This track is very similar to a moto cross track and so has a large number of jumps. the one short-cut on this track is right off of the start. when at the starting line you can see a series of small jumps that consist of dirt mounds going across the track. Get on the very top of one of these mounds and drive towards the side of the track along the mound and just before reaching the wall press the hop button and if all goes well you should bounce over the wall and clear at least a quarter of the track. The Nintendo web site also said that you can jump back over the wall just behind the finish line to get a 22 second lap time. You must press the hop button at the same time as you hit the wall and remember to cross behind the finish line or you will not get the lap.
When in Vs. or GP mode you can mess up the other karts if you have a lightning bolt. Before they reach the top of the large jump that clears another section of track use the lighning bolt and they will not make it over, causing them to lose about 10 seconds.
General Info
Something else to note on this track is that when you race the mirror version the "Jumbotron" screen in the stands shows the opposite of what you're sdoing. Meaning if you're making a left it shows you turning right. wierd.