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The conserved QKRAA sequence could convey disease susceptibility by serving as a binding epitope for a specific arthritogenic peptide or it may provide a specific epitope for T cell receptor interaction. pain medicine online Osteo-arthritis-symptom. Some have suggested that the conserved sequence could itself serve as an immunogen (slide). Recent studies indicate that the DR4 shared epitope is not found with such high prevalence in Afro-Americans with RA, and it has been suggested that DR4 may be a marker for disease severity rather than disease susceptibility. This remains controversial. pain medicine online Spinal cord arthritis. (top of section) MHC-T cell-Peptide Interaction The major function of MHC Class II molecules, such as DR4, is to present peptide antigen to CD4+ ("helper") T cells (slide). The CD4+ cell, upon recognition of the peptide antigen, becomes activated to initiate a host response. The finding that the structure of a Class II molecule can predispose a patient to the development of RA, therefore, strongly supports a role for CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis of RA - at least, in the initiation of disease. pain medicine online Pain-between-shoulder-blades. Indeed, CD4+ cells are the predominant T cell subtype found in rheumatoid synovium. The identity of the putative peptide presented by DR4 remains unknown, however. Several lines of evidence have suggested participation of viral or bacterial antigens. For example, injection of rats with peptidoglycan constituents of streptococcal cell walls induces a chronic erosive inflammatory arthritis in these animals, and the antigens can be identified within the joint (even though injected subcutaneously, not intraarticularly) (slide). Blood-borne foreign antigens could thus become trapped in the joint where they stimulate an immune response. Alternatively, foreign antigens might mimic host antigens. An immune response to the foreign antigen would break tolerance to the self-antigen that it mimics, leading to autoreactivity against self. In support of this concept, the 110-kD late major capsid protein of Epstein-Barr virus and the Escherichia coli dnaJ 40-kD heat-shock protein have the sequence of E Q K R A A, which includes the shared epitope discussed above (slide). In addition, antibodies directed against immunoglobulins (rheumatoid factor) and against type II collagen support the concept of autoreactivity against self, although these phenomena may be a result of disease rather than a cause of it. Insofar as no disease-inducing antigen has yet been clearly identified, an alternative approach to the study of the disease consists of analyzing the molecular diversity of the T cell population in the joint. If a specific antigen is responsible for initiation of disease, then clonal expansion of specific CD4+ populations should be discernable. Recent molecular studies, demonstrating skewed T cell antigen receptor (TCR) variable gene usage and selective expansion of particular T cell clones within the synovium, have provided support for this view. (top of section)(top of page) Propagation of Disease Synovial macrophages & Fibroblasts Inflammatory Mediators Other contributors to Inflammation Unanswered Questions Synovial macrophages and fibroblasts interact to perpetuate inflammation Most of our knowledge of the inflammatory process and cellular infiltrate in the rheumatoid joint comes from the study of synovium in established, rather than early, disease.

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