Michelle Greiver, M.D., C.C.F.P.
Family Physician
5460 Yonge street, Suite 212
Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6K7
Phone (416) 222-3011
Fax (416) 221-3097
Email  mgreiver@rogers.com

April 4th, 2009
Curriculum Vitae


M.D., University of Toronto, 1984
CCFP, 1999

Hospital Affiliations

Department of Family Medicine, North York Branson Hospital, 1985-2001
Department of Family Medicine, North York General Hospital, 1998 to present

Academic Affiliation

Lecturer, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, 2000 - 2004
Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, 2004-present

Member, the North Toronto Research Network (NorTReN), 2000 - present
Interim chair, NorTReN, 2005
Research Co-ordinator, NYGH department of Family and Community Medicine   2001 - present
Funded research scholar (40%), Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, 2002 - present


Member,  NYGH CME committee    1998-2004
Member, Branson Primary Care Committee   1999
Treasurer,  Branson Medical Staff Association     1995-2002
Secretary-Treasurer, NYGH  Medical Staff Association    2002 - 2008
Board Member (regional director, Metro Toronto), Ontario College of Family Physicians    2001-2004
Member, Executive committee, Department of Family and Community Medicine, NYGH  2002 - present
CMAJ editor's Readers Advisory Panel, member    2002 - 2006

Board member (clinician representative), North American Primary Care Research Group 2008

Contributing editor, Open Medicine 2007-present

Editorial Advisory Board, Technology for Doctors 2007-present

Peer leader, Peer to Peer network (Ontario region); Canada Health Infoway Electronic Medical Record initiative 2007


Facilitator, Branson Practice Based Small Group   1995-present
PBSG Phase I facilitator training    1994
PBSG Phase II facilitator training    1997
PBSG Module Writer training workshop   1999
PBSG ad-hoc group facilitator training 2001
Tutor, College of Family Physicians of Canada pre-CCFP examination course for practice-eligible candidates (Pearls CE)                  2000-2007
Facilitator, 5 weekend course in research, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto (with Dr. Yves Talbot and Dr. Sylvia Takeda), 2005
Starting part-time MSc at Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, September 2005

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals

Greiver M.  Scientific uncertainty in clinical practice: Screening mammography for women
younger than 50. Can Fam Physician 1998;44:1773-75  (Editorial)

Greiver M. Incorporating a rapid Group A streptococcus assay with the sore throat score.
Can Fam Physician 1999;45:1181-82  (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. Emergency contraception.  Can Fam Physician 1999;45:2063 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Reminders for preventive services.  Can Fam Physician 1999;45:2613-18
(Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Endometrial biopsy. Can Fam Physician 2000;46:308-9 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Deep vein thrombosis:  before and after. Can Fam Physician 2000;46:813-15
(Practice Tip)

Greiver M, Rosen N.   PSA screening: a view from the front lines . CMAJ 2000;162:789-90

Greiver M.  Treating sexually transmitted diseases: cooperating with a public health office helps.  Can Fam Physician 2000;46:1061-62 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.   Evidence Based Medicine in the Palm of Your Hand ; CMAJ 2001;164:250

Greiver M.   Build a simple Web site for your practice in less than an hour ; CMAJ 2001;164:860

Greiver M. Better safe than sorry: providing condoms in a family practice. Can Fam Physician 2001;47:1189 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. No stirrups? Can Fam Physician 2001;47:1979 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. The useful computer. Can Fam Physician 2001;47:2476-77 (Practice Tip)

Kahane S, Jackson-Thorne J, Greiver M. The Blue Book project. Can Fam Physician 2001;47:2529

Greiver M.  Putting the "Palm" into practice. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:43-44 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. Cognitive-behavioural therapy in a family practice. Can Fam Physician 2002;48:701-702 (Practice Tip)

Manis D, Greiver M.  Critical appraisal: New conjugated pneumococcal vaccine: does it decrease the incidence of acute otitis media? Can Fam Physican 2002;48:1777-79

Greiver M. Preventing hip fractures in the elderly. Can Fam Physician 2003; 49:430-31 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Preventing heart disease with ASA .  Can Fam Physician 2003;49:754-56 (Practice Tip)

 Greiver M. Colorectal cancer screening in my practice. Can Fam Physician 2004;50:555 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Website for your family practice. Can Fam Physician 2004;50:1367-68 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M, Drummond N, White D, Weshler J, Moineddin R.“Angina on the Palm”: randomised controlled pilot trial of Palm PDA software for referrals for cardiac testing. Can Fam Physician 2005;51:382-383

