The Nakoruru "Seductress of Elemental Destruction" Files
v.2        by: Shin Starmie (shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com)
(version history is at the bottom!)

You know the drill: you can't use this without permission from me. If you
want said permission, then just drop me a line and ask. NO using this for 
any profit, period. Nak and all them SNK characters are all (c) SNK. The 
GB version of KoF95 is (c) SNK and Takara, and Gameboy is (c) Nintendo, like 
you didn't know. This document is (c) me, John "Shin Starmie" Evans. 

Intro to the Nature Lover
   Nakoruru?! Say WHAT?! Well, yeah, this is THE hidden character on KoF95
for the GB. I thought that Iori, Rugal, and Kim Kaphwan were overpowered,
but Nak kills'em all EASILY. With the game set to HARD on top of that. And
if that's not enough, this is her truly outrageous Slash form found in 
Samurai Spirits: Zankurou Musou-ken. (Samurai Shodown 3: Blades of Blood)
   I had completely despised her prior to playing KoF95, but now that I've
given her a spin...whoa, girlfriend is the Rock to Charlotte's Triple H!
Takara, hats off to you guys for the superbness that is Nakoruru...Neo, PS
One, and Saturn owners, groan and be envious...for us Gameboy fighters now
have reason to boast! Oh yeah, combos are supported in KoF95 (and basically
every other SNK/Takara port), but with Nak's power, who cares?

Nakoruru's Nature of Naughtiness
   I've said it for Sho Shinjo on Toshinden GB, and the same goes for Nak:
offense. Her moves have crazy priority, and are all at least two hits! For
that matter, her moves knock down! She can go defensive too, and she can
make like Athena, Eiji, and Rugal by returning projectiles to sender. Her
on-the-bird attacks are here, too, but unlike in SS, you can't control the
height of the bird once you're on it. >( But it doesn't matter...much!
   OH! I forgot to include the code to use her! Gomen ne! Well, it's easy:
At the Takara logo, just press Select about 21 times or so. This enables
Nak, Saishu, Rugal, and Scorcher Mode. Nak really shines in Scorcher! :P

Making Molehills out of Mountains: Specials
Leyla Mustube: down, down-forward, forward + punch
   Picture Sakura's Shouou-ken...only it hits low and goes across the whole
screen. AND it's faster to boot. The Fierce version slides halfway across,
but glides up for the rest. The Jab version just rises up at an angle. You
know what that means...Jab LM for anti-air. The recovery is lame, but the
AI's generally too dumb to do anything to counter you often. It chips well,
too! If the Fierce one K.O.s the enemy, it can get up to SIX hits!

Annu Mutsube: down, down-back, back + punch
   Ooh, this is FAST. Easily as fast as most supers and easily as deadly!
This should be your most used weapon, as it has great recovery. Defensive
measures mean that this should be your primary counterattack. It's that 

Kamui Ruise: forward, down, down-forward + kick
   I thought it was "Kamui Risse"?! Guess there was an error somewhere, as
"Kamui Ruise" is how the game lists it when it tells you Nak's moves. At
any rate, it's quite crucial. It can smack your prey up to three or four
times, and it sends projectiles back from whence they came. Mix this up in
close for the hits, from afar for projectile protection, her super, and
Kamui Mutsubes, and you've got one VERY irritating little vixen in your
mitts. And that's... *pounds a gavel* ...FINAL!

Amube Yatoro: forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + punch
   Do NOT use it. They're hard to connect, and the AI loves to dodge past
Fierce projectiles (probably to make up for the fact that WAY too many AI
characters are dumb as bricks), so it's worthless. This is one move that
shouldn't have been included...

Hawk Carry: down, down-back, back + kick
   She leaps to the bird. Use it to get better positioning to your prey.
After all, you can't control the height here. It's an evil setup for the
next three moves AND her super... >) heeheeheeheeheeheehee...

Yatoru Poku: kick or dir. + kick while on the bird
   With kick, it's a fast rolling slash that does up to three hits. When
you do it the other way, it's a slower rolling slash that's less likely to
be blocked by the AI. It's pretty nice to use, but it's not HALF as evil
as her...

