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Families mentioned
Henry Spiers wed Matilda Bressy,
Henry Spiers wed Eliza M'Fadden, was a Goldbroker

From on Sun, 7 May 2006

Dear Elizabeth,

We noticed your website which refers to a Henry Spiers, his wife Matilda and their 10 children mostly born in Australia. We believe Henry and Matilda were married in Edmonton, N London in 1845 but don't have a certificate. We are wondering whether your Henry is the brother of my 3xgreat grandmother Mary Spiers who married William Oates Marchant.
We know that our Henry (b 1822) was in Australia in 1867 as this fact is mentioned in Henry's father's will (James Spiers) but we have never been able to find out any more information about what happened to him. The reason we believe there may be a connection is that the names of our Henry's siblings and your Henry's children have a lot in common. We also know that Henry's brother James was in New Zealand in 1867 and that his brother Ebenezer was abroad but his whereabouts were unknown to his father.

Below are some brief details of my family:
James Spiers wed (1) Mary Green and had one child (James) who died young
James Spiers wed 11 JUL 1815 to Mary Wicker at Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green, London, England and all children except Joseph were Christened at City Road Tabernacle Ind St Luke, Finsbury, London, England

9 children 1. Mary Spiers Birth: 03 Aug 1816 Christening: 03 Dec 1816
2. James Spiers Birth: 12 Jul 1818 Christening: 03 Nov 1818
3. Jane Spiers
4. Joseph Charles Alfred Spiers Birth 05 Mar 1820 Christening: 04 Dec 1836 at Saint Leonards, Shoreditch, London,
5. Henry Spiers Birth: 09 Mar 1822 Christening: 04 Jun 1822
6. David Spiers Birth: 22 Apr 1824 Christening: 07 Sep 1824
7. Rebecca Spiers Birth: 09 May 1826 Christening: 01 Aug 1826
8. Ebenezer Spiers
9. Emma Spiers
James Spiers wed (3) Jane Green and had 6 children (Lydia Spiers, George Spiers, Josiah Spiers, Edward Spiers, Alfred Spiers and John Spiers)

This family's money came from silk manufacturing.

on Wed, 31 May 2006

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you very much for all the information you have sent us. We have been on holiday so apologies for the late reply.

The good news is that when we got back we received the marriage certificate for Henry Spiers and Matilda Bressey and he is the son of my 4x great grandfather! Their marriage took place at St Mary, Hornsey on 15th Nov 1845. Henry was a gilder and his father was James Spiers, gentleman and William (Matilda's father) was also a gentleman. Our James was a silk manufacturer but he often described himself as a gentleman.

By way of extra confirmation we have found on the freeBMD website the births of Ruth Spiers in the Dec 1847 quarter in Hackney (London) and Matilda in the Dec 1846 quarter also in Hackney. Given you have found the birth of a son Henry in 1849 in Adelaide it would seem likely that Henry and Matilda went to Australia sometime from late 1847 to mid 1849. We still can't find Henry in the 1841 census in England but we'll keep looking. It doesn't seem likely that our Henry is the one who went to Australia from Bremen on the Pauline in 1846.

We understand that Spiers are not particular interest and we appreciate your help. Please feel free to pass on out email address if you know of anyone who is specifically interested in the same family. Also we have a lot of information about the Spiers family in London, England which we would be happy to pass on if you or anyone else is interested.

