My Brain Lyrics

My brain is workin' overtime,
I need something to ease my mind,
Cause as my thoughts go manic,
I really start to panic,
There's no place to hide behind,
I freak and then hallucinate,
Goin' last when I should wait,
My parents think I'm lazy,
But damn, I'm goin' crazy,
I can't help my mental state.

Oooh, la, la, he's trippin',
Shank, de, da, mental slippin',
Take these brains out of my way.

I work it to a frenzied clip,
I bite the corners of my lip,
I'm losing my apetite,
My pants don't even fit right,
Take away the night-glo bib,
Give me something for my hair,
Fresher pair of underwear,
'Cause, if I was ran over,
By a brand new range rover,
I just grip it, I don't care.

Oooh, la, la, he's trippin',
Shank, de, da, mental slippin',
Take these brains out of my way.

I tell the world to fu*k itself,
Cause who decides what's sick or health?
And all the people I see,
That's banking lots of benji,
Make me want to puke myself,
Start a brand new fashion trend,
Clothes off at the deeper end,
[It's sad I'm taking ?] no-doze,
[Add the pink ?] pantyhose,
[On your place ?] you'll fit right in.

Oooh, la, la, he's trippin',
Shank, de, da, mental slippin',
Take these brains out of my way.


My brain and I figured this much out.
I know the words inside []'s are probably wrong, but it's as close as I could come up with.