Basic Player Knowledge

P layer knowledge is organised into several categories, in order of decreasing reliablility; from known facts about world, to rumours and hearsay.  This page lists basic facts about the World. You may assume these to be correct, as they constitute basic knowledge gained by anyone who has grown up or lived there.

The Physical Environment

The Sun:

The Moon:

*The Triurne World's moon has roughly four times the diameter (16 times the area) of the Earth's moon.

The Sky, Weather and Seasons:

**A half cycle is essentially equivalent to a month.
This is similar to the usual colour of the sky on Earth.

Stars, Constellations and Planets:

Numbering, Time and the Calendar

The most commonly used Calendar is based on a 12/60 numbering system, in turn based on the observed motion of the Sun, as follows:
Contents last modified: Friday, 19 October 2004
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