Anne and Nick Hersey (Hertfordshire, UK)

our Henry Spiers

WILLM. BRESSEY Birth: 31 OCT 1802 Christening: 10 DEC 1802 Cumberland Street Curtain Road Calvinistic Methodish, Shoreditch, London, England Father: WM. BRESSEY Mother: ELIZ.
MATILDA BRESSEY Birth: 07 NOV 1824 Christening: 12 DEC 1824 Holywell Mount Independent, Shoreditch, London, England Father: William Bressey Mother: Burr
Marriages Dec quarter 1845 SPIERS Henry and BRESSEY Matilda at Edmonton Vol 3 page 101. The district Edmonton spans the boundaries of the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire and Middlesex
See Spiers - Henry Spiers wed Matilda Bressey 1824 - 1891 dau of Elizabeth Burr c1778 - 1840 and William Bressey 1770 - 1837, and had 13 children
Henry Spiers 1822 - 1907 #11429 aged 85 wed 15 Nov 1845 to Matilda Bressy 07 Nov 1824 - 1891 #5485 aged 66 and came c1848 to Adelaide and about 1854 moved to Victoria, lived at Campbells Creek
13 children 1. Matilda Spiers Dec 1846 quarter in Hackney - 1926 #6817 aged 79 wed 1862 #4355 to William Watson
2. Ruth Spiers Dec 1847 quarter in Hackney (London) - 1915 wed 1864 to George McCahon dau Annie (1867-1909)
3. Henry Spiers 1849-07-24 - 1935 #9764 aged 86, born in Adelaide
4. Jane Spiers 1851-04-12 - 1869 #662 aged 17 years
5. Mary Spiers 1853-05-24 wed 1877 #899 to Richard Thomas Edward Draper
6. James Spiers 1855 #11502 - 1934 #14523 aged 78
7. William Spiers 1858 #3643 - 1936 #13620 aged 78
8. Lydia Spiers 1859 #21171
9. Robert Spiers 1862 #7072 - 1934 #15969 aged 72
10. Ebenezer Spiers 1864 #1349 - 1864 #3121 lived 3 months
11. George Spiers 1865 #13985
12. Ebenezer Spiers 1867 #20662 wed 1891 #2101 to Isabella Henderson Morris
13. Jane Spiers 1870 #1319
1. Matilda Spiers 1847 - 1926 #6817 aged 79 wed 1862 #4355 to William Watson
2 children 1. William Watson 1863 #19435
2. Elizabeth Mary Watson 1865 #14034 - 1867 #939 lived 1 year
3. Henry Watson 1870 #21933
4. Samuel Watson 1876 #21715
2. Ruth Spiers 1848 - 1915 wed 1864 #1864 to George McCahon
2 children 1. Matilda McCahon 1865 #5568 - 1870 #574 lived 5 years
2. Nancy McCahon 1867 #11591 (Annie (1867-1909)
3. George McCahon 1870 #23808
4. Mary Mitilda McCahon 1873 #20768
5. Minnie Elizabeth McCahon 1879 #7903
6. Albert James McCahon 1886 #8707 - 1886 #12108 lived 6 months
3. Henry Spiers 1849 - 1935 #9764 aged 86, born in Adelaide wed 1872 #3326 to Mary Jane Dingle
2 children 1. Jane Spiers 1873 #15172
2. Henry James Spiers 1884 #23229
4. Mary Spiers 1853 wed 1877 #899 to Richard Thomas Edward Draper, widower.
Richard Thomas Edward Draper from Adelaide SA, wed 1867 #1065 to Mary Hokin 1849 - 1875 #9394 aged 26, dau of Isabella Millar and William Hokin born in Adelaide, SA
3 Children
of Hokin
1. Edward Ambrose William Draper 1867 #19292
2. Walter John Draper 1869 #19840
3. Albert Enos Charles Draper 1875 #13352 - 1875 #9395 lived 2 months
5 Children 4. Richard Henry Draper 1878 #3085
5. Matilda Ruth Draper 1879 #9727 - 1880 #3695 lived 10 months
6. Emma Jane Draper 1881 #9971
7. Melicent Melrose Draper 1883 #9835
8. Rupert James Draper 1885 #18155
5. James Spiers 1855 #11502 - 1934 #14523 aged 78 wed 1879 #329 to Emma Moon
7. William Spiers 1858 #3643 - 1936 #13620 aged 78 wed 1884 #1221 to Anna Maria Fuller 1856 #2727 - 1941 #9044 aged 85 born at Pennyweight and died at Mordialloc, first two chn born at Tongalla, boys died at Echuca
6 Children 1. Annie Flor Spiers 1885 #6545 - 1953 #6064 aged 68 wed 1911 4594 to Chas Sinclair, died at Paynesville
2. Gustella Beatrice (Stella) Spiers 1886 #30186 - 1970 #19994 aged 83 wed Brine, died at Malvern
3. Matilda Blanche Spiers 1888 #12793 - 1969 #4953 aged 80 wed Pell, born and died at Kyabram
4. William Albert Spiers 1890 #24530 - 1964 #19138 aged 74
5. Francis Owen Spiers 1894 #32910 - 1950 #22937 aged 56
6. John Leslie Spiers 1896 #22183 - 1969 #6049 aged 73
8. Lydia Spiers 1859 #21171 wed 1879 #1580 to John Moon, 3 Children
9. Robert Spiers 1862 #7072 - 1934 #15969 aged 72, wed 1885 #1251 to Grace Hannah Roberts 1864 #5814
2 Children 1. Robert Henry Spiers 1885 #25114
2. Lily May Spiers 1887 #10708
11. George Spiers 1865 #13985 wed 1888 #557 to Elizabeth Jane Roberts
2 Children 1. Geo Spiers 1889 #10013
2. Mary Matilda Spiers 1891 #5715
12. Ebenezer Spiers 1867 #20662 wed 1891 #2101 to Isabella Henderson Morris 1861 - 1939 #14320 aged 78
1 Child 1. Ebenezer Alfred Spiers 1893 #10697
13. Jane Spiers 1870 #1319 - 1949 #18183 aged 79, wed 1890 #8536 to William Joseph Burgoine 1866 #7132, lived at Castlemaine, 5 Children


