The Yuri and Sakura Cutey Honey Files v.6
By: Shin Starmie 
(shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com or xvmon@world-of-nintendo.com)
(Note: Version History is at the end of this thing. Who cares about it?)

You know the drill: you can't use this without permission from me. If you
want said permission, then just drop me a line and ask. NO using this for 
any profit, period. CvS is (c) Capcom, ditto for all the Capcom side 
characters. Them SNK characters are all (c) SNK. Dreamcast is (c) Sega, 
like you didn't know. This document is (c) me, John "Shin Starmie" Evans. 

Okay, I've just added this thing to my own website. Doesn't mean I'll be
placing any updates to it there first, though, so keep checking GameFAQs 
and the other locales that have permission to use this document. And 
that's...*pounds a gavel*...FINAL! Have a nice day! ^_^

Locales that have such permission:
GameFAQs, World of Nintendo (other places will have their names added
Whenever I can remember'em! Ugh...must go search my email...)

And another thing, some of you may've noticed I'm not using that lil'
shin_starmie@cheerful.com addy now. Well, that's only because I don't get
to check that particular email very often anymore, SO, the Rock says take a
note, jabroni: shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com is the email to send comments
and the like to the Rock if you want a chance at a fairly quick response! If
ya smell...ell-ell-ell-ell...what the Rock...is...cookin'! ^_~ (WWF-Mode Off)

Okay, this is some FYI stuff, so, I'm gonna mention it HERE and not in the
Version History like normal. You see the new email up there? Want one? Then
haul shell over to www.world-of-nintendo.com to find out how to get one!
Of course, I DO prefer if you try to reach me via Hotmail first. I check it
the most, after all.

Intro to Kombat
   (Whoa...this format STILL looks good after all these years!) Well...I 
once hated Yuri with an insane vengeance. Why? Her Hien-houou-kyaku in 
KoF95. I hated her even more when I found out she'd copied Ken's Shouryuu-
Reppa in KoF97 (Hien-rekkou, aka "Yuri...Chou-reppa!"), and when KoF99 
added her Shin-chou-upper...effectively copying Ryu's Shin-shouryuu-ken. 
But when I used her in CvS with my team of Ken and Sakura, WOW, I fell in 
love with the girl! This cute lil' thang just ROCKS. And that's the bottom 
line, cuz Stone Cold said so! (sorry...just had to do it!) Hey, Capcom, WHY
didn't you give her Shin-chou-upper to her?!
    Now, Sakura's been one of my favorites since Street Fighter Zero 2. Too
bad that there are only TWO games where she has a really cute color: her
green in SFZ2 (Sailorjupiter...her Shinkuu Hadou-ken I'd dish out while
yelling "Supreeeeeeeme Thaandaaaaaaaa!"), and her pink in SFZ3 (that's her
Sailorchibimoon one (Sailor Mini-Moon for US peeps...but Chibi sounds a LOT
Cooler, IMO). Hey, maybe her green one's in SFZ3. But anyway, you'll wanna
get her EX Mode form in this game ASAP. If you're a Sakura fan and you have
this game at home, then either download a save or use a Gameshark...just do
it FAST! Normal Sakura has been MOLESTED in this game! She's still a cute
lil' thang, it's just that her Normal Mode form sucks worse than in MvSF.
At least in MvSF, her fireball actually moved...

Normal Moves: Yuri
(under construction...are they the same as they are in KoF?)
So far, however, I know that Normal and EX Yuri have the same normals. BUT,
since I'm not familiar with her normals, (I don't have this game at home,
nor do I have anymore KoF games) I'd TRULY appreciate some descriptions!

Normal Moves: Sakura
Lp: Standing is that SAME jab she's had since SFZ2. One of THE few jabs
    with great range. Ditto for ducking, and jumping's still that useless
    air-fireball-wanna-be crap. Don't use that. EVER.
Hp: Same ol' double-handed step uppercut. She MAY have her power punch
    from Z3 at a distance, not sure. Ducking's the same low uppercut, and
    jumping's the same too (double-handed hammer punch with little range).
Db+Hp: A hammer punch - her d.Mp of Z2, Z3, and MvSF. EX Sakura ONLY.
Lk: Same ol' front kick. Ducking's the same ol' poke kick with great range
    for a short. I have NO idea about her jumping one. A lil' help, please!
Hk: Almost completely unchanged. Side kick when standing, sweep when she
    ducks. Jumping is different - it's her old j.Mk. Why? Well...
Jump, dn+Hk: It's because the Rock says that THIS is how EX Sakura alone 
      does her normal j.Hk now, jabroni! But then, the Rock must ask: why 
      even give it to her to begin with?

