Chapter 9. RELIGION

9.1  Anti-Christ

9.2  Bible

9.3  God (IHWH)

9.4  Jmmanuel (Jesus)

9.5  Jehav or Jehova

9.6  Prayer

9.7  Prophets on Earth

9.8  Saints

9.9  Satan

9.10 Sin

9.11 Talmud Jmmanuel




      Religion                                              1.12-16

                In Semjase’s very first contact with Meier, she stated that other people dare to connect extraterrestrial beamships with human religions, which they do not want to be associated with in any way or at any time.  Human so-called sects do not shrink from this step and deceive their fellow human beings by such beliefs.  These infamous and primitive machinations should stop before the whole world is overcome by it.  If these deceivers were really in contact with them, and remained so, then they would have offered them the chance to get clear photographic proof of their beamships.  But since they are not sincere humans, they have not given them this opportunity.


      False religion & lack of spiritual progress           5.9-24

                This is a story that will interest all of humanity on Earth.  It is a bit of a strange touching story that will incite much reaction because it will sound too fantastic for all of those who still have not discovered their spiritual thinking or have developed it.  The intellectual greatness on Earth is regretfully not sufficient to be able to conceive the breadth of the story.  Although there are many intellectual people on Earth, they lack the spiritual knowledge necessary to understand what is real and logical.  There are also those who are led wrongly by religions as well as those that have neither advanced far enough intellectually nor spiritually.  They are the worst enemies to the truth, what is real, and the irrefutable creational logic.  Their criticism and contesting of certain things mark them as people who live in primitive stupidity.  Those who think they know better are in truth, more ignorant than the monkeys in the jungles.  With their contesting of facts of possibilities, they clearly show their spiritual dullness. 

 These may be harsh words, but the truth can only be told this way as diplomacy would be pure lies and would make light of everything.  Humanity has become so affected by untruths that they are still not able to recognize and digest the truth through sincere diplomatic means.  They have become so effeminate in their thinking, treating, and speaking, that they become offended by everything and defend themselves against harsh sounding truth.  But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by naked aggression.  The story is about the true history of mankind on Earth.  (See section 7.3 and 7.3.1)


      Religions' false teachings                            10.116-136

                The average people that are not spiritual because of religions or other false doctrines are never able to see, hear, or recognize even one jot of the truth.  They are even more non-spiritual because of their material ways.  They are blind, dumb, and ignorant.  However, those who observe the creational laws, become blessed and the most fearless of creatures.  Their will is unconquerable.  Their devotion is immeasurable and endless.  And their wisdom and love is constant and perfect, not fickle or full of doubts like those who are dependent upon religion or otherwise wrongly led in general.  Their minds are equal to an infinite sea that cannot be forced out of their tranquility.  They do not tremble in fear.  They unfold their spiritual mind, which can no longer be reached by any degenerated negative forces.  Their mind, which no longer provides shelter to any negative degenerated thoughts, also pushes away all positive degenerated thoughts and actions.  Only a balanced mind that is rooted in the Creation, in creational service, wisdom, knowledge, love, and delight, which is more real than the human environment, is worthy of serving for spiritual development. 

             Spiritual humans are always great and constructive.  The spirit is the spring of all infinite creational power and the innermost character of human beings.  The human outer being is full of limitations because it is only a material body and not the entity itself.  The body has limitations, matter that has been led astray, labor, pain, and limited cognition and willpower, but always ready to sacrifice for liberty, love, and good fortune.  When people only look at their outer body, then they can realize nothing others than the form, figure, and material of the body.  Yet, if they look at themselves with spiritual eyes of cognition and knowledge, they see an all-revealing consciousness within them and in all others.  Then, the type and manner of how they consider themselves and their fellow creatures changes fundamentally.  They do not simply look at a man, woman or child, but they realize a creational spirit inside of a carrier, which knows about its true self, its existence, and wants to reveal itself through everyone, if only the chance were available.  Those who know the truth recognize the Creation in others and they know more than they knew before.  People can deliver themselves out of ignorance if they generate the will to accept the truth.  They can deliver themselves from everything that can be taken from them except for their creational consciousness and the spirit within them.  They can be deprived of all their possessions and exiled from their homeland, but the spiritual kingdom within them can never be taken away.


