Scientific Highlights and Links

I shall try shortly to describe my efforts in scientific field on this page.

Popular Scientific Articles

I write regularly popular scientific articles in latvian astronomy magazine "The Starry Sky" which is published in latvian, 4 times per year. When something interesting in astronomy & astronautics happens, I try to describe it in its pages.

Women In Space Shuttle Flights (winter 1996/97 issue)

Close-up at the main belt asteroid 253 Mathilde (autumn 1997)

Optical interferometry performs miracle (winter1997/98)

New reusable launch vehicles in USA (summer 1998)

Bachelor Theses

Spectroscopy of diatomic molecules in an external field: numerical simulation.

lead by prof., Dr.habil.phys., M. Auzinsh , 1996.


My Bachelor Theses presented the numerical simulation of laser induced fluorescence of molecules in an external magnetic field. As a model calculation the normal Zeeman effect was considered, when the analytical expressions for the degree of linear polarization are available. But the structure of the computer programme developed in these Bachelor Theses allows to modify it easily to perform calculations in nontrivial cases, when the analytical expressions for additional energy of magnetic sublevels in an external field are not available any more.

Several well known scientists (R. Ferber, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis) are working in this field and if you want to know something more about optical polarization of molecules then go to MOLPOL page.

Master Theses

Application of energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry in gemstone testing.

lead by prof., Dr.habil.phys., I. Tāle , 2002.


Main potentials, applying energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry for gemstone testing and analysis, are overviewed im master thesis. Attention is paid to both qualitative trace element analysis and diffraction effects in spectra, which can be observed for crystallic materials. A solution for discrimination sapphires from rubies has been proposed, and the presence of significant amounts of gallium oxide (Ga2O3)in the blue sapphires considered as the indication of natural origin. A reliable and fast identification diamond can be made by this method. Diffraction effects have been examined carefully, they were observed in energy dispersive spectra, providing additional information about tested gemstone, allowing to segregate crystallic forms from amorphous materials and providing the opportunity to determine some characteristic d-spacings in crustal lattices, helping to identify them correctly.


Very good site where you can get a lot information about chemical elements: Do you know that gallium (Ga) melts at 29 C, but what about toxic properties of thallium (Tl) ?

Start WebElements

Maris Gertans
Last modified: Feb 7, 2004