Specials: Normal Yuri
Kouou-ken: down, down-forward, forward + punch
   It's a fireball that screams "COMBOS ONLY!!!". Why? It does NOT move AT
ALL. This thing is worse than Dan's Gadou-ken in that respect. Just try to
avoid using this in anything other than combos, 'kay? Trust me. Plain old
fireball combos HURT. You'll see.

Chou-upper: forward, down, down-forward + punch
   Ah...the precious uppercut. With Light Punch, it is the mighty 
all-purpose move. Counterstrike, anti air attack, mistake crusher, blah, 
blah, blah. With Heavy Punch, it is then the tool of combos. BUT, as all 
the millions of Yuri fans know, there's a lot more to it than that...

Double: do the motion again after a Heavy Chou-Upper
   Now *this* is evil. It's almost what CPU Ken and Gouki always seem to be
able to do to you. Now you can get sweet revenge...and it actually makes her
have four easy hits! It's juggling, but they all connect! Basically, if you
ever play up close and personal, and you SHOULD, then you should be hearing
"Chou-upper! Double!" quite frequently.

Hyaku-retsu-binta: forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + kick
   The other reason I once hated Yuri. Being a command throw, this puppy is
completely unblockable...at least...it was in KoF95, seeing how she could
nail you with it EVERY time. Just don't get careless with it, as supers can
and probably will stuff it. It's quite funny if she gets you, though. You
think being caught by Sonson's POW is embarrassing? Wait'll you get caught
by this, and it ain't a super! She'll layeth the smacketh down!!! Amakusa,
eat your heart out, bub. BTW, as a throw, the damage SUCKS. You're almost
better off with plain throws. Of course, the AI DOES fall for this a lot...

Raiou-ken: down, down-forward, forward + kick
   As it turns out, um...well...imagine Gouki's overhead chop while jumpin',
with energy around the hands. That's it. Any uses for something this bad?

Chou-mawashi-geri: down, down-back, back + kick
   It's like Sakura's shunpuu-kyaku, but higher. use it thus. Careful:
higher may get you pounded if you use it at the wrong time!

Enyoku: forward + light kick
   Mmmmm-hmmm. Yuri's still usin' that (rather phat) butt of hers to attack.
You really do NOT wanna get careless with this. It may overhead, I don't 
know for sure. But even if it does, and even if it hits, some superb 
defensive players may STILL be able to make Yuri feel big time pain in her 
butt. It's called reversals, don't y'know.

Specials: EX Yuri
(You have to beat the game with her in SNK groove to access her EX Mode. 
Hold start as you pick her in order to get this, once you've unlocked her.)
kouou-ken: qcf+p - a real fireball.
raiou-ken: qcf+k - okay...it IS her old one. jump, fireball down, pillar.
saiha: down, down-back, back + punch - A mini Kikou-shou. Phooey.
hyaku-retsu-binta: forward, back, forward + kick - see above.
enyoku: fw+lk - see above.

Special Moves: Normal Sakura
(AAAAAACK! NO WAY!! *faint*)
hadou-shou: down, down-forward, forward + punch
   Don't...even...bother! Not even in combos! This thing sucks moose c**k,
and it shows! Unlike Yuri's, this is more or less even worse! It's pretty
much a DISGRACEFUL attempt at imitating Chun-Li's Kikou-shou, and I don't
like how Capcom could even diss Sakura or Chun like that.
   Okay, I have to change my mind about this thing. Granted, it still
sucks, but after some experimentation, I've noticed something rather nice:
FIREBALL COMBOS HURT!!! And this is unusual for Ratio 1 peeps...

