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ali - 08/12/00 15:44:45
My Email:alitopkapi@hotmail.com


mohamed rafiq bin abdul rasheed - 03/09/00 07:20:17
My URL:http://nil
My Email:marqnet@hotmail.com

assala mu aalaikum hallo mdrafiq thanks to you verry great jobs u do it thank every body join this web site bye

mohamed rafiq bin abdul rasheed - 03/09/00 07:19:28
My URL:http://nil
My Email:marqnet@hotmail.com

assala mu aalaikum hallo mdrafiq thanks to yuo verry great jobs u do it thank every body join this web site bye

harish shah - 01/07/00 16:44:23
My URL:http://www.mumbaibynight.com
My Email:socil@yahoo.com

Dearsir, i am intrstd in research of cooking oils forhealth. and got it from yr this page. really i am very hapy. but when i read vitami E is much insoy oil so i confuse becasue other all say vitamine E is much available in rice bran oil. so pl confrm me whats true? thanks yrs harish shah india

Pam - 09/17/99 15:37:35
My URL:http://home.att.net/~pam-y2k
My Email:pam-y2k@att.net

Great for inquiries and informations. Very helpful indeed.

cat - 09/10/99 17:54:40
My Email:fatcatz@home.com


A.mohamed azhar ali - 09/06/99 04:05:55
My Email:taha_azhar@hotmail.com

hi ,assalamu alaikkum. I want to knoe abt u.U only send a page only. I didn't know who r u.pls give me details abt u to understand u.How will u know me & my address. with salam azhar

testing - 09/03/99 07:56:23


Moncchichi - 08/24/99 18:06:14
My Email:alison_man@hotmail.com

Nice to meet you I'm so happy to be a guest for you Thank You Very Much

c.sivagnanam - 08/04/99 07:06:36
My Email:sakthi7@tm.net.my

As a new member, wisgh to use your web site as often as possible. thank you.

daffy - 07/25/99 17:00:33


Rity - 07/23/99 10:49:01
My Email:spaghetti@ctimail.com

This is a great website!! It helps me a lot and the information is clear and detail! It's easy to go through!

zafarulla - 07/23/99 07:03:56
My Email:zafarul@tm.net.my

congratulations.keep it up.

zafarulla - 07/23/99 07:02:21
My Email:zafarul@tm.net.my

congratulations.keep it up.

shaan t - 06/23/99 03:49:33
My Email:cdavan@tm.net.my

Well Done...You have a very informative and useful homepage here.. A good work indeed. People like me who wish to lead a healthy lifestyle really appreciate this kind of information. Wish u could have inserted some form of exercise routine for us. App eciate it. Well done and thumbs up to u.

Telsia - 05/03/99 17:13:14

Nice page :)

Vidya - 04/19/99 13:35:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/thamhiz/

Wow! Excellent site! Very informative and useful!
Please do visit my website sometime.

mohamed sharifudeen - 04/09/99 14:17:22
My Email:alwirah


M.Farook - 04/06/99 03:51:28
My Email:mfrank25@hotmail.com

Dear Uncle! Its a nice page. and came thru KNR forum page.

Ziaudin Abdulkareem - 04/05/99 14:29:23
My URL:http://welcome.to/ziaudin
My Email:ziaudin@pc.jaring.my

Very informative and useful. I feel you could on the dangers of smoking as one section. It has been recommended to subscribers of My Kampung News Group

Mahriba Banu Abdul Hameed - 03/23/99 17:43:03
My URL:http://Soon to be discovered !
My Email:manisha02@hotmail.com

Well ...... this is kinda serious website ... i have been seeing lots of useless websites .. but surely not this one yaar doc sir !! Hey , its a real good job yaar ..... so that everyone will be alert of this killing CAD diseases . keep up this kinda good job .... and make ppl alert of every disease on earth yaar !!

BuggyBug - 03/12/99 12:24:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/thebug80
My Email:thebug80@angelfire.com

Wonderful Website...The CAD facts & figures are very disturbing...but that's what's happening around us, I fear. This site reflects real hard work. Atleast now i am familiar with what CAD is and what causes it !!. I think this site is a real paradise for anyone pursuing medicine.. *PS : Dear Doctor, is it possible for a BUG to have CAD ???*LOL**

Shafie Mohd Ali - 03/06/99 08:16:00
My URL:http://surf.to/homeopathy
My Email:sufihom5@tm.net.my

Very informative and useful in my homeopathic practice. I will also recommend this page to all my friends. Kudos for your effort.

CHUA KIN HOUEE - 03/01/99 16:13:12
My Email:yonson@tm.net.my

It is wonderful !! I like it very much. I will inform my friends to share this great work!

CHUA KIN HOUEE - 03/01/99 15:07:36
My Email:yonson@tm.net.ny


- 02/21/99 16:20:03


Mr.Kadir Ibrahim - 02/19/99 10:56:40
My Email:Nil

Very useful work.Self explainatory to all laymen.Lot of people will benefit from this website

M Thirugnanam - 02/18/99 22:24:55
My Email:meena@md3.vsnl.net.in

Informative, educative and so very useful. Of course, minor spelling mistakes in Tamil, which are not affecting the meaning and understanding and so may be ignored.

M Thirugnanam - 02/18/99 22:21:43
My Email:meena@md3.vsnl.net.in

Informative, educative and so very useful. Of course, minor spelling mistakes in Tamil, which are not affecting the meaning and understanding and so may be ignored.

krishnamoorthy - 02/16/99 17:07:03
My Email:kitt4@hotmail.com

welldone.continue your good efforts.

sharifah mazlin @feline200 - 02/13/99 15:59:24
My Email:sangrusa@hotmail.com

hi !!! a very educational homepage . make people aware of CAD . hope this make people realised that CAD is very dangerous . keep more power to it ok . love your work . byeee .........

Claudia - 02/10/99 11:54:18
My Email:ogmsi@hotmail.com

Nice work! All this information will be very healthy to many people. Keep up the good work!

Mahen - 02/10/99 11:11:48

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- 02/09/99 18:27:13


shirley - 02/09/99 18:22:43
My Email:shiley@email.msn.com

it is a good page

BethAnn - 02/09/99 18:02:42
My Email:Fluffgirl22@hotmail.com

Its Great !!!! Very Good info ! I must see for eveyone!!:)

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