contarle y decirle que hizo perfectamente su trabajo! (Bernardo stays there totally devastated and depressed) 
(end of ep 151) 
 Cafe con Aroma de Mujer.. ep 151
At CE office, Ivan's lawyer comes in to tell him that Sebastian changed his stand to innocent and accused him and asked to review again Ivan's financial statements. ALso that the judge has cited Marcia to the next day's hearing.  Ivan is irate, this has REALLY surprised him and scared the living daylights out of him.. How did they find out??
Lawyer asks Ivan if he has the diskettes, no she has not returned them but I am heading to her place and I will get them today. Lawyer urges him to get them right away. Ivan calls Marcia and arranges to meet today, she asks him to get plane tickets to Vina del Mar (Chile) for friday in their own names (Marcia Fontalvo and Ivan Vallejo). He says will do. Marcia says she does not have the diskettes but expects to get them today. Again, Marcia has recorded their phone conversation. Ivan yells at the lawyer that he will ask her if she plans to come to the hearing when he gets to her place...
I: No sea IMBECIL, Castano! Ella simplemente quiere ver los tiketes para darme los diskettes!

Angela urges Ivan and Lucrecia to come to the hospital and visit Cecilia. Marcela and Latorre arrive at the hospital. Paula and Francisco tell them that the doctors are concerned about Cecilia, now her whole side is paralized. Marcela wants to see her even though they warn her that Cec will get anxious and ask her how things are going with Sebastian's hearing. THey say have to wait, Harold is with her now...

(this scene with Harold by Cecilia's side was extemely moving, even though he had sunglasses on you could feel the emotion in his words).. snif snif...
(nurse is handling the medical monitors and tells Harold not to talk to her now, it is not convenient)
H: Hola abuela... soy yo, tu negro tormento. Yo no vengo a molestarte, no. Solo vengo a decirte que estoy contigo. Que si te sirve de algo que yo este afuera... rezando para que regreses pronto a la casa, abuelita. (cries) Yo no me movere de aqui. No. Yo no me voy de esta clinica, abuela. Hasta que de mi brazo salgas. Arregladita conmigo, los dos... Cuando nos vimos por primera vez, abuela, yo te dije que me emocionaba tener una abuela. Y ahora... te lo reitero. Asi a ti no te guste, abuela, eres mi abuela y te amo!!... Yo tenia una abuela en San Andres... (cries) y se me la llevo el mar... No te voy a perder. A esa abuela la llore mucho... mucho!... (cries on) y a ti no te voy a dejar ir, abuela!... Me cueste lo que me cueste... Hago lo que sea para que te pares de esta cama, abuela... Si sientes alivio con que yo no vuelva a la casa... no vuelvo... dejando lo que yo mas quiero, abuelita, ... a Marcela... si eso significa que llegues a tu casa sin ningun ruido, sin musica Reggae... y sin nadie que te diga... Hola, Abuela!... eso hago... (cries)
(Cecilia lifts her hand from beside her accross her to reach for his face, he grabs her hand and presses it against his face crying intensely)... Abuelita... yo quiero que tu conozcas a Harold McLane Vallejo... El unico Vallejo negro, abuelita!!... Es mi sueno que lo tengas entre tus brazos... Jurame que lo vas a hacer, abuela!! Te amo, abuela!! Te amo! ... Yo voy a enloquecer, abuela... I love you...
(Out in the waiting area Fran, Marcela, Jorge Latorre and Paula are still conversing, Harold comes out all excited and happy, Cecilia smiled to him!!). As Jorge is leaving, Francisco walks with him... 
Fran: ... Dame tu concepto!... Tu crees que hay alguna posibilidad de que los muchachos salgan bien librados de esto sin que se maten el uno al otro??
JL: Me gustaria decirte que si hay esa posibilidad, Pero, Francisco, no la hay. Tienes que prepararte! Sebastian va a pelear hasta el final. Tiene que defenderse de tus hijos!! Ellos han hecho hasta lo imposible para que EL se quede metido alla donde esta.
Francisco asks Angela to insist to Ivan and Bernardo that he wants to meet with them later tonight.. She will do what she can.