kouou-ken: forward, down, down-forward + punch
   Huh? Okay, the Sakazakis have a fireball. SAKURA'S is a majorly raped
version of her Shouou-ken. It doesn't leave the ground. PERIOD!!! This is
just waiting to be countered, I tell you, BUT, if you hit with it, it's
PAIN. I can't say for sure, since I don't have this at home, but I've
*seen* this do more damage than the Shouou-ken. That said, combo it in! >)

sakura-hana-kyaku: jump, down, down-back, back + kick
   Okay, I've finally seen it. It's a dive kick. I haven't had the time to
really get into it with this thing, but I can assure you that Gouki players
will be abusing this move.

shunpuuren-kyaku: (down, down-back, back + kick) x2
   Think: The Shotos' Tatsumaki Senpuu-kyaku from SFEX1. Maybe worse. Okay,
it IS worse. Despite the button, the first motion looks and sounds like a
normal Lk Shunpuu-kyaku. The second motion is a copy of her standing Hk that
smacks the opponent a good ways away. Which isn't so bad, because even if
the hurricane itself is blocked, you've got a one-in-three shot of landing
the follow-up kick. Just remember, it does NOT sail up very high or very
far. You're begging to be countered if you're tryin' to do it that way. 

flower kick: fw+lk
   Same ol' overhead kick. Hmmm...Sakura likes to show her panties in the
heat of battle, and Yuri likes to use that (rather phat) butt in battle. I
must say, they some freaky lil' thangs, ain't they? (Heh, they learned it
from the Game...KEN...and his fair lady Chun-Li. As well as his many
mistresses: Mai, Vice, Mature, King, Shermie, Whip, Morrigan, Rose, Cammy,
Psylocke...the list just goes on! ;P )

Specials: EX Sakura
(Similar to EX Yuri, you have to beat the game with Capcom Sakura.)
hadou-ken: qcf + p - see note on EX Yuri. Also, you can adjust the size
                     a la Z2 and Z3.
shouou-ken: dp+p - that's better.
shunpuu-kyaku: qcb + k - ditto...and it's air friendly like MvSF and Z3!
                   Now, can we get 3 hits like in Rival Schools next time?
flower kick: fw+lk - same as before.

Hyper Combos: Yuri
Haou-shoukou-ken: forward, half circle forward + p
   A big fireball. I've hated every KoF since 96 when they made this a super
for Ryo, Robert, and Yuri. And I've hated'em since 98 (and 96 on Gameboy)
when they did likewise with Takuma. Standard fare with this sort of thing.
Most likely works better in combos than even the Shinkuu Hadou-ken. Actually,
given the easier motion, it's WAY easier to use in any situation or combo
that you'd use the Shinkuu Hadou-ken in. And since it's kinda bigger, it's
also easier to use as an anti air attack, heeheeheehee...oh, and IMO, this
should be the super you use most with Yuri. If you're in Capcom groove, you
Ryu and Sakura players know this style already: harass your prey with Lv1s
as much as possible, whenever you can.

Hien-rekkou: down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward + punch
   Yuri...Chou-Reppa! This move ROCKS! It's faster than even Sakura's 
Midare-zakura, and we all know how fast THAT is. It also combos off almost 
any of Yuri's normals! Wow...I ain't seen a comboable standing fierce since 
Shin Gouki and Sakura back in Z2. Use this often, just do NOT let it be 
blocked! Combo it for supreme results. Sorry, sports fans, but the second-
most electrifying move in SNK entertainment IS NOT available to EX Mode 
Yuri. Now, since EX Yuri doesn't have this super, I see little point in
using her over the normal one. Except for that full-length fireball, that
is, but com'on, you don't really need it that much!

Hien-houou-kyaku: forward, back, half circle back + k
   I hate this move. It commands respect, but I still hate it. Most FAQs for
her from 97 and up list it as qcf-hcb+k. Since it has the old KoF95 motion, 
THIS AIN'T AVAILABLE TO NORMAL MODE YURI. I don't know about its startup and
recovery or anything, but I know in KoF95, it was FAST. And it was simply
unblockable like seven times outta ten. I DO know that if it is ever 
blocked, Yuri will be abused for sure. (And then the Mighty Ken comes in to 
beat the enemy to a pulp for messin' with one of his women, and Ryo 
finishes the poor soul off. Yuri IS, after all, Ryo's sister!)

