Walt Disney Lyrics

It's cold outside,
Sudden thoughts of suicide,
I've been in,
Suspended animation,
Just like Walt Disney.

My only love,
Asked for me to wait out there,
I waited,
Waited, but she didn't care,
Just like Walt Disney,
I'm just thawing out.

My fingertips and toes are frozen to the bone,
Give me your love before you throw me in the cold.

Ring, ring, ring,
Now I hear the phone singing,
Calling me,
Telling me to start freezing,
Just like Walt Disney,
I'm a block of ice.

My fingertips and toes are frozen to the bone,
Give me your love before you throw me in the cold,
Give me your love before you pick me up and,
Throw me 'cross the sea, why don't you please?
Just like Walt Disney.


Brilliant lyrics to a brilliant song. (kariya_02@hotmail.com)