Welcome to the MtG Abyss. This site is dedicated to friendly MtG interaction and information.
June 20, 2002
Woot i went to arena and placed first with tog. No more schoolz! Now i can spend more time on this piece of shit lolz. Peace

June 15, 2002

Seems like i haven't updated in a long time. Finals are upon me and there isn't much time to update. Anyways i got my ass beat in FnM. Later

June 6, 2002

Booo finals comming up. Shouldn't be too hard though. Guess who's going to FNM this Friday! Yea u guessed it. I hope i don't get my ass whoped or the people there suck >
Here is the semi-updated version: I might take the cards out cause they dont look nice. Also i have to fix the sound thing and make the button. More tutorial reading to do : (

God too many things to do. I need ideas please thank yo
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MtG  R e l a t e d   L i n k s

WoTC Offcial Website

MtG Planet (Excellent type-2 singles and tourney reports)

MtG World

MTG News
  (excellent information on new sets!)

G r e a t  E - R e t a i l e r s

m(overall good singles prices and well stocked)

Ulrich and Helva
s (Ultra-cheap cards, not much type-2 but worth checking out)

Gathering Groun
d (Ultimately recommended to check out)
All photos are courtesy of mtgworld.com!
F o r u m s & Content
    MtG Market
Deck Strategy
Magic Jargon
Magic Top 100
F e l l o w  S i t e s

TheGoblin Shrine
Type 2 Decks
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