Hyper Combos: Sakura
Shinkuu Hadou-ken: (down, down-forward, forward) x2 + p
   Fireball super. Can make Normal Sakura worthwhile IF used properly. Since
it seems she does more damage than her EX form, combo this in for supreme
results! >)

Midare Zakura: down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward + kick
   YES! Her SFZ uppercut super and not that crap in MvSF! Huh?! What?! A
touch of bad news: this is ONLY available to EX Sakura. Well, that's just
prime. It's awfully fast, but its' speed is outmatched by Yuri Chou-Reppa.
But since ONLY EX Sakura has this...*screams like Zero in Rockman X4* WHAT
AM I FIGHTING FOR?! If you're using EX Sakura, though, this is the next
best thing to the Haru-ichiban. :)

Haru-ichiban: down, down-back, back, down, down-back, back + kick
   YES! Her SFZ sweep-into-roundhouse super and not that crap in MvSF! To
be honest, I personally am not very good at comboing this motion outside
of SF3 (Ken) and SFEX (Gouki), but if this super does the SAME SICK DAMAGE 
it does in SFZ, then PLEASE combo this in! It will be well worth it! You 
may even do well to rip it out randomly to catch a sleeping foe trying to
   Normal Mode Sakura's Haru-issen is essentially the EXACT SAME THING.
There's an difference so minor, you're certain to miss it. Especially if
you're not too familiar with how the SFZ Haru-ichiban looks. You see, it's
the same rapid-sweeps, but the ending kick isn't that roundhouse. It's
more or less SFZ3 Sakura's far standing Forward: a high kick with her outer
leg; panties visible as usual. (whatta freak, huh? She gets it from Ken.)
I can only guess that the range of the final kick is the biggest difference
in the two supers, as that high kick has little horizontal range. Yet it
still smacks the enemy away if the whole thing connects...go fig.
   Either way, just go nuts with this thing. It's fast and it recovers well
to boot. And it STILL does that same sick damage it did in SFZ. Basically,
this should be your most used super.

Combos: Yuri
1.) j.Hk, s.Hp, dp+Hp > dp+Hp (6 hits)
    Ken players rejoice...the old DP combo is back, Fierces and all! Looks
    awfully sweet to catch'em with TWO uppercuts, heeheeheeheehee! >)

2.) j.Hk, s.Hp > qcf-dn-df+Hp (Lv2, Capcom groove only)
    Absolutely evil. Replace the Hp in the super with Hk, and it works for
    Sakura. If their Fierces are comboable - and they are - then this'll 
    even work for Evil Ryu, Ken, and Gouki. Now, I'm NOT 100% sure about 
    this, but if you started with a Lv3 meter and a cornered opponent, you 
    MAY be able to juggle with a Lv1 Haou-shoukou-ken. (Shinkuu Hadou-ken in
    Sakura's case)

3.) j.Hk, d.Lp-Lk > qcf+Hp (4 hits)
    Yep...it works. And it works even better if you use her standing Jab
    and Short, though I've no idea why.

4.) j.Hk, s.Lk-Lp > fw-hcf+p (6 - 8 hits, not sure)
    Well, now. It seems that Yuri can do these Sakura-style combos after
    all. She does one-up Sakura, though: her standing Jabs and Shorts can
    be used interchangeably, unlike Sakura's or even the Shotos'.

5.) j.Hk, s.Lk > hcb+Hk (up to 12 hits)
    Oooooh...this is just eeeeeevil. Word has it this was one of her combos
    from KoF95 on up. Needless to say, Yuri will layeth the smacketh down!

6.) from 3/4 screen: qcf+Lp > fw-ba-hcb+k
    WHAT?! This dates back to KoF95! You mean people still fall for this?!
    Only available to EX Yuri, and it's pretty evil to boot! Honestly, I
    mean, Ryo, Robert, Iori, Takuma, Mai, 95 Kyo, Sie (maybe), Rugal, and a
    bazillion others can do this! That, my friends, is pure evil. SF-only
    vets, beware, as this setup can prove fatal to you if you're not being
    careful! IMO, it's SNK's answer to the fireball trap. To think that 
    Capcom actually put it in this game does not bode well for SF vets. Read
    my lips: THIS IS NOT A GOOD OMEN FOR YOU! I'm pretty proficient at this
    setup myself, and it WORKS. Now, since Yuri's Hien-houou-kyaku is so
    friggin' fast, and maybe even unblockable like in KoF95 (on GB, anyway),
    ...oh, the carnage!!! Be afraid, SFers...be VERY afraid!

