On September 1, 1997 the "Mesopotamia Democratic Forum" was established in order to put forward the political and democratic rights and demands of the Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean peoples who are the first Christian communities and the oldest peoples of Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, and to make the world know about their language, culture and work of arts, and develop them, beside of all these, to reveal the oppressions, the chauvinist stand, denial and assimilation of them by the terrorist organizations and all the powers against Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean peoples.

In recent years, various scenarios were put forward in order to massacre our peoples. The pioneers of this stand are mostly the Kurdish organizations.

"The Kurdish Historical Thesis", supported by all the Kurdish organizations including the PKK, consider all the tribes appeared in the east of Anatolia and the Mesopotamia region as "Kurdish", and the historical work of arts, language, culture and civilizations belonging to these peoples are defined as "Kurdish" by them.

There are proofs that Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean Christians who are the main components of Mesopotamia, are claimed to become "Kurdish" by the chauvinist Kurdish people. The Kurdish writers mention about these people as "Syriac Kurds", "Nestourian Kurds" and "Christian Kurds" in their works, which is the clear proof of their denial of Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean identification.

Another evidence is that, the Mesopotamian territory, where they lived for years and continue to live today, is shown as the "Kurdistan territory" in the maps.

It is known that, recently "The Kurdish Parliament in Exile" which mainly want to assimilate Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean communities in the Kurdish identification, has registered 4 Christian members. On the other hand, the PKK resorted to employ some methods to massacre these peoples.

The PKK which targets also the Christian people in the South-East Anatolia since 1984, massacred most of them, and forced thousands of Christian families to migrate from the region. These kind of assaults are not only against those Christians who live in the South-eastern Anatolia, but also, those living in Northern-Iraq, and the oppression goes on. The PKK kidnaps the Christian young people by force and use them in the terrorist actions and cause their death.

There is no difference between the massacre of the Kurds against Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean peoples and the inhuman acts of Kurdish organizations and the PKK against those communities.

The Kurdish ideologues asserting that the name of Mesopotamia originates from "Mezra Botani", meaning "Botan field" in Kurdish, try to possess the region. However, the historical facts show that Kurds had not come from Mesopotamia, but from other places.

The Mesopotamia Democratic Forum aims with this page at revealing all the dirty acts of attackers who target the Christian peoples of Mesopotamia, and wants these to bring on the agenda of the world public opinion.

We expect every kind of interest and support from Syriac, Nestourian (Assyrian) and Chaldean peoples, institutions and organizations from four corners of the world, and hope not to be left alone in this struggle.

The Mesopotamia Democratic Forum which is against every kind of ethnic denial, oppression and assimilation policies, is the supporter and follower of the democratic struggle based on the equality of the peoples and living in peace together.

We say "hello" to everybody adopting this understanding.