Modern Fantasy Banner Exchange

Top Sites

What is a Top Sites Page? It is a great opportunity to get hits for your webpage. How does it work?

Well, the first thing you'll want to go is make a banner. Most Top Sites pages will display a banner add for you. Normal banner sizes are about 468x60 pixels. After you've created a banner, upload it to your server and make sure you know the image path. Some Top Sites pages won't let you go back and correct the path. Your path should be a whole URL, and should end with an image file, something like: Make sure you enter the full URL of your page, and make sure it ends with your image. Try typing your URL into your browser window like you would a regular webaddress, first, to see if it works. If your image, and your image alone, shows up, you're ready to join

Go to the Top Sites page, and follow their instructions to join. Once you've done that, they'll offer you a special piece of HTML code. If you put this code on your page, it will link back to the Top Sites page you've just joined. You can usually change the image or text displayed on your page in this code if you want to, just not the actual code. If you don't know HTML very well, try not to mess with it too much.

Now, when you put the Top Sites link on your page, you'll want to try to get your visitors to click on it. The more clicks you get, the higher your banner will be on the Top Sites Page. It's that simple. The more traffic you give them, the more exposure you get

Below are some Top Sites Pages that MFLE is affliated with. They are all highly recommended.

Modern Fantasy Top 100: Open to all pages who wish to join that are even remotely related to the genre of fantasy.

ARWZ Top Sites: A Top Sites page for Writing Sites, Speculative Fiction Sites, and ARWZ Member Sites.

Speculative Fiction Top 100: Top Sites list for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Alternate History.

Mystery Top Sites: Top Sites list for literary pages

Chief Blackbear's Top Sites: A Top Sites list for Literary Sites.

RPG Host's Fantasy Top 25: For Fantasy and RPG Sites.

Darkstarr Top 50: Fantasy, Games, HTML, and more.

EZBoard Top 100: For pages with an EZBoard.

Member of Modern Fantasy