Marcia calls Lucrecia anonimously (Lucrecia tries several times to brush her off and hang up on her shouting that she is one of MANY women who call her to prank her about Ivan having relationships with them...) and tells her Ivan will go to Marcia's apartment today at 5. Go see it for yourself.

Angela calls Ivan, but he repeats that he does not have time to meet Francisco today. He asks Angela to please stall Lucrecia while he goes to Marcia's.

Bernardo erupts into Ivan's office...
Ber: Me imagino que ya debes saber que la audiencia no resulto tan facil como pensabas!
I: Me da mucha pena contigo, Bernardo, pero ahora no tengo tiempo de escucharte.
Ber: Pues me vas a escuchar!! Porque por Quinta vez te voy a repetir que el abogado que tiene Manuel NO ME GUSTA!!!
I: (calm and collected, cold as ice) porque?
Ber: Porque?? Porque el Doctor Latorre se me acerco a decirme que a Manuel nadie lo va a sacar ni nada lo va a salvar de ese problema!! Y sabes que hizo el Estupido ese?? Volteo la cara y salio corriendo!!
I: Mira, no te apresures a sacar conclusiones, Por FAVOR, Bernardo, quieres?? Yo se perfectamente que la audiencia se suspendio cuando Sebastian se retracto!! Asi que el abogado de Manuel ni siquiera tuvo oportunidad de intervenir, Bernardo!! Ni tampoco esperes que yo le rinda indagatorias a Latorre!! Eso es absurdo, Bernardo!! Seria completamente ridiculo!!
Ber: Pues no me gusta!!! (by now they are shouting loudly to each other, both extremely irritated, Bernardo more anxious, Ivan more disgusted and bored with the useless discussion) No me gusta!! Como no me gusta que la defensa haya citado a la que fue la amante tuya que estuvo viviendo contigo en Miami!! No se como se llama esa mujer!!
I: Marcia Fontalvo!...
Ber: Que hay detras de eso, ah???
I: Mira, yo se lo que significa!! Y no te preocupes!! Voy precisamente para el apartamento de ella!! Me va a entregar los diskettes y todo habra terminado!! Ves?? Entiendes que sencillas son las cosas??  Entonces seguimos con nuestro plan!!
Ber: (swallowed all that garbage and calms down a bit) Espero que asi sea!

(Sebastian is watching the news on TV that show the conference in Europe with Gaviota and Salinas beside her, also an interview with Gaviota saying they are putting their best effort to retain the coffee pact (=international agreement on price ranges)...)