Greiver M. Clinical conundrum:   when should I discontinue anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation?  CMAJ 2005;172:1437

Wiebe E, Greiver M.  Using cognitive behavioural therapy in practice: qualitative study of family physicians' experiences.  Can Fam Physician 2005;51:992-93

Greiver M. Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation. Can Fam Physician 2005;51:1629 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. Chart audits in my practice.  Can Fam Physician 2006;52:451-52 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. E-mailing patients.  Can Fam Physician 2006;52:1074 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M.  Decision-making in primary care:  does screening for peripheral arterial disease improve risk stratification for patients at intermediate risk for coronary artery disease? Open Medicine, Vol 1, No 1 (2007)

Greiver M.  Screening and long term follow up of depression in my practice.  Can Fam Physician 2007;53:1445 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. Improving diabetes care in my practice.  Can Fam Physician 2007;53:1897 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. Kinder vaccinations for babies.  Can Fam Physician 2007;53;2116

Greiver M. Improving hypertension management in my practice.  Can Fam Physician 2008;54:358-59 (Practice Tip)

Greiver M. The electronic "pregnancy wheel". Canadian Family Physician 2009;55:169


Awards and Grants

Dr. R. H. Wilkinson Research Award, North York General Hospital  March 2000                    $500

Greiver M, Drummond N, White D.  Development of a program for hand-held computers to support the office-based management of chest pain.  Bales Foundation research grant.  January 23, 2001                       $5,000

College of Family Physicians of Canada Janus Research and Education Scholarship    July 2001        $2,500

North American Primary Care Research Group 2001  Pfizer Investigator-in-Practice Award       July 2001     US$10,000

Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto:  Award for Research Excellence 2001

Dr. E. W. Wight Memorial Scholarship        July 2002            $1,990

Wiebe E, Greiver M. Cognitive behavioural therapy training for family doctors.  Janus research grant, July 2002   $3,000

Wiebe E, Greiver M.  Cognitive behavioural therapy training for family doctors. Fast Family Foundation Fund   September 2002    $4,540

Greiver M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J.  Measuring quality improvements in preventive care services in the first two Family Health Networks in the GTA.  Primary Health Care Transition Fund, July 2004         $165,318

College of Family Physicians of Canada Janus Continuing Professional Develoment/Continuing Medical Education Scholarship: Post graduate studies on Health Policy and Research Methods at the University of Toronto    August 2005        $5,000

Greiver M, Barnsley J, Rachlis V, Kasperski J, Harvey B, Glazier R, Moineddin R. Effect of electronic medical records (EMRs) on the provision of preventive services in a Pay-for-Performance environment. Ontario MOHLTC, Health System Strategy Division. September 2007, $98,824

Marjory Murphy award, North York General Hospital. Factors affecting the adoption of EMRs in North York Primary Care: a Qualitative Study. March 2008, $500

A Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN)- a proof in principal pilot. Primary Investigators: Birtwhistle R, Rosser W. Co-investigators: Lambert-Lanning A, Grava-Gubins I, Drummond N, Godwin M, Greiver M, Lussier M-T, Manca D, Stewart M. Funding: Public Health Agency of Canada’s Enhanced Chronic Disease Surveillance Contribution Program of the Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Strategy Component: Sentinel Surveillance for Primary Care contributon: $465,775.00 / In-kind contributions: 298,410.00; local budget: $42,625 Duration:  Apr. 15, ’08 – Nov.15, 2008; Extention: Nov 2008 to March 31st 2010; Budget: $2,500,000; local budget: $155,787

Tu K, Glazier R, Jaakkimainen L, Greiver M. Development of an Electronic Medical Record primary care research database. On tario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. March 2008 $266,061

Practice Based Small Group Educational Modules

Evans M, Swanson G, Greiver M, Russek R, Papoushek C.  Type 2 Diabetes Updater; PBSG educational module. The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Dec 2000

Greiver M. Screening for prostate cancer; PBSG educational module.  The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Feb 2002

Greiver M, Wakefield J. Sexually transmitted infections: prevention and screening of  common STI's; PBSG educational module. The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Feb 2002

Greiver M.  New vaccines against meningococcus, pneumococcus, and varicella; PBSG educational module.  The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Volume 10(16):1-10, Dec 2002

Greiver M. Prevention: putting it into practice; PBSG educational module.  The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Vol 11 (14), Dec 2003

Greiver M. Atrial Fibrillation; PBSG educational module.  The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Vol 12 (12), November 2004

Greiver M.  Computers in the office and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs).  The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Vol 14 (12), November 2006

Greiver M, Gretton A. Insomnia. The Foundation for Medical Practice Education, Vol 16(5), May 2008

Other publications

Greiver M. Case Oriented Self Study: Chest pain. Clerkship curriculum handbook, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, 2001.