Kamui Mutsube: punch while on the bird
   A dive attack. Why is this so evil? First, it's got great cross-up 
potential AND it sometimes acts as an overhead. Secondly, it's FAST.
Third, it can act as an overhead...against STANDING blockers! Glitch in
the game? Ummm...most likely. Anyway, use this on turtles, especially
after the Annu Mutsube and Leyla Mutsube forces'em to turtle up. But the
Rock says this: the Rock says there's something else you should mix this
up with, jabroni, and that's her super!

Deadly Desperations! It's Deathscythe's Daughter!!!
Eleyuu Kamui Risse: (forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back)x2 + p
   Oddly, this is WAY easier to do than Gouki's Messatsu Gou-hadou in SFZ,
and it's got the exact same motion. This may be a glitch, but I've nailed
victims with it during a wall jump (ditto with Mai and her super) and from
the bird! Nak jumps, dives at you, and she proceedeth to layeth the smacketh
down with three or four Kamui Ruise rotations. After that, she smacks you
away, and sends the bird to finish you off...and wherever you are launched
to is where the bird WILL get you! 
   The dive is the EXACT same animation as the Kamui Mutsube, so mix'em up
to maximize on the confusion, pain, and despair your opponent will have to
experience! More often than not, this and other supers tend to be totally
UNBLOCKABLE. If it's a glitch, abuse it, especially since it seems that
Nak's super LACKS the low priority SNK supers are infamous for having. And
that means that she can basically blow through nearly anything, even get by
them pesky Haou-shoukou-ken type projectiles if timed properly!

Strategy Shop
1.) Follow everything above to the letter.
2.) Watch out for Terry's Power Geyser! That thing can snatch you right out
of a Kamui Mutsube AND the Eleyuu Kamui Risse, while STILL dishing out a
ton of damage! I found this out when I used Terry against the AI Nakoruru.
I probably would've lost if that Geyser hadn't hit her...
3.) Nak can wall jump. Sometimes it pays to do so.
4.) Since you have no projectiles, Athena's reflector is almost useless.
Just do NOT get jump happy. That thing isn't that big, but it CAN get you!
5.) Stick to the air against Kim whenever possible. His silly Flash Kick
ripoffs can't get you very often, and his super isn't as big a threat.
6.) Speaking of which, don't let Rugal touch you with his super! In a
nutshell, the supers you wanna avoid are:
     Nakoruru's, Terry's, Joe's, Rugal's, Kim's, Ryo's, Yuri's, Heidern's.
Them things do the most damage to Nak, in that order, from most to least.
7.) If Athena tries to do her super, do your own super...that's the only
super I've seen hit Athena out of it successfully!

Final Thought
   Well, that's about it. Nak's pretty solid in KoF. Hmph, she's simply
dangerous! I've never seen such power! Too bad they didn't hook her up
like this in Capcom vs. SNK. She'd absolutely dominate, then.

   Anyway, this thing's best read in a 10-pt. Courier New font. Just like
before, it's 75-76 characters to a line, blah, blah, blah. 

Shoutz Section
1.) Angel Serenity: angel_starr@blackplanet.com
   Heeheeheeheehee...gotta put my sweetheart into my FAQs! Luv ya, girl!
   Seriously, it was her idea for me to even do character FAQs on GB
   Fighting game characters.

2.) CjayC: cjayc@gamefaqs.com
   This is obvious. This guy's the man, the myth, the legend...the shining
   force behind GameFAQs. If not for him, where would anybody get cool

3.) Sakura: sailorpluto21@hotmail.com
   And here's that local Sakura nut. Just found out she's nuts about the
   Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, as well as SF's Sakura. Go fig, eh?
   Like me, she's highly annoyed that Sakura isn't in Project Justice...

Versions of Chaos
2 (03/22/01, 5:56pm): Added the code to use her. Oops!
1 (03/22/01, 2pm): Typed this thing!
game over              (c) 2001 shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com

"Shoryureppa! Shinryuken! Feel my burning vigor!" -Ken, SF Zero 3
(Hey, what's with the Rival Schools reference?! Burning Vigor?!?!)

    Source: geocities.com/metsu_gou_shouryuu