7.) j.Hp/Hk, s.Lp, qcf + Hp (3 hits)
    WHOA! This thing HURTS!!! And there's a JAB in it, for cryin' out loud!
    It shouldn't that much, but it does. Easily does around 20% or so! Even
    works for Sakura!

8.) cj.Hk, d.Lk, Lk, Lk > fw-hcf+2P (Lv3, ~12 hits)
    Man...this is the type of combo I dream of pulling off in kombat. I saw
    this guy at the arcade whip this little doozy out against his opponent.
    From about 45% life, this combo killed the poor guy's RYU!!! Oh, the
    sheer carnage...

Combos: Sakura
1.) j.Hk, s.Lp-Lk > qcf-dn-df+Hk (Lv2, Capcom only)
    See that above Yuri combo? (#2) You CAN do that with Sakura, but if 
    you're willing to trade a little bit of damage for a little more flash,
    then you can do it this way. Yuri can do that as well. Cross'em up for   
    supreme results. May be able to juggle with a Lv1 Shinkuu Hadou-ken if
    your prey is in the corner...

2.) j.Hk, s.Lp-Lk > qcf+Hp (4 hits)
    I STILL don't know if the one mentioned in Yuri's section with them
    ducking light attacks works for sure for her or Sakura (been tryin' my
    hand with a Sakura/Guile/Cammy team), but THIS works...for Sakura. I
    have to find out if it works for Yuri.

3.) j.Hk, s.Hp > dp+Hp (8 or 9 hits...not too sure)
    Sadly, Sakura can't do any cool double uppers. But on the happy note,
    she doesn't need to - she does a couple more hits anyway! I'm told it's
    got MAD dizzying ability, almost as much as a j.Hp, s.Hp > qcb+Hk with
    Ken. Can anybody confirm this?

4.) j.Hp, s.Lp-Lk > dp+Hp > qcf-qcf+p (don't know the hits...)
    This is a nice example of canceling...so to speak. You should go read
    the combo FAQ by The KiD, where this and other combos are king. 

Tactics (Or, How to Kill Your Prey...uh...Opponents!)
   I can offer some general things based on how I play her. Being that I
typically apply my Ken style of play to most other Shoto-like peeps, it's
the best I can do for now.
1.) Know your ranges. Yuri doesn't have much, so you have to know what she
    can do, from where, and when. Ditto for Sakura, especially her Normal
2.) If all else fails, throw. Not all the time, you evil scrubs out there!
    Say like your combo efforts are being thwarted. Well, next time you get
    in to combo, just throw'em. Especially if they're left open for it.
3.) Jab uppers for anti air, Fierce uppers (and Doubles, in Yuri's case) 
    for combos. Sakura has to use other options, like d.Hp and Shinkuu
    Hadou-ken at Lv1. EX Sakura doesn't have that problem, but it's still
    best for her to utilize those methods.
4.) Combo whenever you have an opening. Hey, don't be lazy, go make your
    opening! Like, um...cross-ups, maybe?!
5.) ALWAYS KEEP A COOL HEAD!!! That is like SO important. No matter how bad
    the battle may seem, you CAN still win it. Ask my significant other when
    she plastered my Evil Ryu onto the pavement with Ken in SFZ2...and all
    I had to do was get the Shun-goku-satsu off for the finish!
6.) Since they're SO shoto-like, thanks to their moves (okay, maybe not for
    Normal Sakura), you can't play them shoto-like. And that's especially 
    true if you're running an all-shoto team. Besides, Yuri and Sakura are 
    too cute to be pounded on for being like the Shotos!
7.) Oh yeah...the girls were sincerely intended to SEVERELY annoy the 
    opponent. They say their jabs and shorts have high priority, so...get 
    in there and poke, poke, poke! Just don't get TOO poke-happy.
8.) I do believe this was put best in an old cheer I heard my high school
    cheerleading squad do: Be aggressive, be aggressive, B-E, A-G-G-, 
    R-E-S-S-I-V-E! But, of course, sometimes it pays to be defensive.
9.) Like in SFZ3, you can add hits to Sakura's punch throw, and it counts as
    a combo. As with Yuri's Hyaku-retsu-binta, however, the damage bites.
    Pretty shameful, seeing how this is one of the BEST throws in the game.
    Trust me, if you have to throw with Sakura, use the punch throw. :P
10.) Ken's a GREAT Ratio 2 to balance out these lovely ladies. Always have
     him fight second. If one girl dies, the opponent will have to answer to
     the mighty Ken. Unless, of course, it's CPU Ryu, who tries to beat the
     living snot outta Ken, Sakura, and Sagat in EVERY SF game. Anyhow, DC
     owners have a bonus: once they enable Ratio Select, just about anyone
     becomes great R2s. (Um...King, Blanka, Yamazaki, Geese, Vega/M.Bison, 
     Sagat, Evil Ryu...need I go on?)
11.) One other thing concerning R2s: no matter who your R2 is, PLEASE make
     sure they have a decent projectile! CPU Geese is a BASTARD to fight!
     His countering throws all do RIDICULOUS damage...I don't think that
     Zangief gets that much hurtin' out of a Lv3 Final Atomic Buster...
12.) If you HONESTLY wanna stand a chance if beating the AI, then pick Yuri
     first!!! Trust me on this, the game will make you fight Vega (Bison to
     all us US playas, but them Jap names are just better...) as your final
     boss. And even he falls prey to Sakura's Haru-ichiban!