Greiver M.  CBT=Can Be Therapeutic: Using cognitive behavioural therapy in primary care .  ICES Informed, Volume 9, No 2, April 2003

Greiver M. Annual health exam:  charting a course for prevention.  Canadian Journal of Diagnosis, June 2005:69-71

Peer-reviewed Presentations, Posters

Greiver M. Reminders for preventive services ; Abstract presented at the College of Family  Physicians of Canada Family Medicine Forum 2000 Conference, Ottawa, October 20 2000

Greiver M, Drummond N, White D, Weshler J. Diagnosis and management of angina in primary care: a guideline programmed for the handheld computer. Abstract presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group conference, Halifax, October 15 2001

Greiver M, Drummond N, White D, Weshler J.  Angina on the Palm.  Abstract presented at the Family Medicine Forum  Conference, Montreal, November 2002

Greiver M, Drummond N, Haines J.  Incidence of suspected angina in two Toronto primary care practices.  Abstract presented at the NAPCRG conference, New Orleans, November 2002

Greiver M, Drummond N, White D, Weshler J. Angina on the Palm: Pilot RCT of a new PDA application for the diagnosis of suspected angina in primary care. Paper presented at the NAPCRG conference, Banff, November 2003

Greiver M, Wiebe E.  Family Physicians'experiences with implementing cognitive behavioural therapy in their practice.  Paper presented at the NAPCRG conference, Orlando, October 2004

Greiver M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J, Bowles S, Wagman M.  Quality of preventive services in the first two Family Health Networks in the Greater Toronto Area.  Paper presented at the 2005 Trillium Primary Care Research Forum, Toronto, June 10 2005

Greiver M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J, Barnsley J, Bowles S, Wagman M. Measuring quality improvements in preventive care in the first two Family Health Networks in Toronto.  Poster presented at the NAPCRG conference, Quebec, October 2005

Greiver M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J, Barnsley J, Bowles S, Wagman M.  Effect of financial incentives on the provision of preventive services in Toronto.  Paper presented at the NAPCRG conference, Tucson, October 2006

Greiver M, Barnsley J, Glazier R, Harvey B, Moineddin R, Moineddin M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J. Effect of Electronic Medical Records on the provision of preventive services in a Pay-for-Performance environment. Paper presented at the Trillium conference, Toronto, June 20 2008

RV Birtwhistle, A Lambert-Lanning, I Grava Gubins, D Manca, N Drummond, M Griever, M Stewart, M Godwin, M-T Lussier, W Rosser.Development of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN). Poster, Family Medicine Forum 2008, Toronto, November 2008

Greiver M, Barnsley J, Glazier R, Harvey B, Moineddin R, Moineddin M, Rachlis V, Kasperski J . Effect of electronic medical records (EMRs) on the provision of preventive services in a Pay-for-Performance environment: research in progress. Poster, NAPCRG, Puerto Rico, November 2008

Birtwhistle RV, Lambert-Lanning A, Grava Gubins I, Drummond N, Godwin M, Greiver M, Keshavjee K, Lagacé C, Lussier M-T, Manca D, Rosser W. A Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN): initial development and pilot study. Poster, NAPCRG, Puerto Rico, November 2008

Workshops, Presentations

Group Moderator, Canadian Medical Association's Public Dialogue on the Future of Health Care.  Delta Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, May 30 2001

Assessing chest pain in primary care.  Family Medicine Departmental Meeting, North York General Hospital, October 9, 2001

Using the PDA in practice.  Presentation given at the Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly Cyberdoc sessions, November 24, 2001

Prostate cancer screening (Con):  Debate with Dr. Fleschner.  NYGH family medicine rounds, November 2001

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Annual Clinical Update.  Facilitator for Ad-hoc Practice Based Small Groups, Stroke Emergency Treatment and Stroke, primary and secondary prevention.  Toronto Convention Centre, December 6 2001

