

No representation is to be implied here as to the legality of any put-in or takeout, nor with respect to other property rights, local ordinances, laws, or other restrictions that may pertain to the publicly or privately held areas described herein.  While I have included information on some places where I was aware of special concerns, it is ultimately up to each boater to check on and conform with all restrictions regarding accessing rivers.

You represent the entire boating community every time and every place you go. So as not to spoil things for everyone else, please use discretion and courtesy at all times, on both public and private lands. You can influence whether we are viewed as "an intolerable bunch of no-good bums, trespassing and trashing the place" or a welcome and interesting group of people who seek their thrills in an unusual way.

Ask for permission to park, put-in, takeout, scout, etc. whenever you may be on private lands, whenever and wherever feasible. Often, even if an area is posted against trespassing, you can get permission for boating if you take the time to explain your interest and presence. However, if you fail to do so, and are seen trespassing, you may not only find your trip spoiled, but you also make it that much less likely that someone who is conscientious will be allowed access when they ask.

Hazards may exist in addition to those described herein. All rivers are dynamic, ever-changing environments. Features which cause little or no concern at one water level may be of great concern with either more or less water. No written description, however thorough it may be, can possibly cover all potential concerns. Each boater (group of boaters) must ultimately assess the conditions and their abilities, and assume all attendant risks of the sport of river running. Under no circumstances shall the author(s) of the documents contained herein be liable for any harm which comes to anyone attempting to access the areas described herein.

Your additions, corrections, and comments regarding this manuscript, as well as contributions of descriptions of other rivers or sections you have run, which are not adequately described in existing river books (e.g. Whitewater, Quiet Water) and/or other media (web sites) would be greatly appreciated to further round out this "inventory". Please attempt to utilize a similar format to the descriptions herein.
For questions, constructive comments, additions, corrections, and concerns click here. (Will open a new window . . . close it to return here.)