The Marxist Labour Party BASIC STATUTES
The Marxist labour party was founded on the 24-25 of March, 1990.
- The MLP is a party of the working class. The Ideological - theoretical basis of the party is Marxism - the dialectico-materialistic doctrine of Marx-Engels-Lenin about the emancipation of the working class. The MLP does not consider it possible to use the term " Marxism-Leninism " as reflecting the eclectic method of approach to social phenomena, which gained a foothold after Lenin's death.The party sees its task in enlightenment and organization of the workers for them to seize political and economic power with the purpose of construction of a classless self-governed society .
- Besides industrial and agricultural workers, the MLP calls upon to its ranks the representatives of intelligentsia who stand on the point of view of the working class and recognize that the emancipation of workers by the workers themselves is a condition of emancipation of all. The historical mission of the working class is caused not by any exclusive qualities of the workers, but by their place in the system of social production.
- The proletariat as a whole - an only revolutionary to the end class - is interested in deliverance of society from the parasitizing exploiting classes, which will be expressed in realization by it of its dictatorship in the cause of deliverance of society from parasites, since only the workers are interested in the abolition of public division of labour and emancipation of all the members of society.
- After overcoming the resistance of capitalists the dictatorship of the proletariat can act only as the dictatorship of the working class, as an instrument for creating and organizing a new, classless society by all the present proletariat under the direction of the working class.
- The MLP considers itself as a part of the World Revolutionary Communist Movement.
- The MLP stands on positions of the proletarian internationalism. In conditions of globalization and integration of the world economy, the slogan " Workers of all the countries, unite! " has not lost its value, on the contrary, it has acquired still major urgency.
- The historical development from the primitive communism up to the complete communism is a uniform cycle, from which the Communist movement reveals the process engendering the material conditions for establishing a global human community. Certainly, this society does not mean the end of the history, but the beginning of a conscious history of mankind with the abolition of classes, private property, state, exploitation, family …
- After the October revolution and civil war, starting to economic construction, the Bolsheviks realized, that in Russia, where the petty-bourgeois elements predominated in economy, it was impossible to go forward, without passing through what was proper for both state capitalism and socialism, hoping by this for a socialist revolution in Western Europe. They also realized that the proletarian power can steadily operate with an economy founded on a large-scale capitalist technology and with management of all the national economy as a single economic whole. There turned out a situation when capitalists had already been removed from power, but there was no economic base for the power of the Councils of workingmen deputies.
In these conditions the Party of the Bolsheviks was compelled to assume functions of direct management of society and to proclaim the course to state capitalism. Thus the objective strengthening of the role of the administrative-bureaucratic apparatus during the transition policy of state capitalism led to the victory of those currents inside the Party which considered that this apparatus under the direction of the Communist party, but without genuine workers' power can construct socialism. The Bolsheviks did not destroy the State, it was the State which destroyed the Bolsheviks as the political party which had arisen in 1903. State capitalism turned from a tactical step of the RCP(B) into the self-purpose of the All-Union CP(B), arbitrary called 'socialism'.
With overcoming, in the 1930-s years, of the petty-bourgeois element in economy, there formed in the USSR a structure of society which basically suvived till 1985. The mode of production of this time was capitalist. The private(individual) capitalists disappeared as a class, but the capitalist relations were not destroyed and assumed a specific character. It was a status of state capitalism.
There was confirmed the Marxist thesis that while the non-workers remain in power, until the dictatorship of the class of the proletarians is not established, any statification will not be the abolition of exploitation, but only variation of its form.
- The so-called "Socialist countries" (the USSR, Cuba, China, East European countries …) were or are capitalist states, in which the dominant ideology has used the Marxist phraseology from the Communist program, in order to better hide its bourgeois character. Where there is wage labour, there is capital.
- The MLP denies the Stalinist myth about "socialism" in the USSR, as well as the Trotskyist definition of the USSR as a "deformed Working State ".
- In conditions of a forming unitary global capitalist basis only the working class united on an international scale can withstand the capitalist system. Any "socialist" revolution made by the proletariat in national boundaries will be, just as it has been till now, only a political revolution. The social, communist revolution can only be a world one, which will start in industrially developped capitalist countries.
- The MLP comes out for all going from below forms of class association of the working proletariat (trade unions, strike committees, working men's centres …), which are necessary, as Marx pointed out, for guerilla struggle between Capital and Labour. At the same time, the MLP notes that if the trade unions do not show themselves "as an organized force to do away with the system of wage labour and power of Capital " and do not " set themselves the great task of complete emancipation " of the working class (Marx), they remain a part of the capitalist system, and their activity, in the issue, serves to stabilize the system of capitalism and maintain the class peace.
- Communism as a universal historical movement of human society rejects and excludes country, nation, class alliance … Imperialist "peace" and imperialist war should be confronted with class war. Any brushing up, smoothing of class interests, calls for interclass peace in the interests of national ruling classes (under the guise of "State patriotism ") are the main weapon of the world bourgeosie.
- The MLP builds its activity inseparably from the world working class on a broader scale, and the Russian working class in particular.
- The proletarian party must not struggle for power with the only purpose to become a ruling one. It struggles for power in order to organize the working class itself into the ruling class of society through the system of Workers' Councils. Hence the main slogan of the Party is
Up with the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!
Study Marxism, develop it and propagandize!
Join us internationally!