    That's all I can really offer. If you simply practice these methods,
then you're already well on your way to mastering these two bishoujo
brawlers! And remember to pick Capcom groove. You can kick MUCH more butt
that way, and not worry about having to have low life AND a maxed meter to
whip out Lv3 supers.

Needed for next version
- Descriptions of Yuri's normals! I'm told  they're the same, but I need
  to know exactly what does what with each button press and from what
  distance, if applicable.
- Can that Hien-houou-kyaku combo from anytthing? I'm told it could in KoF,
  but lemme pose the question to all you KoF95 and AoF peeps out there
  who are truly familiar with the older motion on that super. Can it combo?
  And I mean other than that setup which is Yuri combo #6!
- At least one color edit for Yuri! I've goot one possibility thought up
  based off a color edited Lilith in Vampire Savior EX for Psx, but I
  don't have a DC to try this out! (the one I had is busted)
- Ditto for Sakura! At lest ONE good color  edit!

Thanks -n- Shouts
GameFAQs, Fresh Baked Games, and whoever else I gave permission to...
           Posting this and my other little beasties!!! Yeah, yaw! ^_^

The KiD (oodzume@hotmail.com)
           Those new combos came from his Combo FAQ. I'm tellin' you, stop
           gawkin' at this credits section and go read it! You can finish
           readin' this thing afterward. You will NOT regret it. Highly and
           personally recommended! This guy is the MAN!!! My Yuri/Sakura FAQ
           owes The Kid MUCH respect for his insanely cool combos!!! I'll be
           sure to put his email in the next upgrade so all of you can give
           him unending showers of compliments for his hard work in puttin'
           these phat combo FAQs together. He's got other phat ones, like
           for MvC2 and SF EX2+, but his CvS one takes the cake! Okay, I
           think I'll stop talking now. Just go read any of his FAQs so you
           can see for yourself...this guy's supreme ruler of combo FAQs.

chickenno1@hotmail.com (D'oh!! What was your name?!)
           Yuri's Chou-mawashi-geri, descriptions of other moves. Oh,
           and I did have it noted that normal Yuri can't use the HHK, but
           I put that in caps so you could see it. Thanks! :P And thanks for
           catching that mistake I made about that Chou-mawashi-geri!
           Gomen ne!!

angel_starr@blackplanet.com (Ahhh...my beautiful other half.)
           This here's my star pupil. It was her idea for me to give Yuri
           a chance. Thanks, baby...luv ya! Hey, you're a better Ken
           player than you are a Chun-Li! Now hurry on home so you can
           learn Mai like you've been wantin' me to help with. ^_~ Oh...did
           I mention to everyone that you're beautiful? Guess I did!