Another Henry Spiers

Henry Spiers 1827 - 1903 #8081 aged 76 son of Sarah Ann Walker and Wm Spiers, wed 1861 #703 to Eliza Jane Mcfadden and lived at Amphitheatre
From a web site -
Returning towards Bakery Park on the other side of the road, we paused at the old two-storey brick home which was built for the Spiers family in 1890. Originally, the back section was a single storey of timber construction, and the large kitchen had a flag-stone floor. The present owners have extended by making the back section two-storeyed. Henry Spiers came to Amphitheatre in 1859 and built one of the first stores in the township.
MR SPIERS: Goldbroker. (NWC 11/10/1860).
HENRY SPIERS: Oxford. England. Adelaide 1849. Forest Creek, Campbell's Creek, Amphitheatre in 1859. (Sutherland, p 226.) Storekeeper, Amphitheatre. Married to Eliza M'Fadden at Back Creek. (MADA 15/3/1861).
H. SPIERS & CO: Purchased 100 ozs of gold at Lamplough. (BS via MAA 20/12/1859. ) Spirit merchant licence (VGG No 39 p 564 27/3/1860). Licence granted. (VPG 29/3/1860. ) Lamplough Police Court. (MADA 18/7/1860). Bull and Beedon, successors to ... (NWC 13/12/1860). Storekeepers Mountain Creek. Purchased gold. (BS 28/12/1860.)
11 children 1. Mary Eleonor Spiers 1862 #106
2. Henry Eber Spiers 1864 #6227 - 1904 #11084 aged 40
3. Clarissa Walker Spiers 1866 #5904
4. Marion Moore Spiers 1868 #127
5. Sarah Ann Spiers 1869 #12880
6. William Moore Spiers 1873 #6890
7. Marion Mabel Spiers 1874 #13316 - 1872 #3369 lived 4 years
8. Jessie Inez Spiers 1877 #19786 - 1878 #3933 lived 35 weeks
9. Alfred Reginald Spiers 1879 #20492 - 1881 #5 lived 1 year
10. Irene Mary Spiers 1871 #13469
11. Fred Spiers 1883 #36

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