Mulder's Birthday Links

Well, there aren't many of them,
so I threw in some gratuitous pics to make up for it.

Don't thank me.  That glazed, lustful look is thanks enough.


Foxsong's Mulder  Party Mulder's Birthday Cake

FWMW's Mulder Birthday Party

Muldermas at The Foxsong Files

Milk by OneMillionandNine

(I Want to Be) Seduced by Pacquin
by Avalon

Birthday Blues
 by Donnilee 

Mulder's Birthday 
  by Juliettt
Happy 40th, Mulder  
by Catriona Wimsey
Transcendent Sacrifices by Lara Means
Birthday Cake -- and Eaten Too by Char Chaffin  Birthdays and Other Celebrations by Aeryn Delenn
Got a link I should add?
Tell me all about it!
The XFiles, and all things XF, including Mulder, whom we celebrate, were, are, and ever shall be,  the property of Chris Carter, Fox Broadcasting, 1013 Productions, and possibly others. Used without permission, without hope of profit, and with much love and respect. It's called *free publicity*.