Jorge Latorre arrives at Marcia's apartment building but before he gets out of the car Ivan pulls right behind him and goes into the building. Jorge just goes away confused as to why Ivan is visiting Marcia... 
Ivan comes into Marcia's apt, plane tickets in hand... He wants the diskettes, they have not arrived yet, says Marcia. Ivan lies to Marcia that he is more interested in her than in the diskettes. He brings up the subject of the hearing she has been cited for. She plays the naive saying she has no idea what the hearing is about. Ivan explains that it is about a financial prank Sebastian pulled on him. Ivan tells her she can chose between showing up to a boring and pointless questioning at the courthouse or going to Vina del Mar with him. She choses Vina del Mar instantly and they kiss...She does not waste time, and begins to undress him. Lucrecia arrives at Marcia's building and does not wait for the guard to announce her, shouts to him that she is Marcia's best friend and hurries in. When guard tells Marcia the woman is heading up, Marcia unlocks the door and stands around it and as Ivan comes out shirtless closing his pants, and asking her where she put his shirt, in comes Lucrecia and she goes beserk, repeating to him several times 'OJALA TE PUDRAS EN LA CARCEL!!!'... Ivan runs after her but she is pulling away in the car when he gets to the street and he gets real mad that he does not have the car keys with him, he is even barefoot... lol...
Ivan questions the guard why would he let a stranger come up just like that, and learns that Marcia knew a strange lady was coming up... Ivan puts two and two together...
Ivan argues loudly with Marcia. Marcia shouts back that he never told her Lucrecia is pregnant. And that he always lied to her about really being interested in her only to use here again and end up going back to Lucrecia...
I: Pues te equivocaste!! Estaba bien ilusionado contigo!! Volvi a sentir que te amaba!!
Mar: Si?? Y que le ibas a decir a tu mujer embarazada, eh??
I: Eso no era problema tuyo, maldita sea!!! Yo iba a manejar la situacion!! Mi matrimonio tenia los dias contados!! Pero no!!! Tenias que equivocarte!! y no solo cometiste el peor error de tu vida!! Sino que ahora yo tengo el peor enemigo de mi vida!!! Porque Ella puede hacerme muchisimo dano!!
Mar: Si??? Y cual es el dano que te puede hacer, ah??? Denunciarte??
I: De que estas hablando, maldita sea!!!
Mar: Cual es el maldito juego de los diskettes y las amenazas de Lucrecia, Ah?? Eso tiene que ver con la audiencia de tu primo manana??
I: Esta bien, Marcia!! Hablemos claramente!! Dime!! Que es lo que tu sabes, ah?? DIMELO!!! Porque tu eres la que esta jugando conmigo!!! Y tu eres la que sabes todo ese juego!!
Mar: Esos diskettes son mas importantes de lo que tu dices, cierto??
I: (explodes, by now he is so anxious he is sweating profusely all over) SIII!!!! Esos diskettes son mi vida, Marcia!!! Y ya que estamos hablando francamente, mi FUTURO esta en tus manos!!! Asi que tu veras!! Ya acabaste con mi matrimonio, ahora ve si acabas con el resto!!
Mar: Y porque no aclaraste eso, ah???
I: Por los dos!!! Ya sacaste a Lucrecia de mi vida!! Y si todavia tienes alguna ilusion de tener algo conmigo, vas a tener que devolverme esos diskettes, Marcia!! Porque si se utilizan en mi contra, asi yo quisiera volver contigo, seria imposible!!! Asi que tienes tu futuro y el mio en tus manos!!
Mar: Y quien me garantiza a mi que tu te vas a quedar conmigo despues que te entregue esos diskettes, Ivan??? Quien me dice a mi que apenas te los devuelva no te vas a olvidar de mi, ah??? 
I: Pues cualquier cosa que yo te diga en este momento puede sonar falsa! Pero tu me conoces, Marcia!! Tu sabes quien soy yo!! Tu has estado muchas noches conmigo!! Sabes si te hice el amor porque te queria o no!! Asi que tu mejor que nadie sabe que sientes por mi!! (Ivan gets even more violent since he realizes she already has the diskettes and is putting him on) Dime!! Tu tienes los diskettes aqui, no es cierto?? Damelos!! Damelos, Marcia!! Demuestrame que todavia sientes algo por mi y que no me llamaste solamente para jugar conmigo y para vengarte!!! Dimelos!! (didn't he mean to say Damelos?? LOL) Damelos, quieres?? (phone rings just in time for Marcia, it is her dad, and he already knows, I guess from Latorre, that Ivan is there and is willing to come over right now and get Ivan out of there by force... Marcia is unable to calm her dad down and hangs up)
I: Y ahora que pasa??
Mar: Vete, Ivan!! Mi papa viene para aca!! Sabe que estas aqui y tengo miedo de una desgracia!!
I: Pues bien, me voy!! Pero entregame mis diskettes, por favor!!!
Mar: (calms down and whispers...) No...
I: Los vas a utilizar en mi contra, no es asi?... (also calming down some)
Mar: (resisting the temptation to give in) Ya te lo dije!! Dejame pensar!!
I: (gets more in begging tone...) ... Por favor...
Mar: Vete, Ivan!!
I: Bien... (runs around looking for his shirt still lol)... (as he is heading out he points his index finger to her... ) Estas de mi lado... (I think that is what he said, I might be wrong)

At the hospital Fran and Angela talk about what could be holding Lucrecia from arriving, Fran repeats to Angela that he NEEDS to talk to Ivan and Bernardo today...