agekrs1@hotmail.com (I hope I got that right...)
           Has really cool FAQs on Ken and Ryu at GameFAQs. Check'em out!
           Inspired me to even do a Yuri FAQ, don't y'know. >)

sailorpluto21@hotmail.com (Heeheehee...the Sakura fan, eh? Here ya go!)
           This girl is a bona fide Sakura nut. She's also the first to
           remind me in a match in MvSF that once it starts, not even the
           Mighty Ken's Shouryuu-Reppa can thwart the Kikou-shou! (even IF
           it started up a split-second AFTER the Shouryuu-Reppa's startup)
           Hey! Stop being such a sleepyhead and come challenge me in MvC1
           on the PS One again! My twin Ken-Mode Ryus wish to reacquaint
           you with the power of the "Shouryuu Shoryu-Reppa"! As you see,
           she's the reason I added the Sakura section. >P

Capcom and SNK
           Take a WILD guess. They made THE most electrifying game in
           Capcom and SNK entertainment!!!

Final Thoughts
   Well, that's it for now. It's getting bigger, as you can see by now. So,
if you're looking at it, or if I give you permission to use it on your site,
PLEASE check with the above header (y'know, the lil' pattern of Smoke's 
Spear that surrounds the title of this thing). I'll put it at the bottom, 
too. This shows that this thing should be viewed with Courier New font at a 
nine-point size. Also, there were 79 characters to a line, but the thing 
STILL had word wrapping problems, so I cut back from 78-79 to 76-77 a line.
Gomen nasai...mada mada ne, daijobu! >)

   As you can see, this puppy needs a little bit more workin'. No, I do 
NOT want this thing to get too big, but maybe up to ten pages of info would 
be better capable of benefiting all the millions and millions of the Yuri's
and the Sakura's fans. Guess all it takes is a bit of help from the people.
(Yuri's normal move descrips, which I'm STILL waiting on!!!)

   Yuri really is a pretty slick character. She's quite capable of doing 
solid damage, and though she is irritating - who isn't - she's definitely 
potent if used properly. I'm not an expert per se, but my knowledge of Ken 
(which I've basically vary up on with other uppercutters) seems to work with 
her...and it seems to work better than Sakura! "Yuri...Chou-reppa!" >) 

   Sakura's Normal mode may suck, but if the Haru-ichiban still does insane
damage (and if she REALLY does more than the EX version), then it could be
worth using her JUST to get to EX Sakura. EX Sakura plays a lot like her
old self, meaning she's a speedy combo and screaming goddess. Either way,
EX or Norm, Sakura's also able to pull out solid damage (pretty unusual for
Ratio 1 peeps, ain't it?), and well, she's cute! (Yuri's WAY cuter, IMO)
And remember: F I R E B A L L  C O M B O S  H U R T ! ! !

   Hey, I'm still gonna be puttin' out some character guides on Gameboy 
game fighters, so be on the lookout. I don't know when, though. Well, 
that's that. Oh...and here's a tip to all future FAQ/guide writers out 
there: the best way to train yourself to have a vicious-looking FAQ is to 
do a rough draft in writing. Trust me on this...that's how I got the 
Megaguide started, even back when it was only individual FAQs! Works like a
charm. ^_^

Version Updates
6 (06/12/01): Sorry for the hiatus, but this stuff had to come! More info,
              and another email addy to boot!
5 (04/30/01): A couple combos, a little more info, cleared up a lil' info.
              Namely, it's the exact way to get to EX Sakura and EX Yuri. 
              In the next update, I'll include the email of the FAQ author
              who had all them secrets in his/her CvS FAQ. :)
4 (03/06/01): A LOT. Added Sakura, corrected some formatting errors. Hope
              to add the normal color selections for both next update. Also
              changed the title of the document somewhat.
3 (01/09/01): Put this section in, some adjustments, corrected a mistake
              about one of Yuri's moves! D'oh! How careless of me!! Oh, and
              MUCH more of my sarcasm. Gomen ne...couldn't resist the urge.
2 (01/08/01): Added some info, as well as the Tactics section.
1 (12/30/99): Wrote up the original draft for this thing. (Do NOT be fooled
              by when it was sent to GameFAQs! It wasn't until after New
              Year's that I was able to type this thing up!)


"Handsome and cheap. Can you compete with that?" -- Ken, MvSF

    Source: geocities.com/metsu_gou_shouryuu