      Religious philosophies - monstrous confusions         11.138-149

                For a long time, humans have undertaken great efforts to find peace and liberty, but all of their efforts vanished without bearing fruit.  Because of the loss of real knowledge and truth in a sound and reasonable way of life, which would bring inner poise and calmness, mankind has accepted abnormal ideologies in perishable, dangerous, and harmful religious philosophies, which lead them into even greater spiritual poverty.  Natural human reason defends itself against false religious dogmas and demands the truth.  But, dogmas have flourished into existence by new religious leaders and deceivers and religious delusion is spread too far in order to put up a useful defense.  The monstrous confusions and delusional claims of wrongful religious philosophies lower the inner force in human beings that would maintain the spirit and assist in bringing inner peace in proportion to outer achievements. 

 Dangerous efforts by so-called leading thinkers have altered religions in order to bring out a new philosophy of life that conforms to modern thinking of present mankind.  But these pretenders and illogical thinkers do not consider that they are increasing religious delusion and imprisoning people in false religious beliefs that only allow them to think and act in spiritually poor, mad, superstitious, and murderous ways. 

 But, humans of the Age of Aquarius can easily solve this problem by laying the cornerstone of truth, which will result in a completely new structure of philosophical and psychological values for a fruitful, free, and peaceful spiritual life.  This is a free spiritual life that is based on everything that represents the best in the cultural and spiritual inheritance of Earth, which is spiritual truth.  When humanity finally realizes and acknowledges this truth, releases itself from all religions, and lives according to spiritual and creational laws, it will then be triumphant.  Only the truth is of value and able to offer progress for mankind.  Religion throws humanity back into the deepest darkness.


      Christian doctrine of the virgin birth false          23.51-65

                The Christian religion pretends that Mary became pregnant with spiritual forces.  This is nonsense from wicked human fantasy, constructed by abnormal thinking people who press the truth of spirit into impossible ways with their morbid and overboard fantasy.  This is without any truth and knowledge.  This causes people to be degraded into the most evil creature of the whole universe even though earthly humans are no more or less inferior than all other living forms in the universe.  Though humanity is sliding into an evil abyss, they are not any worse than other living creatures because other creatures must also live through the same stage of development.  Even though mankind on Earth may be reproached in great measure by the Plejarens and even higher spiritual levels, this does not mean that humanity is any worse than other forms of life.  The truth always sounds harsh and no one ever wants to listen to it, but this does not mean that humans on Earth are better or worse than any other form of life. 

             Fanatics, religious adherents, and religious advocates are unfortunately inclined toward the tendency of fanciful and sick wishful imaginations.  In their delusions, they imagine that the sexual way of procreation for the destined form of the Creation would be something degenerated.  Their morbid delusion does not let them recognize the truth that Creation has provided this form of reproduction that has proven to be good.  Those who have fallen for the beliefs of these delusional creatures think that sexual reproduction is not spiritual and impure.  This delusional concept rose from old heresies by people offering religion who wanted to restrain certain sexual degenerations with wrongful, non-intelligent laws and controls.  These people who pretended to make the world a better place, not only wanted to control sexual degenerations, but they forced wrongful and unintelligible explanations on humanity, which caused delusional acceptances and confusion. 

 The act of reproduction is the same throughout the entire universe and a spiritual reproduction into a material form of life belongs only to morbid fantasy.  Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel, did not become pregnant through spiritual powers or the “Holy Spirit”.  She cohabitated with the Heavenly Son, Gabriel and became pregnant by him.  This occurred as a result of a higher order from the leader of the Heavenly Sons, who kept the designation of IHWH meaning god. 


      "Religion" vs. "Relegeon" - defined                   24.32-46

                All truth and knowledge until the present is preserved, even if it has been forgotten, despised, or lost by earthly humans.  Because truth, knowledge, wisdom, love, and all forces of the spirit are durable and unchangeable until the present, they have to be conceived of and led forward by them.  This means that all that was gained from the past must be combined with the present and taken together.  So, the present name of “Religion” must be connected again to the original name in the old language of “Relegeon”.  In order to bring everything together once more, it should be known that “Relegeon” was originally started and not “Religion”.  The new must be taken with the old in order to lead into the future.  The past exercise of “Relegeon” was a way of evolution that has two meanings.