Evidence based medicine in the Palm of your hand.  Presentation given with Dr. Marcie Kostenuik at the U of T DFCM Annual Undergraduate Education Workshop, October 2002

Cognitive behavioural therapy for family physicians, a Mainpro-C 5 hour workshop:
Vancouver, October 19 2002 (with Dr. Ellen Wiebe)
Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 15, 2002
North York General Hospital, December 6, 2002
NYGH Annual Family Medicine Clinic Day, January 18, 2003
Resident seminar, NYGH December 22, 2004
NYGH Annual Family Medicine Clinic Day, January 15, 2005

Angina on the Palm: a pilot RCT.  Centre for Research in Education Research rounds, Toronto General Hospital, January 20 2003

Putting Prevention into Practice.  Presentation given at the 5 Chiefs conference, Toronto, March 22, 2003

Integrating Research in Clinical Practice. Plenary presentation given at the annual University of Toronto Family Medicine Resident Project Day, June 11 2003

Angina on the Palm:  a Pilot RCT.  Presentation given at the Primary Care Research Unit, Sunnybrook hospital, September 19 2003

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:  Using cognitive behavioural techniques in a busy practice.  Plenary Presentation given at the Primary Care Today conference, Toronto, October 4, 2003

Using the PDA in practice, Beginner.  Presentation given with Dr. Marcie Kostenuik at the U of T DFCM Annual Undergraduate Education Workshop, November 7, 2003

Using the PDA in practice, Advanced.  Presentation given with Dr. Marcie Kostenuik at the U of T DFCM Annual Undergraduate Education Workshop, November 7, 2003

The Practical Preventive Health Exam.  Workshop given at the Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 21, 2003

Evidence-based Counselling.  Workshop given at the Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 22, 2003

Enhance Your Practice using a PDA: a Primer.  Workshop given at the U of T's DFCM Walter Rosser Academic Day. December 6, 2003

Getting to Know your PDA Better:  For those already using a PDA in practice.  Workshop given with Rita Vine at the U of T's DFCM Walter Rosser Academic Day, December 6, 2003

The PDA in Pediatrics.  Pediatrics rounds, North York General Hospital. January 19, 2004

Preventive health care.  Seminar for family medicine residents, North York General Hospital.  January 28, 2004

Preventive screening: how old is too old?  Family medicine rounds, North York General Hospital, February 3, 2004

Evidence-based Medicine in the Palm of your Hand.  Invited luncheon presentation, annual Assembly of the Association of Quebec Urologists.  November 13, 2004

New Preventive Health Guidelines for Your Elderly Patients.  Michelle Greiver and Gordon Riddle.  Invited workshop, Family Medicine Forum 2004 national conference, November 25 2004

Changes in Guidelines:  Annual Health Exam.  Invited plenary presentation, Family Medicine Forum 2004 national conference, November 26 2004

Cancer Screening in your practice.  Invited plenary presentation, Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 17 2005

Cyberdoc:  The useful computer.  Workshop, Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 19 2005

Preventive health.  Resident seminar, North York General Hospital.  December 14, 2005

Sharon Levy, Henny Rappaport, Michelle Greiver.  Choosing and implementing an Electronic Medical Record.  Presentation at the University of Toronto's Department of Family and Community Medicine's annual Walter Rosser Day, April 1st 2006

The Evidence-based check-up.  Plenary presentation, Toronto East General Hospital's Annual Clinic Day.  April 26 2006

Cognitive-behavioural therapy in your practice.  Seminar, Toronto East General Hospital's Annual Clinic Day.  April 26 2006

Preventive Health.  Resident seminar, North York General Hospital.  September 28, 2006

Measuring Quality Improvement in Preventive Services in the First Two FNs in the GTA.  Ontario College of Family Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, November 16 2006

Michelle Greiver, Sharon Levy, Henny Rappaport, Lisa Kwok.  Electronic Medical Records: the first year of implementation.  Presentation at the University of Toronto's Department of Family and Community Medicine's annual Walter Rosser Day, April 28 2007

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; a practical approach. Resident seminar, North York General Hospital. January 23 2008

Michelle Greiver, Stephen McLaren, Marily Williams. Electronic Medical Records: The first year of computerization. Seminar, Family Medicine Forum Conference, November 29 2008


Peer Reviewer, CMAJ    1998-present
Peer Reviewer, Can Fam Physician  1999-present
Reviewer, ICES Informed   1998-2006