The Gingery Power Hacksaw

Well here goes my first Gingery project. I was really getting tired of sore arms. A hand hacksaw is a marvelous tool, but too much of a good thing is really bad! I purchased both this book and the Gingery metal cutting band saw book form Lindsay's Books. Can't beat the price and shipping. After looking over the two, I decided the hacksaw to more within my realm of abilities and raw materials. I had a lot of scrape angle and square tubing donated by a freind. The motor and shafts where laying around. Basically the only parts I purchased were the sheeves (pulleys) and belts.


1. The base frame, not much to tell here, amazing how well those notches turned out to be just right in the end.

2. My daughter was the photographer for a while, she took this one while I drilled out one of the jack shaft frame's members.
3. Heres the front view of the motor and jack shafts.

4. And the rear view....
5. Here is some details on blade frame. I diverted from the Gingery design due to material. My design used square tubing for the top element with 2 pieces of 1/2" pipe welded into each end. The oil-lite bushings were insterted into the outside ends of the pipes.

Nice and sturdy but a bit on the heavy side. I find that I must hold on to the handle and releive a little of the downward pressure as I use the saw, at least with the blades I have now.

6. And here you have a side view of the completed hacksaw. I am currently using a purchased vise but I am seriously concidering building the one described in the book.
7. And a front view. I've done a lot of sawing with it since completing the saw. Still miss a band saw, but my arm feels a whole lot better!