             Today, there is only one meaning of evolution that refers to a development and unfolding of something already existing, but hidden, which is developed and unfolded.  Spiritually, this means that something from the subconscious rises to the conscious.  The second meaning of evolution has been lost for a long time.  It means that something that does not yet exist, is explored, developed, and unfolded.  Because second meaning has been lost, mankind has lived according to a false understanding that everything involved with evolution already exists inside of human beings and that it only needs to be unfolded and developed.  The spirit, living in human beings, stores everything that has been learned in the course of its existence in material bodies.  People think this is a lot, but it is very little. 

                 During numerous lifetimes, the spirit has to inquire, search, and find out more in order to collect further knowledge, cognition, and experiences, which then establish themselves as abilities within it.  Because the spirit lives on past physical death of the body, it elaborates upon the results gained in previous lives as well as between lives.  This is established firmly within it and affects the unconscious.  When the spirit enters a human form again, all of the gained knowledge and abilities are anchored in the unconscious and must be evolved slowly in the material form of life by new lessons and understandings until they become conscious abilities.

      Jesus Christ - “...these delusions of your world..."  31.P214-230

                The Plejarens are aware of the concepts of Christianity.  They know that Jmmanuel, whom is called Jesus Christ, is seen as the master of the universe, as a god, and that God embodies the Creation.  They know this to be a very wicked degenerated delusion and assumption on Earth.  If such things would have happened and currently exists, which is absolutely impossible and is only the chimera of mad men, then it would certainly be humanity’s mission to spread this religion.  Over many thousands of years and among many worlds in the universe, earthly humans are the only form of life throughout the universe that has fallen so deep into materialism that every spiritual evolution has been missed.  It is known on many worlds of how earthly humans miss every spiritual evolution and has developed only within the most evil of materialism.  It is a paradox of immense size that earthly beings without spiritual development, would be chosen for a mission of such universal importance. 

             When humans on Earth assert their values, they represent a huge assumption and megalomania beyond compare in this or any other universe.  This also represents an immense danger for the universe.  When earthly humans travel to strange worlds and conquer their inhabitants, they will spread their religions onto them.  If this happens, then earthly religions will then spread throughout the universe and the still existing harmony would be destroyed.  The heresies of religions would cause the peace to end and have it degenerate into murderous wars that would destroy the whole universe. 

 To prevent this from happening is the largest and most difficult mission for spiritually developed forms of life with space travel abilities.  In order to do this, the Plejarens and races from other worlds endeavor to spread the truth on Earth.  When they find receptive individuals, they transmit the truth to them so that it can be spread and taught to others about goodness and truth.  But this mission is very, very difficult to perform because the delusion of religions is so prevalent on Earth that it is only with extreme troubles that this is accomplished.  The religions of Christianity and Islam are the strongest enemies of the real truth, which name in their books of heresy the prophet Jmmanuel as Jesus Christ.  This may cause uproar, but the truth should no longer be suppressed and there is an urgent need to speak it.


Plejaren negative remarks are about a certain form    31.P249-317

                Meier tells Ptaah that, until now, he and Semjase have only talked in a negative way about earthly religions.  However, he knows that their remarks are in regards to a certain sort of religion and asks him for his impression of this.  Ptaah states that all lessons and explanations that have been offered until now have been for the laying of a foundation for the essential main work now following.  Everything transmitted until now has been a preliminary operation to prepare humanity for the root of the truth.  When earthly religions were spoken of negatively, this was so that people could be made attentive to the wrongness and invalid reality of their religions because they are wicked, unreal, and not found anywhere else in the universe. 

             Religions are a deadly danger, not only on Earth, but throughout the whole universe.  They have caused embitterment for thousands of years and every spiritual development is blocked by these religions.  Transmissions of real worth and wisdom, regarding creational laws and control, are contained in these religions, but they have been falsified by human procreated heresies and are so indiscernible that few are able to recognize the truth.  Those who elaborated the truth from the scriptures, have been banished and cursed by followers of the wrong religions.  So, when religions were discussed in a negative way, it was to address the falsifications and lies. 

 Earthly religions are not actually religions, but are cultic degenerations in a very wicked meaning.  They are cultic religions because real religious facts are interspersed by cultic dogmas and heresies and so they have been falsified.  Religions are creational and lawfully right when they are based on harmonic cooperation with the Relegeon.  Both factors have to work into one another and complete each other.  To rescue humanity, the cultic religions must be eradicated and destroyed to enable a place for true religion in accordance with Relegeon.  People must be willing to straighten themselves out with Relegeon until they have won the fight over cultic religions.  People must find the truth and combine it into the right measure and form.  Only this way, will humanity walk the right way and observe the lawfulness of the spirit’s evolution.

Moses and the Ten Commandments                        36.108-110

                The Ten Commandments were given to Moses, not in a spacecraft, but at the place written about in the Bible.  In that regard, the truth was delivered just as it happened.

12 Commandments                                       39.P21-30

                Meier is informed that a very high spiritual sphere, known as the sphere of Petale, will transmit the essential spiritual lessons to him.  Only the High Council and Arahat Athersata can communicate with it.  It has transmitted the twelve commandments to him.  The Ten Commandments and Twelve Commandments respectively are the beginning of those transmissions.  Because these transmissions will demand extraordinary forces from him, longer rests will be needed between one transmission and the next.

"Heresies and other misguidance of religions"         39.P77-80

                Because of the heresies and other misguidance of religions, earthly humans are mainly only able to unfold forces that destructively influence all forms of life.  Such destruction is found to cause a lowering of the average lifespan.  The greater the assembly of people as in cities, the lower the average lifespan sinks because of immeasurable thought energy there that is released and penetrates into their fellow creatures.  In addition, all materiality suckles itself up on these destructive forces, causing early termination of the average lifespan.  For example, iron does not normally rust as quickly as it does on Earth. 

The Revelation of John and the number 666             45.134-148

                The number 666 refers to a human being on Earth as well as other extraterrestrial humans and their work.  In this regard, the Earth human goes against their will to the number 666, namely an anti-logo, a lie and untruth.  Fanatics, liars and deceivers for religions, charlatans, and the power hungry ones give this number.  The number 666 does not equate to an actual person, but to the thoughts and deeds of a human that has been long since dead on Earth.  It refers to a figure of delusion, which he represented, and which governs the Earth as a religious cult figure.  This figure is absolutely wicked with damage and destruction, lies, untruths, and anti-logos.  The name of this figure has been known for a long time in cabalistic circles as an extraterrestrial entity along with his work.  But for 2,000 years, these cabalists have tried to falsify the value of the digits because they do not want to acknowledge the truth.  The value and the worth of the number 666 concerns matters of God, church, Christ, and Jesus.


The Beast = W.U.V. organization                       45.152-160

                The name of the Beast has been found, but humans on Earth are not yet allowed to know this interpretation.  The name, W U V, is only an abbreviation of a certain value.  The Beast is only to be seen as a symbol because in truth, it concerns a worldwide organization with a three-part name.  This organization is embodied by the church and its adherents…  Only Meier is informed of the organization that W U V refers to and, under no circumstances, is he able to reveal it.  This organization has already become effective.  However, its name will change in the future, from which the letters W U V will be recognized.


      Hierarchy influences on humanity                      55.107-114
                Hierarchies are prevalent wherever people are choked by authority figures.  Such people are not able to understand the truth, that everyone has the power inside of them to create whatever is desired and this power is above everything else.  People constantly search for a power above them, which can make everything possible.  Earth humans are susceptible to the old traditional heresies and suppressions of all kinds and forms, which make it impossible for them to be autonomous and able to develop on their own.  Humanity is taught to make higher forms of ghosts responsible for everything and to put them above themselves.  This is a sacrilege that obstructs evolution and is even self-destructive.  They live under the mad illusion that they have solved the riddle of life when they talk of spiritual hierarchy and the energies within it.  Those in the hierarchy, search for the forces beyond the hierarchy, which should be universal energies.  They are never able to climb up out of the hierarchy that is fancied for them.


Christ-consciousness                                  55.121-124

                “Christ Consciousness” is a negative term since the word, “Christ” releases the value of evil and with it, a negative degeneration.  This is also valid for the term, “Consciousness in God”.  These names keep the value of degeneration along with 666, “Christ Principle” and “God’s Principle”.  People should not express these terms because they always release forces of negative degeneration.


Religious & religious heresies, cheats & imposters    62.83-84

                Earthly humans have a very great difficulty in liberating themselves from their religious and other heresies.  With open eyes, they meet this damage and devote themselves to the cheaters and imposters.